**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

my old piece is gonna be completely scrapped but a remnant of it will be featured on the back gallery of the new one.... the new wht-blk one based on the DClogo is coming real soon, it was just casted and the setting should have just started, it got delayed caus i been house hunting on the weekends and havent hadtime to go down there to approve the final details and everything for the work to actually start
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

my old piece is gonna be completely scrapped but a remnant of it will be featured on the back gallery of the new one.... the new wht-blk one based on the DC logo is coming real soon, it was just casted and the setting should have just started, it got delayed caus i been house hunting on the weekends and havent had time to go down there to approve the final details and everything for the work to actually start

Oh yea!! I remember that now, the logos people were posting. That's gonna be sick man! What color stones are going in it and which metal were you gonnause? I can't wait to see it!

Im in vegas right now I seen Criss Angel on the same flight as mine wasnt really iced up though just a chain with a big cross

I tried to get a pic but his bodyguard told me to F off
Originally Posted by Rjwco


Im in vegas right now I seen Criss Angel on the same flight as mine wasnt really iced up though just a chain with a big cross

I tried to get a pic but his bodyguard told me to F off
i think there is a lil part you leavin out of the story
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Good lookin out King.

Local shops around here are

Either got wack #%+ kings, zales or wack #%+ bang bang shops. Not too many legit decent places around here. Can someone shed some light on how much a 24"-26" piece would go for?
It all depends on the weight of the rosary, I got me a 26" 14K 3-color 32g for $650 off ebay.
these were alot wacker back in the day but still a piece of history



[table][tr][td]Time Remaining:[/td] [td]3 Weeks 22 hours, 58 minutes, 30 seconds[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bidding Starts:[/td] [td]Tue, May 19 10:00am (Pacific time)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Bidding Ends:[/td] [td]Thu, May 21 10:00am (Pacific time)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Number of Bids:[/td] [td]none[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Starting Bid:[/td] [td]$19,000.00[/td] [/tr][/table]
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