**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

@ Frank..

BTW this chains always been
simple yet effective..

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

The theme For Fab's Party looks like its "All black everything"...so you can tell Ricky Ross wasnt formally invited

I busted out laughing when I read that...
Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition


the homie Big Dogs new chain. im not sure on the specifics or price, but we was smokin in the range and he counted off quite a few $100 bills.

WHO? & DAMN if it real deal........ the chain & the gucci bag
oh yeah the chain and the bag is real. they have unlimited funds pretty much. check out the rest of the stuff in the video lol
So I pulled the trigger and copped these from a shop around my way, finally they started making them better even if the price is a little higher it's worthit, metal wire, good closure, Jade beads!.......the color options for the better ones are few but the have the basic colors, dude even tossed in a Flat blackjoint he had! too bad he didnt have the necklace yet to go along with it, but I like this better since it alternates from small beads to big instead of themall just being big


Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

So I pulled the trigger and copped these from a shop around my way, finally they started making them better even if the price is a little higher it's worth it, metal wire, good closure, Jade beads!.......the color options for the better ones are few but the have the basic colors, dude even tossed in a Flat black joint he had! too bad he didnt have the necklace yet to go along with it, but I like this better since it alternates from small beads to big instead of them all just being big



How much did that run you?
I seen those pow pieces in person the other day as well as the jesus its all nice but i dont like the diamond cut franco the jesus is haning from makes it looktacky to me
Originally Posted by Rjwco

I seen those pow pieces in person the other day as well as the jesus its all nice but i dont like the diamond cut franco the jesus is haning from makes it look tacky to me
Word. That chain looks cheap, but the white yellow alternating Jesus is
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw


That joint ain't even expensive. And what's up witht that gay looking charm hanging off of it?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Fab is rocking Kabbalistic charms now?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
.."All black everything"[/color]
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Maybe Ive missed it but Ive yet to see T-Pain with the huge franco on
We've yet to see T-Pain himself son has been hiding.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by FlyingEMU05

info on where you got that jesus from onhollowedground821?

At a Mom and Pop place around my way for $55.......they sell pro clubs, shorts, stuff like that
are you all really serious?
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by FlyingEMU05

info on where you got that jesus from onhollowedground821?

At a Mom and Pop place around my way for $55.......they sell pro clubs, shorts, stuff like that
are you all really serious?

Umm about the price or the place I got it?, if any NTers want one hit me up, im sure shipping will only be like 5.00
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