* The Official Jay-Z: Blueprint 3 Post [3rd single: Empire State Of Mind]

Originally Posted by RED FLAG

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Hmmmm, Cudi record on the album gonna make this thread jump 15 pages with "
Kid Cudi joint is best on the album

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by back1ntheday

for real, great artists should be held to the highest standards. jays been sacrificing the music, the things that make him a great artist, and for what? if he wants to be number one on everybody's list he cant be making music just to stay relevant or cater his music to appeal to a broader audience, which is what he seems to be doing. that might seem like a contradiction, but the way i see it, if you're a rapper, be a rapper, don't try to be some pop star. you want to be number one, bring back the energy, the lyricism, the type of raps that make you rewind a track and say "what the $$++ did he just say?!?!?!?!??!?!?". its been a while since that's happened with jay. think of the great artists in other genre's, they don't sacrifice the music, because the music is whats most important. there's no doubt jay can still do that, and damn, if he needs to start writing again do that, i mean the last time he did that was can i live, arguably the greatest jay-z joint of all time.

but realistically though, if jay even comes with a few tracks that leave me feeling like i just listened to the black album for the first time, you wont hear me complaining much.
.....He Off That

at some of yal bein so disppointed. This may sound a lil ignorant but please SOMEBODY ANYBODY.....TELL ME WAT YAL EXPECT/WANT FROM JAY AT THIS STAGE IN HIS CAREER? I MUST KNOW.
dont make me have to give this its own thread.........
Great question....however those posing the "great expectations" will never answer. But I would assume sadly they want the same sound/vibe of reasonable doubt along with the same flow.....people with these type of expectations want to hear the same thing and never see the genre progress. The expect the old sound and for some amazing reason are shocked when they do not get it that they do not appreciate good new music and are ignorantly disappointed. Its really sad...
I hope people dont expect RD forreal? I mean LET ME KNOW PEOPLE!!

I can't speak for everyone, but I don't expect RD to be repeated. Hell, I don't expect BP to be repeated, but when you name an album the same nameas one of your classics, expectations hit an all-time high. I can mess with 'Off That' even though it's not the greatest; it should be track keptfor Drake; Reminder lyrically is nice, but the hook is an absolute hot mess. If the lyrics for 'Reminder' were over the D.O.A. beat, the complaintswould be at a minimal level. How hot would that be?

Hov is 40-@*+, but he wasn't too old for AG's theme (regardless of being a concept album, he was spitting about coke, etc.) nor was he too old forThreats. He wasn't too old to talk about strip clubs. He's been old and he's been rich; it didn't just start this year. Like I said before, hewas rich when BP came out and he was old then too ...

Don't rap about your hate for auto-tune. Don't be boring (KC). Just bring it lyrically and from a production stand point. He's missing the boat onthese things. Either a track is very lyrical and lacks in production or lacks in lyrics but nice in production. Jay is trying to do WAY too much with themusic. Either he's being lazy or he's over thinking it. I think he tries to do hip-hop like we've never heard it before, but that doesn'talways mean that different equals nice. When did he stop annihalating beats and destroying the game lyrically? And maybe, he needs to go back to writing hismusic down. He's just not in a zone right now; I feel like he's phoning it in on some of the music.

Last time I heard Jay music before the album dropped and was excited, was TBA. Hell, he threw @*+ in a frenzy before BP2 dropped with the freestyles and leaks.Look at S. Carter mixtape before TBA, dude was killing it! I tell you what, if this album is a failure, he WILL drop one more then retire, IMO.
Why is there SO much hate on "Off that"??

where ya'll expecting something godly?? it's not as memorable as "run this town" or "D.O.A." but it's not a terrible track.certainly not enough to stray me away from the album
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Listening to The Lost Tapes....ya'll have fun with this hype machine.
exactly... i'm sitting here bumping Stillmatic Intro while these dudes try to cope with another subpar Jay album
You guys are so cool. I wish I had some Nas to listen to.
Sorry but this is quite absurd...there is nothing wrong with high standards but when your standards are not reasonable (as is the case here) then your opinion doesn't matter.
....He Off That

at some of yal bein so disppointed. This may sound a lil ignorant but please SOMEBODY ANYBODY.....TELL ME WAT YAL EXPECT/WANT FROM JAY AT THIS STAGE IN HIS CAREER? I MUST KNOW.
dont make me have to give this its own thread.........
Great question....however those posing the "great expectations" will never answer. But I would assume sadly they want the same sound/vibe of reasonable doubt along with the same flow.....people with these type of expectations want to hear the same thing and never see the genre progress. The expect the old sound and for some amazing reason are shocked when they do not get it that they do not appreciate good new music and are ignorantly disappointed. Its really sad...

i don't know how much of this was directed at me, some , maybe all, cause honestly i think y'all are missing the points i was trying tomake. reasonable doubt was different from blueprint which was different from the black album, but even with that said, they were all great/classic in their ownway, their own sound/vibe as you put it. but what stayed stayed the same throughout was the consistent lyricism, rarely was it as watered down, like i wassaying he's sacrificing the lyrics - that aint gonna push forward any genre. you know when you listen to a trackand go "that's the one" or "that's it right there", because everything is there. that's what i was getting at with the blackalbum reference, i wasn't talking about it literally (like i wish jay would come with a black album pt 2 orsomething, not that at all), i meant that when i heard that joint for the first time it blew my mind. i could say that for 50 albums i've heard fromall different types of music. and as far as rap is concerned - its not a particular sound or vibe, its a combination of the beat matching the rhymes, theenergy matching the beat, and everything vice-versa. its not even a particular subject matter or anything that im looking for, i mean hell, the clipsebasically just talk about coke in all their raps but they come up with some of the most creative *!#%, and that's what makes it hot, what makes itexciting. and as far as jays concerned, it doesn't matter what stage of his career hes at, why should rap be so different than any other genre? dont usethat as a crutch, there are plenty of artists much older than him that are still making incredible music. y'all talking like people are losing sleep overthis *!#%. am i that disappointed, not really, but i know he can do better if he wasn't concerned with being soaccepted.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Hmmmm, Cudi record on the album gonna make this thread jump 15 pages with "
this is NT son even if the record is
dudes will find something to dislike about it.

"The snare is too dry.." is the new "her knees are too sharp."
And God forbid there are any Pharrell bells...
I was just sayin.
Just bring it lyrically and from a production stand point. He's missing the boat on these things. Either a track is very lyrical and lacks in production or lacks in lyrics but nice in production. Jay is trying to do WAY too much with the music. Either he's being lazy or he's over thinking it. I think he tries to do hip-hop like we've never heard it before, but that doesn't always mean that different equals nice.
That about sums up Jay right now imo. I think he's over thinking it and that's why I had doubts when I heard kanye was doing a majorityof it. Jay really just needs to keep it simple. Dudes cries about content would subside VERY quickly if the quality is there. AG restored my faith inol' boy. He was going in a great direction with that imo.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Listening to The Lost Tapes....ya'll have fun with this hype machine.
exactly... i'm sitting here bumping Stillmatic Intro while these dudes try to cope with another subpar Jay album
You guys are so cool. I wish I had some Nas to listen to.

Who is Nas?
off that isnt as bad after a few more listens but again, thats not what I (Jthagreat) want to hear from him.
The only grudge i have with off that is that the intro and Tim's ad-libs pump that song up way to much, when i first heard the intro i was expectingsomething crazy but was let down.
What makes that Bill O'Reilly clips worse is the fact that the song was trash...
Like %%*$...u couldn't diss this dude in a good song...
Now i remember coming in here
And posting something about Jay being washed up
And not really having it anymore.

You all said I didn't know what i was talking about..
"Off That" dropped, and everyone was shaking in their %%@@$#! boots.

This is hilarious.
your boys washed up.
He should have left after American Gangster
Good Album to an even better movie.

Wayne even said
"And we gone be alright, if we put Drake on every hook"
And your boy %@#+!# that up too, lmfaooo
This thread is premium LULZ. Everyone and their opinions, like it makes any difference. Real heads know Jay is a dope lyricist, American Gangster was in thetop 3 of that year. Maybe ya'll should go back and listen to that.. no radio filler, 100% unadulterated raw.

Stop saying he fell of because you heard a handful of songs from a group of 16. How can kids bump Gucci and claim Drake, a man who has done absolutely NOTHINGfor rap, is the best, but $#%* on this? Go home, youngins.

@ ILLIONAIRE... you haven't heard the Cudi song, you readElliott Wilson's Twitter...... stop gassing yourself up.
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