The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Unless you plan on getting Most Flag Captures + Most kills as flag carrier + Immortal. I did that once with the UMP
I was having a great time
Originally Posted by eleet1

Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by eleet1

I swear im addicted to running around with the spas-12 now. 1 shot kills every time within range.
Man, I haven't touched the spas12 in a long minute.  It used to be the ONLY gun I would use.  My entire mindset and the way I play is different when I use the spas12.  Like I would avoid gun fights and sneak around to hit my enemies from the back(pause).  Then that got kinda boring so I moved onto other guns.

Yeah thats why i rock the famas for the gun fights and long shots but when im able to flank them or when i go through cqc areas i switch to the spas and do work.

On another note i played against some of you NT cats last night.  I like how everyone dashboarded when someone got the nuke
  I was gonna run with you guys but i didnt have my mic connected so i just dipped out.  I cant use my mic at night during the week since i dont wanna wake up my wife an kid.  But on the weekends i run with the mic.

Ducktales, you can't prove it. 
yeah, we were like %@!@ that nuke. 

Get at us when you got a Mic, though. We don't usually play with dudes who can't speak during the game. 
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by eleet1

 On another note i played against some of you NT cats last night.  I like how everyone dashboarded when someone got the nuke
  I was gonna run with you guys but i didnt have my mic connected so i just dipped out.  I cant use my mic at night during the week since i dont wanna wake up my wife an kid.  But on the weekends i run with the mic.

Ducktales, you can't prove it. 
yeah, we were like %@!@ that nuke. 

Get at us when you got a Mic, though. We don't usually play with dudes who can't speak during the game. 

It was funny when i got into that match i saw your clan tags an was like
.  Hella random that i played against yall.  But yeah ill get at you this weekend when i run with my mic on.
Originally Posted by cberr

is this game gettin mad boring to anyone else? ive gone back to cod4
Same here

the competition on COD4 is way more intense because only some hardcore fans are on but then again... a lot of noobs are on

FFA is still dope on COD4
COD4 is so simple. UAV, Airstrike, Chopper. That's it.

Too many hackers/modders on MW2 thinking they good because they cheated to lvl 10 prestige, made their gamertag look special with rainbow colors, and modded to get those rotating emblems. Please.
I've ghosted from MW2 for far too long. I'm going to play with you dudes tomorrow (or actually tonight) night.

SucculentSteak and I do use a mic.
I was going crazy with the spas-12 last night. Put it on my running class and was staught murking dudes. I think i got like 75 kills with it last night
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Game is garbage but Sabotage is the ***@.

The XP you get is ridiculous.

Yeah, you get crazy XP if the match goes the entire way. I've played Sabotage matches where it didn't even pass 1 min and we won.
& Double XP weekend coming up means I'll probably prestige.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Game is garbage but Sabotage is the ***@.

The XP you get is ridiculous.

Yeah, you get crazy XP if the match goes the entire way. I've played Sabotage matches where it didn't even pass 1 min and we won.
& Double XP weekend coming up means I'll probably prestige.
i said i wasnt going to...
but like 20 mins after i hit 70.....i did

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