The Official Flightposite 2014 Thread Vol. Carbons, H20, Possible Coppers

They're doing anything to get rid of those surplus materials leftover from the unzipped FP..
wait for them to hit super clearance. dudes don't mess with clogposites for sure.

I hope you're right, this is a new day and age in the sneaker game, anything is possible, always wanted a pair of these

there are always people that will go hard for any new release. if you REALLY want them then just buy from and save your receipt. if you find them on sale then return the nike pair.
^ by the time I might find the discounted pair, enough time prolly passed where I cant make a return, depends on retail, if these are $150 and lower than they will sell great I think, think of new cats, old cats, resellers capitalizing off new cats and old cats, game aint the same bigj
^ by the time I might find the discounted pair, enough time prolly passed where I cant make a return, depends on retail, if these are $150 and lower than they will sell great I think, think of new cats, old cats, resellers capitalizing off new cats and old cats, game aint the same bigj

You should take a peak at nikes return policy
Too bad those are clogposites... I'd love to see that colorway in the actual flightposite. Even if it were the bastardized 2014 version. I can't believe I just said that!
what's the deal with these? were they ever released? Was doing something random on google and these popped up. Needless to say, I'm intrigued
they were prob cancelled due to poor unzipper sales
They should be cancelled because its just a wack colorway!
Nike should just release the TB colorways!
but that's the kinda cw that's selling out these days
i'm not buying it but it seems like pink anything is the selling color
Actually I believe that CW dropped. That and its green counterpart. Both went on sale pretty fast.

Really? I've only seen the first 3 FP Exposed around my way. Haven't seen the pink ones in stores. The FP Exposed would look slightly better if it didn't have that fruit roll up looking shell on the medial and lateral sides.
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