**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

like this for example ^^^ IMO too much 
Word but another thing I don't like is how busy a lot of Breitling dials are. They just cram so much damn numbers and mini-dials onto the dial it's unreal.

I mean look at this.
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i bought the lax angel from ebay, i like the size of both the angel and chain for me, gonna need to hit up lax for a micro jesus to go with it now asap :smokin...heres some pics


found this while cleaning up to move, anyone know what it's worth? could use some cash instead of a watch right about now.



I wouldn't pay 3k for any breitling, let alone 14k . I'm getting a submariner Rolex next month for my birthday.
for a solid 18k gold bretling? remember gold content is da end game b.

why would i pay 25k-26k for a brand new day date II rolex or 10-14k for a older 90's rolex when i can pay 14-15k for a solid 18k bretling that

thats bigger and contains more content, and also contains automatic movement? remember folks...jewelers are gonna play on your lack of knowledge.
I wouldn't pay 3k for any breitling, let alone 14k . I'm getting a submariner Rolex next month for my birthday.
for a solid 18k gold bretling? remember gold content is da end game b.

why would i pay 25k-26k for a brand new day date II rolex or 10-14k for a older 90's rolex when i can pay 14-15k for a solid 18k bretling that

thats bigger and contains more content, and also contains automatic movement? remember folks...jewelers are gonna play on your lack of knowledge.

I think you know the answer to this. Not knocking anyone's preference but folks just want the Rolex because it's a Rolex. Perception is everything as with all "high-end" stuff. My pops and I had this convo just the other day. I'll try to post pics of his watch collection one of these days if he'll let me....
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I wouldn't pay 3k for any breitling, let alone 14k . I'm getting a submariner Rolex next month for my birthday.
for a solid 18k gold bretling? remember gold content is da end game b.

why would i pay 25k-26k for a brand new day date II rolex or 10-14k for a older 90's rolex when i can pay 14-15k for a solid 18k bretling that

thats bigger and contains more content, and also contains automatic movement? remember folks...jewelers are gonna play on your lack of knowledge.

I think you know the answer to this. Not knocking anyone's preference but folks just want the Rolex because it's a Rolex. Perception is everything as with all "high-end" stuff. My pops and I had this convo just the other day. I'll try to post pics of his watch collection one of these days if he'll let me....

And this is why so many people get played in all aspects of life..from car shopping,

Jewelry shopping, clothes shopping... its da same idea & philosophy recycled.

Once u know da game folks cant play you.
I wouldn't pay 3k for any breitling, let alone 14k . I'm getting a submariner Rolex next month for my birthday.
for a solid 18k gold bretling? remember gold content is da end game b.

why would i pay 25k-26k for a brand new day date II rolex or 10-14k for a older 90's rolex when i can pay 14-15k for a solid 18k bretling that

thats bigger and contains more content, and also contains automatic movement? remember folks...jewelers are gonna play on your lack of knowledge.

It also comes down to a matter of preference...some people might just like the Rolex better. You're looking at it to some extent based on gold content which is fine but Rolexes in general hold their value better than Breitlings as timepieces. Maybe some people do look at the name as well and pretty much universally, Rolex is more highly regarded than Breitling.

To some, that 98 Day Date is worth more than the comparable Breitling.
I wouldn't pay 3k for any breitling, let alone 14k . I'm getting a submariner Rolex next month for my birthday.
for a solid 18k gold bretling? remember gold content is da end game b.

why would i pay 25k-26k for a brand new day date II rolex or 10-14k for a older 90's rolex when i can pay 14-15k for a solid 18k bretling that

thats bigger and contains more content, and also contains automatic movement? remember folks...jewelers are gonna play on your lack of knowledge.

It also comes down to a matter of preference...some people might just like the Rolex better. You're looking at it to some extent based on gold content which is fine but Rolexes in general hold their value better than Breitlings as timepieces. Maybe some people do look at the name as well and pretty much universally, Rolex is more highly regarded than Breitling.

To some, that 98 Day Date is worth more than the comparable Breitling.

Yea well if remove da layer of superficialness that is labels is general you're looking

At 2 pieces of metal gold alloy in 18k. 1 has more then da other so there's no way im paying MORE

To have less. Even da concept of "new" & "used" when applied to jewelry is almost irrelevant because gold

Is a extremely fungible asset.

Imma stat/specs guy to da core. Da idea of something VS da physicalness of something is always things you

Keep in mind when you purchase anything.

A rolex as dope as it is isnt touching a comparable bretling in da same type of 18k casing. Now you can make a case

If you talking stainless steel vs stainless steel.





Aint seen this thread in mad long, forgot all about it but looks like its the same cycle as always for the most part lol......Saw Ninja talkin bout 18k Breits, not sure if I ever posted the one I picked up a few years ago on here so figured I'd post all my watches up, its been a minute......

The weight and solidness of the 18k Bentley Breitling is serious, its a beast





Aint seen this thread in mad long, forgot all about it but looks like its the same cycle as always for the most part lol......Saw Ninja talkin bout 18k Breits, not sure if I ever posted the one I picked up a few years ago on here so figured I'd post all my watches up, its been a minute......

The weight and solidness of the 18k Bentley Breitling is serious, its a beast

You bought anything with that Ewing Money? :nerd:
i know this has been asked and probably has been answered by you but...

a living sir... what do you do for it?? 
welcome back BigLescobar
most def...welcome back. wake & bake in celebration

i know this has been asked and probably has been answered by you but...

a living sir... what do you do for it?? 
sound like the police...he MAKES MONEY FOR A LIVING...

**insert Friday skit**...

"hey there brother Craig, is sister Jones home?"

"Nope, neither is Brother Jones, they both at work...(mumbling) they both at work, where yo' *** need to be *****!"


anywho been busy for a couple of days, court/school/work but im back! enjoy!
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