The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Ok so I'm lookin the macbook pro 15. where can I find a relatively good deal on one?

funny. I'm not comforable putting down 2,000 on one so I might just go ahead and get the 13. its not like I cant buy peripherals for it. 
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Ok so I'm lookin the macbook pro 15. where can I find a relatively good deal on one?

funny. I'm not comforable putting down 2,000 on one so I might just go ahead and get the 13. its not like I cant buy peripherals for it. 
According to some sources, a MBP refresh is coming first half of 2011. Whatever month that is, I have no clue. If you can wait, wait for the refresh. 
Check here for more insight:

Source for the first half refresh here:
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

JRAdagreat72 wrote:
Damn! I was looking to purchase within the coming weeks because my current laptop continuously overheats and its about time to put her to rest. I guess we shall see.
If you really need one now then go ahead.  But if you can be patient and a wait a couple of months in 2011, wait it out.
^^ yeah I think I am. to me, I can just buy the things I want to add on... which would be a hard drive. and I have an x-drive now that I can use.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by BuTtAKiD

How do I get the current song playing in iTunes to show on the desktop like this?
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

JRAdagreat72 wrote:
Take a can of compressed air and blow the vents. You probably have years worth of dust accumulated in there. That's most likely the cause of the overheating. 

It was the cause 

Now I'll just use this as a contingency computer just in case the MBP breaks down.
you want a pic or i can shoot a little one min vid for you with my flip ultra hd ...

also what are some of you guys favorite apps for the mac?

always looking for new things! 
^ Haha. Nah man, just your new desk set up is fine. How do you like it so far??

Does anyone have a hackintosh? If so, how do you like it?
here you go LMR ... i really like it a lot so far, i been talking about getting the 27 for a while now ... glad i finally pulled the trigger on it. thanks for asking. God Bless.
i'm a female btw

here is a quick 30 second vid i shot with my iPhone for you ...
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

here you go LMR ... i really like it a lot so far, i been talking about getting the 27 for a while now ... glad i finally pulled the trigger on it. thanks for asking. God Bless.
i'm a female btw

here is a quick 30 second vid i shot with my iPhone for you ...

Very nice set up.  What is that running on your desktop and how much did those Ikea LEDs cost you? I was thinking doing this to mine as well... but not too sure yet.

I apologize, I didn't know you were a lady.
Very nice set up. �What is that running on your desktop and how much did those Ikea LEDs cost you? I was thinking doing this to mine as well... but not too sure yet.

I apologize, I didn't know you were a lady.�

no apology needed 97% of NT is dudes anyway, understandable. 
 (lots of gentleman on the board who i have had the pleasure of becoming friends with throughout the years might i add) (shouts to some of my favs right quick dadoc, seeko, treewing, slatersb, grittyman) too many too name.


those lights were $50, you get 4 of them. I put them together and attached them to the desk. There is a nice little remote that comes with it as well. It cycles through 7 colors or so. You can make it so it stays on one color, quickly rotates through them all or slowly transitions (which was the one in the video) You can probably find something similar online for a little cheaper, but I liked that these were VERY easy to set up. Some of the little kits I saw online had a bunch of other little pieces in the box that I did not want to hassle with personally. 

On my desktop I am running Mach Desktop. Live wallpaper

Its different and fun 
I notice something, you know how sometimes when your watching a youtube video and the fan(s) starts spinning really fast and your mac gets really hot. Well that is because of Adobe Flash it uses a lot of resources and Hardware Acceleration. If you want to stop using Flash I suggest to use "CLICKTOFLASH" extension it will run all your flash based videos into a better format of the web which is html5. It will keep your mac running cool and keeps the fan(s) speed low to save you some battery life if your a mac laptop.

To turn off HARDWARE Acceleration on Adobe flash video, just right click you'll see Adobe flash settings, check off Hardware Acceleration and you'll see a difference in how hot your mac will get. Also download CLICKTOFLASH for Safari and for google chrome.

I highly recommend this to any mac users who travels with there laptop and the battery draining fast cause of the fan speed and also for the cats who put there macs on their laps.
just got my 27" imac's amazing

such a huge upgrade from a 5 year old 14" ibm laptop lol
Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

just got my 27" imac's amazing

such a huge upgrade from a 5 year old 14" ibm laptop lol
Welcome! Before my iMac, I was using a 13" Macbook.  I love it.
just got my 27" imac's amazing
that's whats up! you made a huge jump! glad you did, welcome to the club.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

enjoy it and have a wonderful new year. love.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Is a MacBook worth the price?

it depends on what you value in a machine. For most people, it's not worth it spec-wise. You can always get a cheaper comparable windows/linux counterpart.
Other people factor aesthetics into the equation...and macs are definitely pretty machines. for even more still, there are those who are more comfortable with the Mac OS for one reason or another.
It's all relative...and the best way for a user to to use one.
Start out with a refurb model, or a used one from a trusted source. Refurb stock comes with the same warranty as a new one directly from Apple. Sites like newegg and amazon always are moving old stock out for newer models. If you attend a university...same thing. Deals can be had if you find the retail price a little overwhelming.
Anyone know when a new macbook pro is dropping? I need a new laptop, want to change it up from my black macbook.
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