**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Originally Posted by Rjwco

lol Thanks everyone yea im poor now kingtre
i meant the person who sold it to YOU
i'm sure the pawn shops / cash for gold type opps are coming up in places like vegas
SMH at everyone in those pictures. How can you look at every one of those pics and not laugh LOL to each his own I guess.
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

jerome james stud chain is 100% fake

joints are like 1.5 ct each lol , remember hes 7 foot 2

when your getting paid as much as he is.i doubt anyone is going to have the audacity to question him on those studs and plus the $%*# looks like the rest ofhis jewels which are real.
Originally Posted by NLV esq

No one is seeing RICKY D !!!!!!!!!!!!!...STILLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word. Thats what me and my brother say. Slicky Ricky BEEN doin it, and still is
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