The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

people play with us!
Sabotage is CRACK. Been playing it awhile now and it is so much fun. But it requires a good, communicating team because some people do not know how to play. Anybody else play this?
if so send me a request GT:distinct101
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

Playing objective games with people you dont know is just horrible.

Man, %#+% the objective modes. Noone ever goes after the objective, all they try to do is boost their K/D ratio, spawn trap, etc..

TDM is where it's at, the most fair mode, where your objective is directly intertwined with your K/D ratio, unlike the objective modes where K/D boosters exploit the people who are actually going after the objective/the way the mode is supposed to be played.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

Playing objective games with people you dont know is just horrible.

Man, %#+% the objective modes. Noone ever goes after the objective, all they try to do is boost their K/D ratio, spawn trap, etc..

TDM is where it's at, the most fair mode, where your objective is directly intertwined with your K/D ratio, unlike the objective modes where K/D boosters exploit the people who are actually going after the objective/the way the mode is supposed to be played.

indeed, kimosabi...

i hate playin headquarters w/ cats...

i look up, and they'll be 45-12...

but we win 200 to 10... smh...
I finally prestiged last night. Then i went to sleep. I will see how i feel about my decision when i play tonight. I was having mad fun with the RPG w/scavenger
My PSN is ATCQ420. I usually play with a few friends we all are pretty good. My one friend in particular is on his like 9th prestige. His stats are pathetic lol.
having no nuke equipped...

and this was earlier today just using the one man army exploit

[h1]First Modern Warfare 2 DLC hitting XBL this month

2 hour ago - 7:20 PM on 03.09.2010   |   Jordan Devore



#Call of Duty#DLC#Infinity Ward#PC#PS3#Xbox 360

It feels like only yesterday Infinity Ward was talking up the mysterious first Modern Warfare 2 downloadable map pa--oh, that totally was yesterday. Huh, that was quick! The marketing division has created an informative site about "mapathy," an all-too-real medical condition affecting millions of gamers.

They say the cure is coming to Xbox LIVE on March 30, which would mean an April release for PlayStation 3 and PC since Microsoft acquired a full month of exclusivity for the add-on. The real question, at least in my mind, is whether or not we'll see video/pictures of the maps during GDC.

Either way, the wait shouldn't be too painful. As wrapped up in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as I am, I wouldn't mind getting back into Modern Warfare 2, if only to play new content from time to time.

from destructoid
Hit me up if u play hardcore nh I usually got ppl down to play

GT- B00Gi3 D0WN (those are zeroes)
So my boy picked up one of those Data Transfer Kits, he wants to do that Gamertag change on MW2. Is that illegal content on XBL though? Could his account be banned or anything?
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