The Official Killzone 2 Thread: Vol. OP Updated PG1 | PSN Clan List PG1 | FW1.27 is LIVE!

Engineer is nice,takes alot of bullets to put someone down though..
I was playing a great game then it just FROZE on me, right before the victory. Yesterday I was disconnected..Anyone else having problems or just me?
Medic is ok if your team is cool. But if they are lame they just let you get blasted and die helping them live -_-. I wish I could carry a smg as a medicthough.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

Medic is ok if your team is cool. But if they are lame they just let you get blasted and die helping them live -_-. I wish I could carry a smg as a medic though.
It's annoying when people revive me right in the middle of a cluster %[email protected] just get another death for no reason
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by dugtrio

Medic is ok if your team is cool. But if they are lame they just let you get blasted and die helping them live -_-. I wish I could carry a smg as a medic
It's annoying when people revive me right in the middle of a cluster #@%*....I just get another death for no reason

i hate that

i'm just like
i just bought a ps3 yesterday from a friend.. 200 buckz everything included and rainbow siz vegas 2.. pretty sweet deal right. Im lookin forward to getting lilbig planet tomorrow lol. looks fun.
Originally Posted by dugtrio

wait so if a medic revives you does that still count as a death for you?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's still a death.

I wanna hurry up and unlock all of them so I could see which one I play as/like best...I'm getting more and more comfortable with the game as I rank up,starting out with noob guns FTL...
well thats lame, i'll continue to work with my smg and shotty till i find something better.
yea you go down its a death....medic heals you and die again right away its another death
[h3]Badge Specific[/h3]
  1. Air Support Specialist - 5 kills caused by called air support
  2. Boost Specialist - Perform 5 boosts
  3. C4 Specialist - 5 kills caused by placed C4 explosives
  4. Cloak Specialist - Kill 5 enemies while cloaked
  5. Disguise Specialist - Kill 5 enemies while disguised
  6. Healing Specialist - Heal 5 players
  7. Repair Specialist - Repair 5 objects
  8. Revival Specialist - Successfully revive 5 players
  9. Spawn Point Specialist - 5 players spawned on placed spawn point
  10. Spot and Mark Specialist - Spot and mark 5 players
  11. Turret Specialist - 5 kills caused by placed sentry turrets
http://[h3]Combat Specific[/h3]
  1. Close Combat Specialist - 10 kills by close-combat melee
  2. Headshot Specialist - 10 kills by headshots
  3. Sidearm Specialist - 10 kills by pistol
  4. Sniper Specialist - 10 kills by sniper rifle
http://[h3]Mission Specific[/h3]
  1. Assassination Defend Specialist - Stayed alived when assassination target
  2. Assassination Kill Specialist - 1 assassination target killed
  3. Body Count Specialist - 10 kills made during a mission
  4. Capture and Hold Defend Specialist - 10 mission points earned by capturing a point
  5. Search and Destroy Specialist - 2 objectives placed or disarmed
  6. Search and Retrieve Specialist - 2 objectives returned
Do u have to do it per match or over all?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Well, I've just sent out the last 10 clan invites, we've reach our max (64) for the list. There are about 20 or so people who have yet to accept the invite. If I don't get a response back by tomorrow night I will give it to the next person(s) on the list.
ARGGG I'm #65

people who cant add, boost, battousai, and chris can feel free to add me, im pretty much always on and i have those three on my list, i got room for about 25more.
spawn grenades can get ridiculous... but it helped me pull off my 59 kill game 95 before multiplier
havent even been close to that before
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

i just bought a ps3 yesterday from a friend.. 200 buckz everything included and rainbow siz vegas 2.. pretty sweet deal right. Im lookin forward to getting lil big planet tomorrow lol. looks fun.

Nice but I would suggest going to the PS3 thread not the KZ2 thread
is it me or do you guys just randomly getting a error and returned to the warzone main screen
the whole game turns into a giant cluster +#$@. It's not even fun. Just throw them at the search and destroy target. spawn shoot die spawn shoot die.
The last few games we just played were

Get like 4-5 of us on a team and its over.... I got this game down now....finishing like top 4 the last few times....I need to get ahead of J-DIDDS for 1match....I was staying close then you pulled away
...2nd ain't bad
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