The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

I need an HDTV
Carl Winslow'd minutes ago. Got absolutely *@@# on with work today.... hopefully I will be able to jump on for a few hours around 4-5.

Who am I kidding? I'll be up til 5 AM...
Is anyone playing this on a regular TV? Cause I'm contemplating on whether to wait two weeks until I get my HD TV or if I should just play it now.
anyone needing an HDTV...

open a Walmart card, it's interest free for a year and you can get a nice 32 inch Vizio
im bout to pick mine up at lunch

for someone that hasnt played the first three will i b lost playin this one...

thanks in advance fo any info
this thing is amazing. Here's stuff I noticed(spoiler free of course):

-after you install, don't press start on the start screen. The end of that is wild and then it shows what might be a new game(not mgs, but still cool)

- you might want to hold onto the controller at all times. The game doesn't pause from cutscene to game, so you don't know when you might have controlagain. Speaking of control, you get moments during cutscenes that you may have to press a button. Doing so will give a brief flashback that helps puts somepieces together in the story.

Ok I'm done. Back to battle!!!
Originally Posted by nmsf415

im bout to pick mine up at lunch

for someone that hasnt played the first three will i b lost playin this one...

thanks in advance fo any info

i think it's beneficial to play the first 3 but not necessary but it's not like GTA where the stories have nothing to do w/ eachother
i don't know where to ask this question i have some ima ask it here.....

my question is that i have a friend who is selling me his PS3 along with gta4 and he is giving me a controller a hdmi cable and its a 20gb to all for $220 isthat a great deal????

i only want it bcuz of this MGS4
Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

i don't know where to ask this question i have some ima ask it here.....

my question is that i have a friend who is selling me his PS3 along with gta4 and he is giving me a controller a hdmi cable and its a 20gb to all for $220 is that a great deal????

i only want it bcuz of this MGS4
that is a good deal, you'd pay like twice that on ebay
Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

i don't know where to ask this question i have some ima ask it here.....

my question is that i have a friend who is selling me his PS3 along with gta4 and he is giving me a controller a hdmi cable and its a 20gb to all for $220 is that a great deal????

i only want it bcuz of this MGS4

that is a good deal, you'd pay like twice that on ebay
i couldnt get the i copped a 40 and the limited edition MGS4 and a DS3 for $535 after tax at GameStop..... I really cant wait to play this game....

new PSN id: DiamondJ15
Originally Posted by areyouin729

Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

i don't know where to ask this question i have some ima ask it here.....

my question is that i have a friend who is selling me his PS3 along with gta4 and he is giving me a controller a hdmi cable and its a 20gb to all for $220 is that a great deal????

i only want it bcuz of this MGS4
that is a good deal, you'd pay like twice that on ebay

I'm freaken heated. Woke up early today and call a couple of gamestop stores to see if they any bundle pack in stock. So 1 store has and I proceed to gotothe store within 15-20 mins. I arrive to the store and the guy said it was all sold out while I just called a few mins ago and he said it was in stock. Dudebasically jerked me into going to the store. So I head to bestbuy which I called earlier and they said it was in stock. When I got there it was already a linefor the bundle pack. Pretty much sold out too. Freaken unbelievable Sony.
lol u act like it's sony fault it sold out...
or that it was sony that told you that pack was still available at gamestop...

nctwin that bit after that stat screen i think is just part of the game i think?
unless there are different things showing after the start screen
^^^ It's pretty much Sony's fault. What company decided to limit the ps3 bundle pack to 10,000 in north america only? #@@ is pretty much the same asPS3 launch. You got people that just gonna buy it and resell it.
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Got my 80gb plus the MGS4 Bluetooth
, impulse buy

i got the LE mgs4 + art book + dual shock 3 + special limited hardcover strategy guide (i wont open it till i beat the game first) havent gotten a strategyguide since ff8

im taking a lil break from playing and so far its soooo awesome

the game is actually in 1080p.
i think this is the first game thats in full hd, correct me if im wrong. F Ugtaiv for being 480p

graphics is mind blowing like no other.

and yeah i was thinking about getting the mgs4 bluetooth headset but i read and watched reviews about it only being mediocre in audio performance.
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