**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Originally Posted by 45AIRJ


pendant coming soon as well

My blog should be up by next week as well





At the end of the day jewelers are going to copy designs cause thats what customers ask for! But at the same time they should remix it a little IMO. Just so it has the jewelers stamp. The person who loses is the customer that took the time to sit down with the jeweler and come up with a creative design only to see some 2nd rate one show up on someone elses finger and/or neck. Jewelers are on here hating on each other when theres enough room for everyone to eat! some peoples work is 2nd rate and you know who you are but its all good cause without a Neimans there will never be a Wal-Mart!
Originally Posted by The Jersey Shirt

I really really really hate to do this, because for damn near two-three years now on NT i've just said @*!$ it and tried to avoid these types of arguements, but quite frankly what Q's saying can have a good amount of levity when you Do know what you talking about and LOOK real hard at some of the details,which themselves have changed numerous times.

they make it MAD different ways to the point where its like which is the official mold.  I have 109 different images of jacob x kanye jesus mold by jacob and EVERYONE else who has made em and ima tell it that theres just wild differences.  Theres like 4 versions that jacob alone has made.  I could post five pictures of Jacobs two diamond hair ones and they ALL have tears down the eyes so someone could say why yours doesn't when lookin at the 1-15 picture you posted? could that throw a person off?



or if you wanna talk about the mold with no tears why does your version with no tears have the skinny neck but the one in that same 1-15 picture as well these others without tears have the thicker one?


or you could say why your diamonds are smaller looking and seemingly more sloppily set then the cleanest two tone version they make?  If ya'll all about the official, all about whats best why the version below look WAAAAAAAY cleaner then homies?

seems like alotta cats was really just ready to jump on Q for some reason, Ya'll upset he was quick to post pictures of jewelery ben made in a niketalk post DEDICATED to posting jewelery.  It just sounds silly to me

its funny to see cats talking about the wackness of name brand hypebeastness when them SAME poeple are going bonkers over the jacob molds.  its also funny to see cats talk about whats real and official and whats fake about bens silver +$@! when they rockin white saphires tryin to make em look like diamonds etc etc not commenting on that +$@!.   cats talking about whos bootlegging jesus in one breathe and then buyin them from the cats knockin em off the most like he aint gonna turn around in HIS next breathe and bootleg that one.   And then the cheerin pom pom talk when everyone came in with they pep rally skirts on to hate on Q.  I got dudes back because i KNOW hes got ground with what he said and because thats my actual friend and i KNOW what hes talkin about.

I'm not sayin he was correct, but he certainly wasn't crucifiably wrong.  just the fact I can show the differences proves that for what he said it wasn't no cricifiable offense like ya'll tryin to make it. 

Ninjahood, It Would be so easy to fake that jacob stamp on jewelery its not even funny.  If people can knock off the mold itslef why can't they knock of a basic ++@ stamp?

its whatever though, ya'l figure it all out

Thank You! it's why I was asking for the OG mold because Ive seen sooooo many little changes that most people might not notice but I do, flater neck, thinner neck, wider neck, deeper set eyes, more at a slant eyes, more space between the crown, less space, bail is different, setting is the biggest thing, al kinds of stuff so how is TDOT wrong? I can point out 5 or 6 things, maybe small but it's still different from each piece if you wanna be real about it
Originally Posted by michael32



At the end of the day jewelers are going to copy designs cause thats what customers ask for! But at the same time they should remix it a little IMO. Just so it has the jewelers stamp. The person who loses is the customer that took the time to sit down with the jeweler and come up with a creative design only to see some 2nd rate one show up on someone elses finger and/or neck. Jewelers are on here hating on each other when theres enough room for everyone to eat! some peoples work is 2nd rate and you know who you are but its all good cause without a Neimans there will never be a Wal-Mart!

Jason of Beverly Hills should have remixed this piece that they made for Nas. It is a close imitation, though. The stone setting is not quite up to par with Jacob, but the piece is
I actually bootlegged JCS jesus from the un numbered jesus which would be number 12 on the chart
Originally Posted by PremeOne

Does anyone have a Good Wood Jesus Piece? I'm trying to get a scanned picture so I can see the detail.

Got u, homey.

And this next pic gives me good wood.
Originally Posted by PremeOne

Does anyone have a Good Wood Jesus Piece? I'm trying to get a scanned picture so I can see the detail.


what you were looking for?  and JChambers...you a damn fool!

hell ja rule prolly had that piece when 90% of rappers had 26in. bullet chains with pendants with no diamonds.
joints used to be sitting right in the middle of the chest.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567



[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Pardon my lack of knowledge on this matter, but I don't want to assume and make it look like I know what I'm talking about and get called out on it.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But did Jacob make those pieces (or is that the mold)? I want to know if all 3 pieces are the same thing.

I'm in love
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