**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Originally Posted by JChambers

I'm glad to be back, thanks everybody for the support.I got something for ya'll. I don't know how he did it, but ya boy Lax came through for me big time with the AUTHENTIC Kanye Jacob.

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.
You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.
1st paragraph - Understandable for the most part, but considering previous attempts to make the right finished product (which at times weren't succesful) and going by the 3 pictures that were provided that's how I came to my original statement.

2nd paragraph - Out of all the people that visit this thread regularly there's probably 3% of people who actually have bought and owned something (I'm not one of them) so because of that I don't belong here? I don't contribute?
. As for Ben Baller I follow him on Twitter as well as Jason of BH, what's the problem if I want to post their +*@+ in here? people appreciate it and the only one(s) who've made previous complaints have been yourself and LAX who your a regular client of.

That whole response above coming from you wasn't a shock at all. I already acknowledged and said my fault to those and add my narrow mindedness made me look bad....great!
Damn, yall dudes really going at Tdot that hard for an honest mistake that he already acknowledged?

Yall acting like dude don't contribute to the thread almost more than anybody.
Swear some of yall _'s is clowns
_s ain't going hard, it don't phase me
but now I see what OMF was referring to.
LOL it want exactly a honest mistake, but its all good i shouldnt of done all that, my bad tdot your right , you do contribute with your pictures and stuff...

awwsome do the knowledge god and go count your shoebox full of 1s and 5s, see if u can fit more then 3 emoticons in your next response .
Ol' sideline reportin ____ ____ ____  
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

awwsome do the knowledge god and go count your shoebox full of 1s and 5s, see if u can fit more then 3 emoticons in your next response .
Ol' sideline reportin ____ ____ ____  
U right
This thread doesnt need anymore drama or arguing, It always gets locked around this time anyways so lets try to keep it going

Im done with all the back and forth and stuff, my bad lets get back to the jewels....
the whole point of this, is that Tdot aint the only hater who be up in here.
dude had a picture of the bail with the J&CO stamp. he aint edit and put that picture later.
you didnt even read it well. you just saw "LAX______jesus____________hooked up" looked at one picture and decided to bring him down a notch.
it was like a reflex.
lotta ya'll cats been doin the same thing for 640 pages.
i hope from now on we can just give positive comments or no comments at all. cause it make other cats scared to post their stuff.
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.
You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.
the whole point of this, is that Tdot aint the only hater who be up in here.
dude had a picture of the bail with the J&CO stamp. he aint edit and put that picture later.
you didnt even read it well. you just saw"LAX______jesus____________hooked up" looked at one picture and decidedto bring him down a notch.
it was like a reflex.
lotta ya'll cats been doin the same thing for 640 pages.
i hope from now on we can just give positive comments or no comments atall. cause it make other cats scared to post their stuff.

That's what I stopped doing actually way back; I'd see Ben & Jason's updates on Twitter and throw them up on here. Then the same dudes would respond with the stupid __ riding BS so why give the man positive remarks if him and his clients are going on with that nonsense?

I still want to see a pic JC if you can provide it of a side view of the whole Jesus just to see the top of the head, that's what initially "threw me off" and my poor judgement came into place and you mentioned you added some diamonds to the side.
HBW, I'll just murk you on LPC.

onhollowedground, is this what you're talking about?

Ye's OG OG piece behind the chipped nose and rose pieces; brolic compared to the other ones

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.
You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.
..who is this jchambers and why everyone on his %&*^ ?   
For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.
You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]#Sonned[/color]
im sure under it all t-dot meant well

but yea, you gotta use your sneaker thinking into jewelry....no matter HOW accurate lax may have done it there's no way he's gonna stamp a piece he did with a Jacob stamp...

thats a offical jacob piece all da day..matter fact someone posted a catalog of all da jesus pieces jacob offers and da one mentioned in definitely on that catalog.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

im sure under it all t-dot meant well

but yea, you gotta use your sneaker thinking into jewelry....no matter HOW accurate lax may have done it there's no way he's gonna stamp a piece he did with a Jacob stamp...

thats a offical jacob piece all da day..matter fact someone posted a catalog of all da jesus pieces jacob offers and da one mentioned in definitely on that catalog.
OptimusPrimeAPhiA wrote:

Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.
You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.

 Lol TDOt you've been ethered.....
xx name brand if your going through time & gems let me know I can arrange that for you my friend owns that^^

OptimusPrimeAPhiA wrote:

Black Jesus wrote:
BigLescobar wrote:
DiPlOmAt TDOt wrote:
How'd I get caught?

- I thought something looked different from the angle/image that was provided (the hair on top of the wreath).
- I thought LAX made a duplicate.
- I didn't know JC picked up an actual joint + more with it.

My original statement was assuming it was manufactured through another way.

The issue is done, I took back what I said. Either way JC has a beauty on his hands.

You got caught caus you said it was off compared to the original. Since your such a expert, tell us what exactly was off about it. You didnt know who he got it from yet it was "off" to you. Once you found it it was Jacob, then now its OK. When you thought Lax made it, it was off LOL, do you see how you got caught now? Thats that namebrand hybeast syndrome. You dont like things for what they are, only for the brand of it
So you judged the piece only on thinking that LAX made it, not based on actually observing the details of the piece. You said it yourself your original statement was assuming someone else made it. Because to you thats all that counts is who made it since you know nothing about jewelry. For every volume of this thread youve been in here waving your Pom Poms with a B on each one while not contributing anything of any substance other then acting like you know something. You stay with your browser on the Icee Fresh blog on auto refresh every 30 seconds waiting to run and post a smiley face for it on here, so just stick to posting yuku emoticons caus anytime you post a sentence you son yourself.



 Lol TDOt you've been ethered.....

 good post
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