**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


thats nice and all but waaaay to flashy for me...I really like Mr. Cartoon's breitling...my rolex that I have been thinking about getting is almost exactly the same as cartoons breit with the exception of 18k yg/stainless steel band

you said like 5 things wrong.

many people have said this and its bothering me... how can jewelry be "too flashy"?
a watch with no gemstones is not jewelry. thats just a watch. or "timepiece" if you will.
a chain with no/few stones is just a necklace.
so if the jewelry is too flashy... do you even like jewelry?

legit question.
so nlvs piece is just a necklace
This assclownery with the oversized jewelry must stop
A small or moderately sized handsome piece with less jewels>>>> an oversized piece iced out, dancin a texas two step from 10 blocks away.
Originally Posted by buginout1993

so nlvs piece is just a necklace
which one? the unfinished one? the big brolic joint?
i may be wrong but all his JEWELry has stones in it.
i was just under the impression that if it doesnt have gemstones its not jewelry.

i mean but hey, i dont know **+!. im just a simple shop keeper.
hey guys i need some help, my cousins getting a jesus piece but he wants pics of the best ones to send to his jeweler, so if anyone can get good pics with details of the best jesus piece i would appreciate it a lot
NLV never iced out his shield did he? I've never seen that piece with stones. I remember him talking about how it wouldn't be posted again til it was iced out
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by buginout1993

so nlvs piece is just a necklace
which one? the unfinished one? the big brolic joint?
i may be wrong but all his JEWELry has stones in it.
i was just under the impression that if it doesnt have gemstones its not jewelry.

i mean but hey, i dont know **+!. im just a simple shop keeper.

so even this joint dosent have any stones in it its just a necklace?


i dont know about everyone else but i wouldnt call it a necklace

something like this is what i would call a necklace not nlvs joint


str8barre- its happened acouple times yukus trippin
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

hey guys i need some help, my cousins getting a jesus piece but he wants pics of the best ones to send to his jeweler, so if anyone can get good pics with details of the best jesus piece i would appreciate it a lot

How much is your cousin looking to spend and where does he live? can you e-mail that to [email protected]?
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


thats nice and all but waaaay to flashy for me...I really like Mr. Cartoon's breitling...my rolex that I have been thinking about getting is almost exactly the same as cartoons breit with the exception of 18k yg/stainless steel band

you said like 5 things wrong.

many people have said this and its bothering me... how can jewelry be "too flashy"?
a watch with no gemstones is not jewelry. thats just a watch. or "timepiece" if you will.
a chain with no/few stones is just a necklace.
so if the jewelry is too flashy... do you even like jewelry?

legit question.

i said it was way to flashy for ME lol..funny lil guy

do you have any jewelry or do you just have timepieces/necklaces?

but nah man, i love jewelry...i would rather have a watch with a little bit of jewels in it over a all iced out one like that..i was just stating my opinion.

there is a huge difference between being subtle and flashy...flashy is that cartier, subtle would be a rolex with a diamond bezel...I just think that if i saw someone
wearing that kind of watch that they were/are trying WAY to hard....again, just my opinion

lol you say that cuz u cant afford it trust me if you had it urself ud love the watch even if you cant wear it, if you feel that its too flashy for you than thats a problem with yourself not the watch, if you are a confident person whats wrong with wearing a cartier timepice?? whocares if its iced the @%## out??? and how the @%## can u have a rolex thats the same as Cartoon's breitling ??? lol you mean you have a rolex with a bootleg diamond bezel around it?? "lol it doesnt matter if its real or not cuz those are heavily faked... i wouldnt wear it even if it was real if i were to have that kind of a rolex i'd have a regular @*# rolex lol.." - thats the type-@%# %!@* your sayin to ChampionEdition
haha thats a lot of angry words for someone that wasnt even in the convo...

I never said anything about not liking a cartier timepieces, all i said was that it was too flashy for myself. if it was a all iced out rolex/breitling/AP whatever, I would've said I didnt like it because I've never liked all iced out watches to begin with...sometimes it is the lowkey gems that awe people over the 'in your face' gems...again like what I said to Champ, its my opinion...no disrespect to whoever has a watch like that though..to each his own

and trust me, i can afford it if i really wanted to

there is a huge difference between being subtle and flashy...flashy is that cartier, subtle would be a rolex with a diamond bezel...I just think that if i saw someone
wearing that kind of watch that they were/are trying WAY to hard....again, just my opinion

lol you say that cuz u cant afford it trust me if you had it urself ud love the watch even if you cant wear it, if you feel that its too flashy for you than thats a problem with yourself not the watch, if you are a confident person whats wrong with wearing a cartier timepice?? whocares if its iced the @%## out??? and how the @%## can u have a rolex thats the same as Cartoon's breitling ??? lol you mean you have a rolex with a bootleg diamond bezel around it?? "lol it doesnt matter if its real or not cuz those are heavily faked... i wouldnt wear it even if it was real if i were to have that kind of a rolex i'd have a regular @*# rolex lol.." - thats the type-@%# %!@* your sayin to ChampionEdition
What gives you the idea that he or anyone else in this post cant afford jewelry?
Can you afford it?..I dont think you can. Im just saying though.

How could you love something and not wear it? id wanna wear it all the time.
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