The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by derrty6232

^For real, I thought only scrambler pro delays a claymore explosion, but marathon + light weight work just as well.
I'mover marathon+lightweight flying by my claymores. I've accepted that.However now it seems any joe schmoe is getting by. Whenever someonegets by one of my claymores and kills me I always watch to see theirloadout and its not even dudes running by, the isht is just not killinpeople. All I get for my troubles is the Spy Games accolade
Forinstance, this morning I was playing domination in Skid Row and my teamis gettin busy. We got B locked down. I'm in the stairs by B watchingthe window and for anyone coming up the stairs. I plant a claymore inthe stairs, get a kill in the hallway and pick up another claymore withscavenger. Plant that one in the stairs too. A guy WALKS, not runs butWALKS up the stairs, both claymores go off. He survives and knifes me-_-
you do what i do and use oma danger close plant a claymore switch tothe same set up excpet instead of claymore use a c4 and a claymore c4combo EXPLODES
Ha nice, but that's doing too much for me. I just want isht to work properly.
i use it as more of an alarm than anything
Yeahthat's a good thing about it but sometimes when you're close there'snot enough time to react. I rather get my damn kill. Tired of peoplediddy boppin through the back door on Highrise

Co-sign. I had even accepted that Marathon+Lightweight people could runthrough them but recently people don't even have to use those perks andthey can get through.
Word. I do feel like its a recent thing. Today was ridiculous. My 50% estimate may have been generous, cause them joints were useless to me today. I wonder if its something to do with my connection or something.
Claymores work best if you place them where people cant set easily setthem off on purpose, at a door place them to the side angled inward, onsteps place them at head level, by ladders place them far enough awayto only go off when they get off the ladder, even then knifers canstill run through them if they dont hesitate, so plant them closeenough to hear the click as an early warning.

I have no problem hiding/masking my claymores. I've gotten really good at positioning them in spots where people won't expect. They just aren't doing their job.

just place 2 claymores

See my first reply
lets say u have oma and you switch to class with danger close pro before u use your chopper gunner will the DC Pro affect or will it be on the previous perk
I swear im addicted to running around with the spas-12 now. 1 shot kills every time within range.
Originally Posted by eleet1

I swear im addicted to running around with the spas-12 now. 1 shot kills every time within range.
Man, I haven't touched the spas12 in a long minute.  It used to be the ONLY gun I would use.  My entire mindset and the way I play is different when I use the spas12.  Like I would avoid gun fights and sneak around to hit my enemies from the back(pause).  Then that got kinda boring so I moved onto other guns.
I've gotten pretty good at jumping over claymores.

One duke was holed up in a house on Favela and I jumped through the doorway and Rambo knifed him, dude was heated when he watched the kill cam.
to kill marathon+lightweight guys with claymores just place them backwards. Instead of facing the doorway/hallway/opening place them so they face out into the area the guy will be running into and really close to the wall the entrance is on. This normally works for me, however, they do get by them sometimes. That's when you need to get Oscar Mike and camp with the SPAS-12. My best ASCII diagrams of what I mean.


....[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]/\

That's true, but they can do that either way if they are far enough. I normally camp where they can't see me unless they come inside anyway.
Does anyone know how to make Attack Helicopters better?! Does it have to do with how well you're doing or something? I think I called in 6 yesterday and got 3 kills in total wtFUUU is with that. It's making me not even want to use them anymore but I want the emblem.
attack heli's dont do anything, they just spin around 3 and the most you can get is 3-5 kills from the 3 top players on the enemy side, now the pave low is a diffrent story, they shoot at anything even indoors, and they circle about 3x around the map but they shoot at every target going by
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

at complaining about $15 for a few maps, but yet dropping $200+ on Jordans. But in other news, I've been getting better as of late. Run with NT, guaranteed lulz


$##+ is too fun playin with NT cats

Last night we went in

You gotta throw down your claymore at a 45 degree angle.
And the Attack Heli is doo doo.
I only used it in FFA when i was trying to get the "O.G." title.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

RavageBX wrote:

badjustin wrote:

Heartbeat sensor is the $@?!.

.....but it really is on i noob for this statement?

I don't know if you're a noob, but you certainly are playing with enough noobs who don't use ninja for you to think that the heartbeat sensor is good.

Im not a noob but since my turtle beach broke, i can barely hear footsteps so i mess with the heartbeat a couple of times and it did me wonders.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by eleet1

I swear im addicted to running around with the spas-12 now. 1 shot kills every time within range.
Man, I haven't touched the spas12 in a long minute.  It used to be the ONLY gun I would use.  My entire mindset and the way I play is different when I use the spas12.  Like I would avoid gun fights and sneak around to hit my enemies from the back(pause).  Then that got kinda boring so I moved onto other guns.

Yeah thats why i rock the famas for the gun fights and long shots but when im able to flank them or when i go through cqc areas i switch to the spas and do work.

On another note i played against some of you NT cats last night.  I like how everyone dashboarded when someone got the nuke
.  I was gonna run with you guys but i didnt have my mic connected so i just dipped out.  I cant use my mic at night during the week since i dont wanna wake up my wife an kid.  But on the weekends i run with the mic.
^ switch it up.. play some gamemodes you usually dont play.. also try switching up your killstreak
^Yeah before i only used to play demolition and it got a little boring but since i prestiged and got some turtle beaches ive been playing more TDM, HCTDM, and Domination.
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