The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Doosta...what'd you message me earlier? I couldnt hear it because I left my headset back at school, lol.

On another note, I don't see how yall play COD on standard def TVs. It's the worst. I've been trying to play on my cousin little 20" homie andI've completely given up on playing COD over the Christmas break because it sucks so bad, lol.
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by Jordan Freak 32

Marathon pro + Lightweight pro + Commando pro = ultimate lulz.

I got 18 straight kills using the knife.

It's soooo fun

I don't understand how people get any enjoyment playing this way and not use their customized primary weapons and unlock new camouflages for them.That's what this game is about. And it's not like it's that hard to knife only in this game. Those 3 perks + the tactical knife makes itridiculously easy to knife, especially in maps where there is more close combat. Try knifing only in COD4, now that takes skill.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by doosta45

who snipes in mw2? ive tried to, but i havent got used to it. i was a beast in cod4 with sniping in hardcore (one shot one kill everytime) i guess since it takes multiple shots to kill dudes, i aint feeling it that much.

I do. I have Mastered the Barrett 50 Cal and got the "title" for it, and am working on the WA2000. I find it to be fairly easy most of the time. I have the FMJ and Thermal for both. I'm sitting at 70, and going prestige I think is stupid, it's totally not even worth it to lose everything just for a "special" symbol.
I love sniping. Gotta say the thermal feature is a great addition.

Just miss the days when they gave you 2 claymores.
is the intervention the only bolt action?
i've been doing work with it but still no thermal. what do you have to do for a thermal scope?
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

^ I don't care which one takes more skill. Whatever gets me more kills is the one I'm gonna use
. I don't agree that the AC130 is better when people are inside though.

If you had the skill... that would transfer to more kills. AC lets you cycle through 10 different missiles and doesn't get shot down as quick.

Stop it man, just stop.

AC130 vs Chopper Gunner
Ford Truck vs Ford Mustang

One is more powerful and the other has speed. At the end of the day I am crossing the finishline BEFORE the Ford Truck. In my eyes its kind of hard to comparethe two just like you cant compare trucks to cars. They are both air strikes but the mechanics are totally different. The CG has 360 rotatation, can hoverlower/higher at a different angle, and has a faster fire rate. The AC130 is power full but it has one direction, and you have to rotate through 3 differentmodes, 1 mode is so magnified you barely can see people. When you battling agains teammates trying to get kills, enemies running into buildings, and enemiestrying to shoot you down....the AC130 does not cut it at all.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

^ I don't care which one takes more skill. Whatever gets me more kills is the one I'm gonna use
. I don't agree that the AC130 is better when people are inside though.

If you had the skill... that would transfer to more kills. AC lets you cycle through 10 different missiles and doesn't get shot down as quick.

Stop it man, just stop.

AC130 vs Chopper Gunner
Ford Truck vs Ford Mustang

One is more powerful and the other has speed. At the end of the day I am crossing the finishline BEFORE the Ford Truck. In my eyes its kind of hard to compare the two just like you cant compare trucks to cars. They are both air strikes but the mechanics are totally different. The CG has 360 rotatation, can hover lower/higher at a different angle, and has a faster fire rate. The AC130 is power full but it has one direction, and you have to rotate through 3 different modes, 1 mode is so magnified you barely can see people. When you battling agains teammates trying to get kills, enemies running into buildings, and enemies trying to shoot you down....the AC130 does not cut it at all.

-The Juice
but you still loose cause you driving a Ford
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by doosta45

who snipes in mw2? ive tried to, but i havent got used to it. i was a beast in cod4 with sniping in hardcore (one shot one kill everytime) i guess since it takes multiple shots to kill dudes, i aint feeling it that much.

I do. I have Mastered the Barrett 50 Cal and got the "title" for it, and am working on the WA2000. I find it to be fairly easy most of the time. I have the FMJ and Thermal for both. I'm sitting at 70, and going prestige I think is stupid, it's totally not even worth it to lose everything just for a "special" symbol.
I love sniping. Gotta say the thermal feature is a great addition.

Just miss the days when they gave you 2 claymores.
is the intervention the only bolt action?
i've been doing work with it but still no thermal. what do you have to do for a thermal scope?
I think you have to get 20 kills with the scope or silencer.
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

28 game win streak messin with hardcore search

I just woke up from that. We would have had a larger streak if westarted earlier because we were all gettin tired near the end.
its much easier to get one than I thought. Camp to get 7 kills and boom Nuke with the Harrier, Chopper gunner and nuke
TDM is like punching babies now.
All the christmas noobs make it too easy.
I had back to back 40+ kills games with single digit deaths.
They get raped by CG cuz they aint got cold blooded and stingers.
Too easy...but its all i can stand to play without a mic besides domination
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

its much easier to get one than I thought. Camp to get 7 kills and boom Nuke with the Harrier, Chopper gunner and nuke
you got a nuke fam? i got to try the harrier, chopper, to nuke. i can get the harrier easy playing ffa. i went 16-0 a few times last night beforei ran out of bullets on my scarh and got caught from behind.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

To me the whole point of prestiging is to keep replay value high.

Itd be boring to just stay at a level 70, half the fun is unlocking guns.

My first time through I didn't use the famas, the FAL, or the M16, now thats all I use.
You don't have to prestige to keep going. Just try to unlock EVERYTHING, that's what's keeping me going.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

Almost got another nuke, my score was 26-1, and it didn't give me one. Guessing I went on a 24-streak

either it was that or you killed yourself happened to me once I was so
beacause i killed like 27 people in total
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