The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Sighfur

The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
real talk I NEVER use my mic. I seriously do not feel like hearing 14 year olds scream, and spew ignorance. I swear 1 out of 3 games I can hear little kids screams through the TV speakers. What is it with guys under the age of 20 acting like ******s? And not only that, I'm black, so being called a n_____ is unnecessary.

-The Juice
My screenname is BARACK ODRAMA X. every game i get called a N.
The time me you and Sherlock went ham on those white guys had me in tears
So, I just prestiged this morning, im on my first. Any tips on what class I should use? I got my custom slots, but all the guns are terrible.

I usually have my sights on an ememy first, and my aim is good, but the fact that my guns are so weak, they end up killing me.

Any suggestions on how I can stay positive consistently, while still in the early stage of my prestige?
I went 17 and 6 my first match after prestige, but then I dropped down to like 8 and 8, then 10 and 12. Im using the First Recon class.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

10 Piece Nuggets wrote:
Whats your k/d?
Mines currently at 1.93
Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.
Mines 2.32. One dude who I think is from NT has a 2.70 something, I'm trying to catch up to him.

U mean dunksrnice? if not dude is beast ranked top 50 overall
Cronicmolemolereturns wrote:
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Whats your k/d?
Mines currently at 1.93
Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.
Mines 2.32. One dude who I think is from NT has a 2.70 something, I'm trying to catch up to him.
U mean dunksrnice? if not dude is beast ranked top 50 overall

Nah someone else.

That video was pretty good. Boosters is the main reason why I stopped playing FFA. I think I might go on today and just hunt down these boosters.
Originally Posted by NICKLE DIME BAY

Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by proper english

Cold Blooded Pro + lying prone/"playing dead".. ya'll ever try this? 
 dudes get so heated 
Gonna do this today.
I tried doin this when i first got it and it doesnt work, the auto-aim kills it.
i've been doing this for weeks now w/ much success (upped my KD from 1.07 to 1.40).. lying completely still doesn't attract auto aim.. but yea, you'll have dudes in S&D matches screaming  if done right 
is it still considered camping if im sitting out in the open? 
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Dudes wilin out today early...

Dudes got a tolerance lesson in the middle of the game
That #!!+ was comedy.. Dudes name was Bisekual, talkin' bout he hasnt told his moms because he likes living in the house.. And he likes getting vagina from time to time.
I always wanted to put together a little montage of me stopping boosters but I don't have a capture card.
This game is completely done. Boosters and Gltichers everywhere. Top 10 let down of '09. Can't even have fun anymore. Single Player mode was
I wanted to get all of the titles, but there is one for 256 miles using lightweight. That is a joke. Took me so long to get to 100. Also, 750 devices shot using sitrep seems like way too much.

At least the gun ones let you keep your stats when you prestige...

Every game I play in lately, it seems as if there are endless care packages. Nice job IW.
man using the one man army exploit is just harlaious

playing hardcore head quarters pro and + danger close + one man army =
especially on rust
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