**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Ben also crashed his bike trying to stunt on the campers at Undefeated. Even with the 50 eye witnesses there, he still said he was cut off or something. 

He's repping RIF now when Saam, the dude who was in deep with them when it was still an overseas based store and brought it to the states, are sworn enemies.

And when did having a "contract" with a shoe company (supra in his case) make it a clause to bash NIKE during the length of said contract but, when you're done, you're back to spending thousands on the same brand of shoes you bashed and clowned most of NT for still contributing to?

Again, I have no issues with dude but, you can't take a compulsive exaggerator seriously. The hundreds thing is probably a stunt like most the things Ben is associated with.

How you deep and besties with FM and TMT yet he's outsourcing jewels when he has an in-house jeweler as his "Best Friend"
I crashed my bike? 50 eyewitnesses and no pictures? nothing wrong with the bike? son you reaching

repping RIF? they show me stupid love. let's get some facts straight and I'll have the owners of RIF post to make you look even dumber.

Saam was a herb. sworn enemy? naw son, he was just a loser period. and he got booted out of RIF, he had ZERO ownership and I never knew that, so I stayed away from that store and the owners always wondered why. I also went 8 years without wearing Nikes due to BS that happened while I worked there and with a methamphibian project. so I caught Saam flipping burgers at Golden State on fairfax. fact. I think he's a real estate agent, as I asked the guys from RIF when they reached out to me a few months ago when I got back in kicks... 90% of my shoes have been gifted to me, when Nike sent me that pair of Yeezy II's early, I think I was the 5th guy to get a pair and of course I documented it on instagram and my blog... etc... but back to Saam. you don't think he knows I won in life already?

son nobody is bitter or tripping on a brand? they broke bread and most importantly? I'm a millionaire now. I get mad at so little in actual real life. I love to reply because it really makes regular people look even dumber, not cooler that I took the time. again, what clause did I have with Supra bashing Nike? nothing has anything to do with either. Supra and Angel paid me REAL GOOD. it was a long 4 years I rocked with them, but I had issues with a guy named Matt Fontana there and I could still collect a check, but I checked out other options.

Besties with Floyd and TMT? you think he's best friends with any of the jewelers he talks to? he deals with a guy named Mordecai in vegas often and his son Lyor, but he deals with cats like Mr. Flawless etc.... I don't sit there and beg cats for business, he sent ridiculous arrangements to the hospital for my son when he was born, has blessed me with mad gifts. I'm close to his fam, daughter, we went to a lakers game a month ago. and he just became my neighbor. as for the TMT? those guys are all still very tight with me. what does that mean? Nick Diamond is one of my best friends and other cats offer him free jewels etc for a shout out. who cares? I don't get jealous or act like a female. that's some *** behavior son. you sound like a stalker, but a bad one because really you're reaching for 1/2 true facts. but I did introduce Bieber to Floyd and when he needs something, he hits me up, but he is overall an out of sight out of mind type of cat... I don't have time to chase everyone around as I got a son now and have slowed down things a lot lately. if I wanted to run around and follow him all day, I could, but for what? for the record, Floyd mayweather dropped a mill ticket with me total. how could I be mad at anyone else trying to get in? cats are out for survival. 

as for the hundreds, as someone else, said I'm about my paper. I'm not getting ANY money with the hundreds when it comes to streetwear. I'm loyal to my boys but obviously very loyal to those who help me make sure my son's future is secure and Nick Diamond has written me the biggest checks I've ever seen before. this? just a jewelry deal. they know they can melt it down whenever they want. but again, that's their issue, not mine.  but yeah, I love cats who also bring up the rented vehicles.... I've been pushing exotic and luxury whips in the $250k + range since 2004. you think anyone is going to give me these cars for promo? really? and on top of that, If I rented these cars, do you know how expensive that would be? even on a deal, a ghost is $1600 a day, do the math. I own my whips, own my cribs. I don't need to chase down celebs, they come to me. those are facts, no stunts. only stunting I do is on instagram. heavy. it's part of my business though. when I come home, I'm not Ben Baller. 

as for jewelry? I think cats who know me from LAX or Jason of BH can both vouch and Jason already has, I can put fire to gold, weld a chain and set a stone, no problem. you think Ralph Lauren is stitching clothes? you think the owner of McDonalds is flipping burgers? I have a team that is more efficient. I'm the brains and balls behind the operation. also the money along with my cousin, my cousin doesn't do any labor either, but he's a certified jeweler, not by GIA either.

anything else? what kids? Ive been married once in my lifetime. anyone with my government can fact check that.... but for someone who wants to throw stones and hide their hands, you sure seem like a part time fan as well my G. because I never heard of you before, but you've def heard of me.

so everything you've stated above is wrong. whether you care or not, you reached out with a jab or whatever. it was weak. so now what? if you didn't care you should. only because it is so extra corny to be a hater behind a screen name. I have to know someone to have a public opinion about them on a message forum or even social media or at least interacted with them.

I'm good :smile:
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Yea those were my old molds, sons a clown . Still owes me $290.00 and did a guy I know dirty on a pair of LV millionaire shades. He's just another Scammer -

I see what you mean, that's foul. seemed like a clown, nice to get confirmation.
Yea those were my old molds, sons a clown . Still owes me $290.00 and did a guy I know dirty on a pair of LV millionaire shades. He's just another Scammer -

:rofl: :rofl: I can confirm this as well
I crashed my bike? 50 eyewitnesses and no pictures? nothing wrong with the bike? son you reaching
repping RIF? they show me stupid love. let's get some facts straight and I'll have the owners of RIF post to make you look even dumber.
Saam was a herb. sworn enemy? naw son, he was just a loser period. and he got booted out of RIF, he had ZERO ownership and I never knew that, so I stayed away from that store and the owners always wondered why. I also went 8 years without wearing Nikes due to BS that happened while I worked there and with a methamphibian project. so I caught Saam flipping burgers at Golden State on fairfax. fact. I think he's a real estate agent, as I asked the guys from RIF when they reached out to me a few months ago when I got back in kicks... 90% of my shoes have been gifted to me, when Nike sent me that pair of Yeezy II's early, I think I was the 5th guy to get a pair and of course I documented it on instagram and my blog... etc... but back to Saam. you don't think he knows I won in life already?

son nobody is bitter or tripping on a brand? they broke bread and most importantly? I'm a millionaire now. I get mad at so little in actual real life. I love to reply because it really makes regular people look even dumber, not cooler that I took the time. again, what clause did I have with Supra bashing Nike? nothing has anything to do with either. Supra and Angel paid me REAL GOOD. it was a long 4 years I rocked with them, but I had issues with a guy named Matt Fontana there and I could still collect a check, but I checked out other options.

Besties with Floyd and TMT? you think he's best friends with any of the jewelers he talks to? he deals with a guy named Mordecai in vegas often and his son Lyor, but he deals with cats like Mr. Flawless etc.... I don't sit there and beg cats for business, he sent ridiculous arrangements to the hospital for my son when he was born, has blessed me with mad gifts. I'm close to his fam, daughter, we went to a lakers game a month ago. and he just became my neighbor. as for the TMT? those guys are all still very tight with me. what does that mean? Nick Diamond is one of my best friends and other cats offer him free jewels etc for a shout out. who cares? I don't get jealous or act like a female. that's some *** behavior son. you sound like a stalker, but a bad one because really you're reaching for 1/2 true facts. but I did introduce Bieber to Floyd and when he needs something, he hits me up, but he is overall an out of sight out of mind type of cat... I don't have time to chase everyone around as I got a son now and have slowed down things a lot lately. if I wanted to run around and follow him all day, I could, but for what? for the record, Floyd mayweather dropped a mill ticket with me total. how could I be mad at anyone else trying to get in? cats are out for survival. 

as for the hundreds, as someone else, said I'm about my paper. I'm not getting ANY money with the hundreds when it comes to streetwear. I'm loyal to my boys but obviously very loyal to those who help me make sure my son's future is secure and Nick Diamond has written me the biggest checks I've ever seen before. this? just a jewelry deal. they know they can melt it down whenever they want. but again, that's their issue, not mine.  but yeah, I love cats who also bring up the rented vehicles.... I've been pushing exotic and luxury whips in the $250k + range since 2004. you think anyone is going to give me these cars for promo? really? and on top of that, If I rented these cars, do you know how expensive that would be? even on a deal, a ghost is $1600 a day, do the math. I own my whips, own my cribs. I don't need to chase down celebs, they come to me. those are facts, no stunts. only stunting I do is on instagram. heavy. it's part of my business though. when I come home, I'm not Ben Baller. 

as for jewelry? I think cats who know me from LAX or Jason of BH can both vouch and Jason already has, I can put fire to gold, weld a chain and set a stone, no problem. you think Ralph Lauren is stitching clothes? you think the owner of McDonalds is flipping burgers? I have a team that is more efficient. I'm the brains and balls behind the operation. also the money along with my cousin, my cousin doesn't do any labor either, but he's a certified jeweler, not by GIA either.

anything else? what kids? Ive been married once in my lifetime. anyone with my government can fact check that.... but for someone who wants to throw stones and hide their hands, you sure seem like a part time fan as well my G. because I never heard of you before, but you've def heard of me.

so everything you've stated above is wrong. whether you care or not, you reached out with a jab or whatever. it was weak. so now what? if you didn't care you should. only because it is so extra corny to be a hater behind a screen name. I have to know someone to have a public opinion about them on a message forum or even social media or at least interacted with them.
I'm good :smile:

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