The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

I have so much work undone because of this damn game..

I probably wont be on until later tonight.

If I am on before 11 eastern, tell me to stop being an idiot and get back to work.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

I have so much work undone because of this damn game..

I probably wont be on until later tonight.

If I am on before 11 eastern, tell me to stop being an idiot and get back to work.
LOL get back to work... unless you are a pro gamer the stats mean nothing. Reminds me of whenI played bball in Juco. I bought NBA Live 97 and this dude on my team (starting center) would come in my room and play for hours. He would be playing my gamein my dorm room even when I was away studying at the library. Long story short, dude failed his classes for Fall semester and got kicked off the team. Ofcourse I'm not saying you have it that bad, but just made me think of the story.
^^^ That's the same reason why I never cared for trophies or any of that extra prestige crap.
as you guys can tell i don't have alot of time for this game. oh well i stillout rank battousai.
i gotta get in on the nt rooms one day. i am usually at workthough.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

as you guys can tell i don't have alot of time for this game. oh well i still out rank battousai.
i gotta get in on the nt rooms one day. i am usually at work though.
i barely have time to play this game right now

its fun and all but i have better things to do at the moment

i'll try to be on more on my free time. once i get used to the map and the game mechanics... its a wrap for u lames
word i got finals and such too. chris on the other hand...

i'm still wack but give me a few more hours and i'll be a new man.
Word make it auto-select only room. I know Boost refuses to be Helghast
but if you don't teams will always be lopsided.
Yo boost good looking on the clan invite. It says we already got a clan battle on march 3 for 3 valor. Whos squad is going up for the battle?
we should name the second nt clan.., NTLK!!!

after getting this game yesterday it is fun.. it is so slow.. compared to cod4.. but more intense.. like in an overgrown it really feels like shipment..

about to go play this right now.. 4 papers down.. 1 test 1 mid-term 1 quiz to go... all in one week.. smh.

p.s my k/d ratio ..
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Originally Posted by mikejs210

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Am I the only one who keeps getting kicked out of the Killzone network?

It happens like 90% of the time I go on warzone. It just disconnects be from that work. Says its a network error.
The same thing was happening with me. I would always have problems playing Madden online so I thought it might be my connection. It'll happen like one time and then I won't have any problems for a few hours.
It only kicks me out of the Killzone network tho. Im still signed in on the PS network when I get booted. Oh well.

On another note, what sensitivity settings are you guys using? I can't seem to get the speed to where I want it.
I have this same exact problem. Its either too fast or too slow. I can never get it the way I want and it only happens on this game.
hey bro, what network error code u been getting? a buddy of my having same problem, so i did some research online ....and told him to DISABLE HIS MEDIA SERVER, and TURN OFF BLUETOOTH HEADSET... on some forums people having problem with there bluetooth headset messing up there connection *shrug*, GG is working on a patch soon to fix some of these network errors.

I get this..... "The connection to the server has been lost. Please check network connection. Network error code: 4512"

This %+#+ is pissin me off. It maybe is the bluetooth headset thing because Im using it also. I guess I'll have to play without a headset until they fixthis.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by dugtrio

word i got finals and such too. chris on the other hand...

i'm still wack but give me a few more hours and i'll be a new man.


Oh come on. It's not that bad.

i guess i was making you look good last night Chris
cuz you get all the love
Please. I finished with more kills AND a better K/D more than once... you just did more objectives, getting more points. I used my 2142342314123 bots toprotect you while you ran the propaganda speaker back.

I swear, if I wasn't trying to get these badges, I would be even better.

Tactian Air Support FTL.

People thinking I am OD'ing on KZ2... they are probably right.

Just wait until FFXIII drops.
I fully expect my PS3 to overheat andexplode, my family and friends to disown me, and my self image to erode.

And I am fine with that.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Please. I finished with more kills AND a better K/D more than once... you just did more objectives, getting more points. I used my 2142342314123 bots to protect you while you ran the propaganda speaker back.

I swear, if I wasn't trying to get these badges, I would be even better.

Tactian Air Support FTL.

People thinking I am OD'ing on KZ2... they are probably right.

Just wait until FFXIII drops.
I fully expect my PS3 to overheat and explode, my family and friends to disown me, and my self image to erode.

And I am fine with that.

The bot part is very true
but i got more kills than you/ same amount like 5/7 times
J, I don't know what you did but I can't cancel that clan battle. Message those people or something (tell them to decline it) but Im not about to startoff our record with an L
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

J, I don't know what you did but I can't cancel that clan battle. Message those people or something (tell them to decline it) but Im not about to start off our record with an L

Why do you figure an L? these guys are 0-0 just like us and we got 4 or 5 guys who are top 5%. They havent even accepted so i don't think it is goin tohappen anyways
Originally Posted by Jesseg8

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

J, I don't know what you did but I can't cancel that clan battle. Message those people or something (tell them to decline it) but Im not about to start off our record with an L

Why do you figure an L? these guys are 0-0 just like us and we got 4 or 5 guys who are top 5%. They havent even accepted so i don't think it is goin to happen anyways
If it happens im ready for battle

J-Didds you online? says you are but i cant join your game it doesn't show up
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by Jesseg8

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

J, I don't know what you did but I can't cancel that clan battle. Message those people or something (tell them to decline it) but Im not about to start off our record with an L

Why do you figure an L? these guys are 0-0 just like us and we got 4 or 5 guys who are top 5%. They havent even accepted so i don't think it is goin to happen anyways
If it happens im ready for battle

J-Didds you online? says you are but i cant join your game it doesn't show up

I was playing some campaign. I am goin to eat and do a bit of homework and then jump on around 7:30 in case we must do battle.
Well, I've just sent out the last 10 clan invites, we've reach our max (64) for the list. There are about 20 or so people who have yet to accept theinvite. If I don't get a response back by tomorrow night I will give it to the next person(s) on the list.
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