The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by nwt

Anyways, anyone reccomend time capsule? I need something to back up my files since im running out of room, should i just opt towards something else (just thinking of picking up a seagate hard drive or something) or is this worth looking into? And since it wirelessly/automatically backs up my files, if i were to delete something off my computer would it be deleted off the time capsule?? Thanks!

Seagate is not Mac compatible, but I got a Western Digital and I can use it as a time machine, just with time capsule it is wireless, I just plug mine in whenI want to backup. If you delete it off of your HD, it will be stored on the time capsule. The price difference is pretty large, $100+ (refurb) just forwireless. My Western Digital has no problems at all with time machine, and it is 500 gb for about $80-90 at Wal-Mart.
^Thanks! I'll definitely look into the Western Digital, the time machine capsule did seem a bit out of my$$$ range to begin with
Originally Posted by nwt

^Thanks! I'll definitely look into the Western Digital, the time machine did seem a bit out of my $$$ range to begin with

Do you mean Time Capsule?
Originally Posted by Lamont614

just got mine today how im on internet how do i get my screen full size .????

i think that is one the of the new features in snow leopard, the fact that you can finally fullscreen.
correct me if im wrong, im new to mac
Sup Fam...

Its been a while, was on vacation for the past month or so, mac crashed on me while i was there
. Now i gotta start from the bottom
I've read on macrumor that during the Snow Leopard upgrade, if it detected that a program is not compatible, it will be put to a separate folder until thedeveloper release a version compatible for short some say that some programs may not work with SL...with that said I have to postpone my upgrade andwait for users feedback here and other far I am completely satisfied with Leopard.
So Ive finally decided that Im going to pick up a MacBook Pro. My question is do you guys get by fine with Windows not being your main OS? I just dont want torun into a problem where its like "Ah man you need Windows for that" or something to that effect.

Also what are you thoughts on the 15.4 vs 17 MBP? The price difference is
. The 17 is in my price range but Im kinda torn cuz I would like to have a 17 but is it really worth it for that extra 2 inches?

Thanks for your input fellas!
Are there any good good programs to make beats on a Mac?

I've never produced but I wanna learn just for the fun of it.
Originally Posted by Lamont614

just got mine today how im on internet how do i get my screen full size .????

bottom right. drag and pull.. I can't front, I wondered the same thing when i got my mac. And what's the whole deal about this compatibility stuff withSnow Lepoard? anyone know if Microsoft Office can transfer over just fine?
bottom right. drag and pull.. I can't front, I wondered the same thing when i got my mac. And what's the whole deal about this compatibility stuff with Snow Lepoard? anyone know if Microsoft Office can transfer over just fine?

read its slow to startup and laggy after that. i use iwork i like it way better then office
Anybody know a cheap way/place to get Office Student Edition for Mac? It's like 129 or something prebundled with the MBP but I just wanted to know iftheres a way to get it cheaper
Originally Posted by slaterSB

bottom right. drag and pull.. I can't front, I wondered the same thing when i got my mac. And what's the whole deal about this compatibility stuff with Snow Lepoard? anyone know if Microsoft Office can transfer over just fine?

read its slow to startup and laggy after that. i use iwork i like it way better then office
iWork really isn't that good, when it comes down to correcting things.

Also KeyNote isn't really compatiable with Powerpoint, In college I had too do so many changes the day before class with messed up slides.

Microsoft Word > iWork

Word > Pages
Keynote > PP (But when it comes to putting on a PC) PP > Keynote
just wondering which you guys think is better for a laptop for practical use; a cooling pad or a cooling fan?
Originally Posted by slaterSB

MacBook Pro and iPhone 3G



that background is
. how can i get my mac to say how much memory its used and how much is free.

one more question, can someone point me in the right direction to hooking up an external HD to my router so i can access it whenever im at home.
can anyone tell me how to change the finder icon without having to pay for a program to do it?

also, i got a windows partition on my desktop. is there anyway to change the hard drive icon, or is that stuck like that for good?
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