The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Mac|Life claims that OS X 10.5.7, the next update to Leopard, will be released on Friday.
[table][tr][td]If you've been champing at the bit for the magic of 10.5.7, according to a super-secret Apple source, your champing can cease on Friday. The newest version of Leopard is slated to fix a slew of networking, syncing and bluetooth issues.[/td] [/tr][/table]
Mac|Life also reports that there is speculation that this will be the final update to Leopard before the launch of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, which appears to be slated for a release later this year.

Development on Mac OS X 10.5.7 has appeared to be winding down for quite some now as Apple has made very few changes in each incremental build released to developers for testing purposes. The most recent seed was
released to developers in the middle of last week.

Article Link:
OS X 10.5.7 Due for Release on Friday?
[h2]MacBook Touch Rumors[/h2]
Its almost here. The first Mac, to beat the Mac. No, it doesn't run on Windows. Nope, its not Linux. Its a Mac.

The MacBook Touch is supposedly slated for release in October, and Infinitech is proud to bring you the first scoops on the Macbook Touch. Macbook Touch, is basically a Mac, that has a special Operating System, that recognizes touch, somewhat mimicking the iPhone's software. So, we have the mock-ups and designs that are supposed to be for the Touch.
Keyboard layout, side and back

So basically, the concept of this new device is a slate. That's pretty much what it is. The device features an onscreen keyboard similar to the iPhone OS. It should also be similar in the way it appears only when needed. The sides of this new product seems to appear thinner Than the other MacBooks, although not as slim as the anorexic MacBook Air.

Apparently, there is a dock for this device to pair with an iMac. This could be useful for sharing of the Optical Drive, extra hard-disk space, charging and Wireless Connectivity.


MacBook Touch with iMac docking capabilities

Furthermore, this feature could expand the meaning of a desktop by the year 2010. Imagine a tablet device that sits snugly inside your iMac. It automatically syncs and makes changes to files stored within itself so that it mirrors the ones on the iMac. All these, in real time!

Need to rush off to work? No worries. Eject the MacBook Touch, and you are all set to go! The files you were working on would all be updated and ready for your usage. No more external hard-disks. No more clumsy thumb-drives and wires. No more, DVD's and whatnots. This could start a revolution in the future of personal computing! Heck, this form of syncing would be so useful, it could put Apple's very own MobileMe out of business.

The realization of the limitless possibilities of such a product has hit many people in the Apple Fanboy Circle. We have seen so many mock-ups that it is possible that the final product could be just like what we are seeing right now. However, it is also possible that all of these speculations are wrong. Remember all those years of iPhone speculations? In the end, Apple pulled off something that we never imagined, but have all come to love (or hate). Speaking of mock-ups, here is one mock-up that has a lot of thought put into it. Heck, if this were to be the new MacBook Touch, I, Ravenizer, am willing to sell my MacBook Air for one of these babies.


MacBook Touch Mock-Up

Due to the size of this new device, it is only logical to assume that it will not be on par in terms of performance, to the other MacBooks currently under production from Apple. Even the MacBook Air. Thus, it can only be inferred that the new version of OS X, 10.6, is specially being built for this new device and the MacBook Air. The reduced size of the OS and the reduced system requirements, coupled with the dropping of PowerPC support, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard would be the fastest operating system in the OS X family.

So, what do you think? Is Touch the future of Apple? Or would this be one Touch too many?

Finally have the bread to be looking into a macbook.

a new macbook should be in my hands in 1-2 months if everything goes right.

Audiofile Engineering Suite

Suite Includes All Audiofile Engineering Apps


Audio Unit Manager 2.0.3
Audio Unit Manager allows you to activate, deactivate, move and validate your Audio Units.


Loop Editor 1.1.1
Loop Editor Plus is an audio loop editor. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Loop Editor
proudly takes advantage of Quartz, CoreAudio, and other solid OS X interface features.


Rax 2.1.1
Rax is streamlined, intuitive virtual rack software. It enables performing musicians to easily
organize and control their virtual 'rack' of Audio Units.


Sample Manager 3.1.2
Sample Manager is the quintessential batch audio file processor for Mac OS X. Designed in
Cocoa from the ground up, Sample Manager proudly takes advantage of CoreAudio, Quartz,
and other solid OS X features.


Spectre 1.2.10
Spectre is an affordable multi-instrument real-time audio analyzer for Mac OS X. Designed in
Cocoa from the ground up, Spectre proudly takes advantage of Quartz, OpenGL, CoreAudio,
and other solid OS X interface features.


voXover 1.1.5
voXover is a truly unique and modern voice-over automation utility and batch-recorder for
multimedia, video game, speaking dictionary and telephone voice-response production. It was
designed and built in consultation with large multimedia and video game production companies.
It is designed specifically for projects that require large numbers of dialog cues to be recorded
and a multitrack recorder is simply not productive.


Wave Editor is the most comprehensive document-based waveform editor, sound design tool
and mastering suite for Mac OS X.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later, QuickTime 7.2 or later.

Capo v1.0 UB

File Size: 2.8 MB

[table][tr][td]Capo is a musician's best friend. It lets you slow down your favorite songs, so you can hear the notes and learn how they are played.
No longer do you have to rely on the musical tastes of others to learn music. Drag songs right from your music collection into capo to start learning them.
Capo lets you adjust the pitch of your songs - so you can change their key or fine tune them to match your instrument.
Use keyboard shortcuts to mark verses, choruses, bridges, and other important points in your songs so you can return to them later.
Repeat difficult sections slowly, playing along with your favorite artist. Speed up gradually as you get better.[/td] [/tr][/table]

[h2]Amadeus Pro 1.4.1[/h2]
About Amadeus Pro
Lets you use your Macintosh computer for any audio-related task, such as live audio recording, digitizing tapes and records, converting between a variety of sound formats, editing a podcast, etc.

Thanks to its outstanding direct-to-disk abilities and waveform caching, edits on arbitrarily large sounds (even beyond the usual 2GB limit) are performed at lightning speed. The handling of large sounds is furthermore facilitated by the extensive support of markers. Its advanced sound repairing and denoising abilities make Amadeus Pro particularly suitable for transferring vinyl records on CD.

Some of the most noteworthy features of Amadeus Pro include:
- Simple and elegant MacOS X - like user interface.
- Multitrack editing and recording.
- Batch processing and conversion.
- Sound denoising and repairing.
- Supports a variety of sound formats, including Multichannel AIFF, Multichannel Wave, Mp3, Mp4, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, SoundDesigner II, QuickTime, Apple CAF, etc.
- Many more features.

What's New in this Version
- Improved memory management
- Fixes a bug that could cause CDs to have missing tracks


[h4]System Requirements[/h4]
  • Mac OS X 10.4 or later


Mac Platform: UB
Includes: Only the application or game is included
OS version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later

EasyWMV can be used to convert or resize wmv, asf, avi, m4v, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, flv, nsv, swf, real media and vob video files so that they can be used with QuickTime Player, Apple TV, iPhone and iPods. EasyWMV has a very simple user interface, supports drag and drop as well as batch processing. EasyWMV can export video to mpeg and mpeg4 formats and can optimize videos for playback on iPod.

Main Features:
# Input formats: asf, avi, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, swf, vob, wmv, real media
# Output formats: mp4, mpg
# Manual or automatic audio bit rate selection from source (32-320kbps)
# Video encoding up to 2.5mbit/s
# Support H.264 encoding for mpeg4 video
# Creates video for QuickTime, Apple TV, iPod and iPhone
# Batch processing
# Optimized for multi-core and multi-processor systems
# Drag & drop of files and folders
# iTunes integration

Version 1.4.2:

# Improved flash support
# Updated to FFmpeg SVN-r17969


Product Description:
MediaCentral turns your Mac into the ultimate home theater system. With support for numerous audio, video, IP TV, TV, IP Radio, Games and multimedia formats, MediaCentral brings it all together at the push of a button.

Powerful yet simple interface MediaCentral includes a slick and intuitive interface that can be adapted to a variety of window sizes and controlled by numerous remote controls. Its functions make it the perfect entertainment application.

Online Content equinux will deliver fresh content to your Mac. New movie trailers, wallpapers, radio and TV stations will keep your MediaCentral up to date. Depending on your preferred language, you'll get updated with content in your language.

Play while you work MediaCentral supports three window sizes in addition to the full-screen mode. A menu bar and hot-keys have been integrated to make changing between the small, medium, large and full-screen modes even easier.

It's all about you Build your own media library with "My MediaCentral". Just add your favorite pictures, songs, movies, flash games or animations and TV streams to give your digital theater a personal touch.

Serve locally - or use a network server All your favorite media content can - of course - be stored directly on your Mac. You don't have enough free space? No problem: Just go ahead and create a media repository on a network server and put an alias in your "My MediaCentral" folder that refers to the content. MediaCentral will recognize the aliases and play the files - wherever they are stored.

Media-licious! MediaCentral is a truly multi-talented application: Enter any disc containing pictures, videos and music to have it automatically analyzed. The content will be displayed in the appropriate categories. Isn't that intuitive?

Widen your perspective TV shows are broadcasted in 4:3, movies feature 16:9 or even 20:9 - how can a single piece of software handle all this? Nevermind - simply choose the appropriate ratio for your current media.

MediaCentral fully localized Due to popular demand, the MediaCentral interface and menus have been localized in German and English.

What's new in this version:

* New: MediaCentral now also supports Dolby[emoji]174[/emoji] Digital Surround sound output from DVDs
* New Options Menu Settings for sound, as well as for audio tracks, subititles and angles can be changed with the new DVD Options Menu that elegantly fades in over the screen .
* Fully localized in 13 languages: The interface has been translated to Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Dutch & Czech
* Tweaks & Speedups: Overall performance enhancements, making MediaCentral much faster, especially when navigating through large DVD libraries.

Product Requirements:

* Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
* Internet Connection

This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:

* Mac OS X 10.4 PPC
* Mac OS X 10.4 Intel
dont be afraid to try the software im posting up boys and girls

these developers are putting alot of time and effort into these great apps. if you try it and you like or find the app useful, please purchase the program

if i didnt put a link to the dev site in the app description please let me know. thanks and enjoy

what i did there, can you see it?
Freak Show is a crazy fun house mirror program-- a deluxe version of Apple Photo Booth.



The free version has all the effects of Photo Booth and runs on computers that can't run Photo Booth. The paid version adds nine incredibly cool effects, the ability to create your own Freak Show Quicktime movies, and a Freaky full-screen mode.

You don't have to have an iSight to run Freak Show. Firewire DV cameras give great results. You can also use most webcams, and iSight, of course.

Unlike Photo Booth, Freak Show doesn't need Quartz Extreme and runs on any Mac that runs Tiger.

Originally Posted by AKA Anthony


Why when I open up Photo Booth its just a black screen? I can't video chat on iChat either

this has been happening for awhile right? i remember somebody complaining about their isight cam not working.. looks like it's an internal problem, take itto genius bar/call apple care and have them fix it. not much u can do unless you know your way around the insides of a mac
i see what you did there.

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

how do you delete saved usernames and what not like on a PC? the delete button? i got some searches and usernames on ebay to delete.

If you're using Firefox, click on Firefox up top and go to Preferences > Privacy > Click on Settings, everything should have a check and press Ok> Click on Clear Now. Done.

If you're using Safari, click on Safari up top and click on Clear Cache > Empty. Then click on History up top and click on Clear History. Done.

Hope that answers your question.
I have an Airport Express (the small one) secondhand. I love it, but I have a question:

Can I network my external HD on that, or would I need an Airport Extreme?

Originally Posted by Da Doc03


Mac Platform: UB
Includes: Only the application or game is included
OS version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later

EasyWMV can be used to convert or resize wmv, asf, avi, m4v, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, flv, nsv, swf, real media and vob video files so that they can be used with QuickTime Player, Apple TV, iPhone and iPods. EasyWMV has a very simple user interface, supports drag and drop as well as batch processing. EasyWMV can export video to mpeg and mpeg4 formats and can optimize videos for playback on iPod.

Main Features:
# Input formats: asf, avi, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, swf, vob, wmv, real media
# Output formats: mp4, mpg
# Manual or automatic audio bit rate selection from source (32-320kbps)
# Video encoding up to 2.5mbit/s
# Support H.264 encoding for mpeg4 video
# Creates video for QuickTime, Apple TV, iPod and iPhone
# Batch processing
# Optimized for multi-core and multi-processor systems
# Drag & drop of files and folders
# iTunes integration

Version 1.4.2:

# Improved flash support
# Updated to FFmpeg SVN-r17969


here is the link for more info:
I've had my Mac Book Aluminum for about 4 months and haven't customized anything on it till now...

Here is what I did so far...

Originally Posted by joesarge

I have an Airport Express (the small one) secondhand. I love it, but I have a question:

Can I network my external HD on that, or would I need an Airport Extreme?


if it has a USB port, then yes, you can.
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