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idk if this matters but i chose PF 3 times and all 3 i got the code at 74 games. when i chose PG it took way more games.
I thought about selling my code but I'd rather just have the shoes. I mean if I could sell them for a lot of money of course I'd flip them but honestly I think I'm gonna keep mine.

I'm not mad at resellers on this because you have to put work in to get the code it's not like you can just turn your bot on and order a bunch of pairs to flip.

I hope they are the shoes in that pic above because those could be straight fire
I wish I timed how long it took me. I wanna say anywhere from 30-40 hours but more than likely around 30. I'm so suck of that game and the my career is really awesome but I'm burned out
If they are a wack shoe with a 2k14 logo on them I'm gonna be pissed lol way too much time devoted if they aren't a unique shoe

Also they were 220 not the 200 like the regular 11s mine came out to 237.88 which is a lot for a sneaker.

It's crazy that this contest only gave you the opportunity to buy these. Everyone who put the work in and got a code knows that this was very time consuming and we all want to be rewarded for the effort. Yes it's only a video game and that isn't hard but it was a grueling ordeal to get this done in a couple of days.

I tip my hat to you guys going after multiple codes, seriously it's a lot of work!

I'm torn. On the one hand, I want everyone who truly wants the shoe to get something cool. On the other hand, it would be hilarious if all these resellers that are buying up codes lost a bunch of money on them.
U smoking if u think only resellers are buying the codes. Not everyone has the time or the resources to do it themselves. It's just easier to pay for the code and buy the shoes than doing the contest.
idk if this matters but i chose PF 3 times and all 3 i got the code at 74 games. when i chose PG it took way more games.

Depends on how u play ur position. I did pg both times and it wasn't bad at all.
U smoking if u think only resellers are buying the codes. Not everyone has the time or the resources to do it themselves. It's just easier to pay for the code and buy the shoes than doing the contest.

Oh, I know, the guy I sold my first code to told me he was copping for himself. But I see people on Twitter/NT Facebook that have claimed to have bought 30+ codes. Its those kind of people that I would like to see lose a bunch of money.

Honestly that's what I want to do but I'm afraid if I try and take my time that they'll be gone by the time I finish.

I'd have to setup another Xbox live gamer tag right?
I rather watch a Jersey Shore marathon than play for 24 hours :lol:
Right!! I played for 13 hours straight, I was ready to quit for the night at like 11pm but then I felt I was getting close. Everything started to drag out so I decided to just push threw it. Finished after 13 straight hours at 8:30am this morning. Sucked bad but worth it now!

So tempted to go for another 1... But the thought of having to go through the bs m like hell naw.... Even the music gt on my nerves.... smh

Haha yea I knew all the songs by heart and the exact parts they played. The announcers I could repeat everything they say too. I play for the cavs and I definitely woulda gone nuts if I had to hear 1 more time about how they might resign Lebron due to their cap space!! Haha
Honestly, it's always someone that gets it in on every release. At the end of the day, just worry about u and the world just gets much simpler.
The same way u wish those dudes get stuck is the same way u wish people that paid for the codes for themselves are stuck. Everyone loses.
size 11 sold out.

question.  are there more codes than actual pairs?  So if I sit on a code will I still be left with a pair to buy or no.
size 11 sold out.

question.  are there more codes than actual pairs?  So if I sit on a code will I still be left with a pair to buy or no.

Sit on the code and ull be sitting there looking dumb. Every post and screenshot has said the preorder is first come first serve.
size 11 sold out.

question.  are there more codes than actual pairs?  So if I sit on a code will I still be left with a pair to buy or no.

To the best of my understanding, a code does not guarantee you a pair. It is not a placeholder for a pair. The first 2014 to pay will get the pairs
I wish I could go for another code, but I know that there is no way I could I'm so burnt out from the career. It would just be a broken record. Maybe my brother will play it for me tho! Lol

And I averaged 45ppg, 3 rebound, and 1 assist and it took me about 35 hours to complete I'd say
Was there some kind of rumor that these ARE NOT limited anymore? I read in a shoe group that they are making more than 2014 pairs.

Would be pumped if these were them but im expecting a basic home colorway with 2k14 somewhere on the back
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Honestly, it's always someone that gets it in on every release. At the end of the day, just worry about u and the world just gets much simpler.
The same way u wish those dudes get stuck is the same way u wish people that paid for the codes for themselves are stuck. Everyone loses.

Right, which is why I said I'm torn. I have a pair for myself too, I don't want them to be plain with just a 2k14 logo slapped on them.
Wow crazy they had the 11 up at 6 am when I ordered I went with the 11.5 though

Looks like sizes are beginning to dry up on there. I got the code last night around 7 but I went out to a party and I ended up passing out around 2-3 woke up at 6 all hungover and was like damn I totally forgot to order my lebrons! Rushed to the phone and put my order in. A couple sizes were gone obviously the sizes they never put up and I think 10 and maybe 10.5 was gone but I honestly don't remember the exact sizes that were gone.

Interesting that you got it sooner using a PF, I went with PG just like having control of the game.

I didn't even alter my shoe I really wish I did because it's a really cool feature there's a few different materials and options to play around with but I just wanted that code!

I may go back and finish the season we got the #1 seed and I'm like four games away from the playoffs.
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