The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

I think in this game ppl. tend to camp more because they want to get the killstreaks ie; ac130, chopper gunner & nuke.
Originally Posted by JN115

I think in this game ppl. tend to camp more because they want to get the killstreaks ie; ac130, chopper gunner & nuke.

That's definitely one of the biggest influences on camping. I usually move around a lot, but usually when I get close to calling in Harriers I find myselfplaying ultra conservative because I know if no one shoots the last one down it's practically an automatic CG/AC130.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Anyone use SitRep? I'm tryna get SitRep Pro. It makes you & your teammates footsteps silent to you, and enemy footsteps 4x as loud. So basically every footstep you hear is an enemy. I'm currently at 41/120 enemy claymore/C4/Tactical Insertion destructions to get the Pro version.
ive been using siterep, and said eff it. same thing with fmj. i played like 5 maps and going got 4/40 on the challenges for the scar
whats the point of the fmj? be able to shoot through walls and what not?

yo you trying to boost to get that site rep? hit me up gt=doosta45

i already thought about the easiest way to get it all u need is one man army pro
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by sole vintage

i noticed if you lock on longer with the stinger you can take out a AC-130 with one hit and chopper gunner i have done it two nights in a row
Can anyone else confirm??

This would be awesome.
I can confirm that locking on for longer periods of time will blow up MOST aircraft in one shot rather than miss because of flares. Ive been doingthis for a while and no killstreak is safe
EVERYTHING comes down
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]i miss the m40a3 + acog[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]acog on majority of weapons = easier headshots[/color]
Forreal they need to make a new map in Virginia in the neighborhood with all the houses and restaurants, cant believe they left that out
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

Originally Posted by Twistedb9

ur a douche for camping...i despise ur kind

is it really that serious?.. I camp every now & then just to irk ppl.. its really the opposing players stupidity that gets them killed (sometimes 3times from the same spot)...

going prone in the grass (playing dead) + CB pro + Ninja pro FTW
honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify abuilding and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking emoff one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.
scavenger + claymores

just lay them down in a building and sit there with akimbo model's and its a wrap

just sit there lmao
So this is what its come to. We are giving away Camping tips in here now.

I absolutely hate campers. Like does it really take any skill to sit in the back corner of a building while you have claymores leading up to the building yourin (scavenger so you can reup your claymores) and akimbo models just incase someone happens to get by your maze of claymores at the front door. #@+! it so gay.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by illmatic34

So I've finally accepted the fact it is much easier to get kills by camping. I've been running around like Usain Bolt and getting killed left and right. I started moving around less and now I've gotten more kills. I played some nuke boosters was cool 'cause I got second place but I was a little mad.
this be having me hot. ill have the top kills, ill stop paying attention then next thing i know they dropping a nuke. game over i went 23-4 with the next person in their teens in kills. then with the dude that was boosting with the 32 kills.

on most maps i figured out where they hide at, but its the larger ones wheres its a little difficult. never check the score and by the time you do it's too late.

This is the worst.........

Im thinking sweet the guy ahead of me is only a couple kills.... 3 minutes later I check the stats and I see 28-0 and another 1-24

then the Nuke timer starts

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

So this is what its come to. We are giving away Camping tips in here now.

I absolutely hate campers. Like does it really take any skill to sit in the back corner of a building while you have claymores leading up to the building your in (scavenger so you can reup your claymores) and akimbo models just incase someone happens to get by your maze of claymores at the front door. #@+! it so gay.
Damn son, if the %%@%# is gonna be at the same exact spot after he kills you, just go about killing him in another way.

Fire a rocket in there or something.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

So this is what its come to. We are giving away Camping tips in here now.

I absolutely hate campers. Like does it really take any skill to sit in the back corner of a building while you have claymores leading up to the building your in (scavenger so you can reup your claymores) and akimbo models just incase someone happens to get by your maze of claymores at the front door. #@+! it so gay.
Damn son, if the %%@%# is gonna be at the same exact spot after he kills you, just go about killing him in another way.

Fire a rocket in there or something.
Nah im good, I can get the kills its not a problem. It was more so a question to guys who do camp that hard. Is the game really entertaining whenyou do all that so that you rarely ever have any type of face to face confrontations during a match.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

So this is what its come to. We are giving away Camping tips in here now.

I absolutely hate campers. Like does it really take any skill to sit in the back corner of a building while you have claymores leading up to the building your in (scavenger so you can reup your claymores) and akimbo models just incase someone happens to get by your maze of claymores at the front door. !+$* it so gay.

Another brilliant idea by Infinity Ward. I guess they just couldn't let themselves make a great game without adding 3 or 4 things that are so annoying theymake you want to stop playing the game:

1. Akimbo 1887s
2. Scavenger claymores/noob tube
3. Marathon pro + Lightweight pro + Commando pro + tactical knife + care package grenade
4. The fact that you get killed by 2 bullets

They need to reduce the range of commando. I'm sorry, but in a first person SHOOTER, it shouldn't pay off to actually run around the map and knifeonly.. In COD4 the knife was a last resort, like if you were about to reload and an enemy came at you. In this game, on some maps it's actually a goodstrategy to knife only. I mean WTH? Is this a shooting game or what?? !#$*%!$ ridiculous.

Also, scavenger claymores and noob tubes need to be limited to two only, so that you can only refill your claymore and noob tube twice. Especially claymores.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.

Yes it is camping, not playing defensively, numb nuts. Obviously you have a deficiency in actually searching for kills. Might as well just give up your leftthumbstick if that's all you do.

It's not even necessary to team up against suckers like you. I once ran through a building, destroyed the claymore, guy still didn't figure it out andI took my time shooting him in the head. Another time I found a tactical insertion, and rather than destroying it, I shot him and walked out three consecutivetimes before destroying his tactical insertion. So who's the stupid one here?

If all you do is camp and have less than a 5.0 k/d with 4000+ kills, then you really suck.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

So this is what its come to. We are giving away Camping tips in here now.

I absolutely hate campers. Like does it really take any skill to sit in the back corner of a building while you have claymores leading up to the building your in (scavenger so you can reup your claymores) and akimbo models just incase someone happens to get by your maze of claymores at the front door. !+$* it so gay.

Another brilliant idea by Infinity Ward. I guess they just couldn't let themselves make a great game without adding 3 or 4 things that are so annoying they make you want to stop playing the game:

1. Akimbo 1887s
2. Scavenger claymores/noob tube
3. Marathon pro + Lightweight pro + Commando pro + tactical knife + care package grenade
4. The fact that you get killed by 2 bullets

They need to reduce the range of commando. I'm sorry, but in a first person SHOOTER, it shouldn't pay off to actually run around the map and knife only.. In COD4 the knife was a last resort, like if you were about to reload and an enemy came at you. In this game, on some maps it's actually a good strategy to knife only. I mean WTH? Is this a shooting game or what?? !#$*%!$ ridiculous.

Also, scavenger claymores and noob tubes need to be limited to two only, so that you can only refill your claymore and noob tube twice. Especially claymores.

I agree. The knife has wayy too much power in the game

COD4 had a perfect balance, now one must really on the knife and ishhs
Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.
i did this in skidrow in that building in the back by A. setup a claymore by the steps and was basically picking dudes off. i came down acouple times to resupply (scavenger pro) and to steal this dudes pavelow
i got a pedrator and harrier, got shot. then got another predrator. so i had 2back to back predrators with a harrier at my disposal. i did the samething in favela in that construction building. set up claymores on both entrances. andbasically just picked off dudes. went 30-8 in ffa
What it is is that IW gave players way too much by letting them have way too many weapons and equipment. MW2 shoulda been more like COD4 where you get tochoose one weapon/equipment or the other. How can a player create a class that has claymores/c4/frags/semtex, a grenade launcher attached to an assault riffle,and an rpg/stinger/missle...
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by nick0lis

honestly, ive learned that playing defensively (some may call it camping) is the best strategy for this game. its not like i camp in a corner, i fortify a building and plant claymores and shoot dudes through the windows. people are too stupid to team up and come get me at the same time so i just keep picking em off one by one. im just playing off others' weaknesses thats all.
i did this in skidrow in that building in the back by A. setup a claymore by the steps and was basically picking dudes off. i came down a couple times to resupply (scavenger pro) and to steal this dudes pavelow
i got a pedrator and harrier, got shot. then got another predrator. so i had 2 back to back predrators with a harrier at my disposal. i did the samething in favela in that construction building. set up claymores on both entrances. and basically just picked off dudes. went 30-8 in ffa
And yet you think you nice.

And the guys you were playing with were terrible if they couldnt get at you in that building.
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