The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Thread Vol. Snake's Last Hurrah | It's Out | Don't Post Spoilers!

I'm connecting my PS3 as we speak
. Its been so long since I played the other games though, I'm going to be so damn lost
Not too reveal too much, but I just watched the BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE EVER!!!

I need a seperate thread to discuss the storyline thus far... so many amazing plot twists. I KNOW someone else has to be doing this..... fell back to my CODroots... all I rock is the M4... silencer and red-dot...

Stupid girl is coming over.... I have to shut it down for the night...
MAN Im Pissed.

I want to get the game, but id be mad #!%%%%% lost in the story... i only played like half way through MGS2.
I just came back from work, I'm about to play it for the first time. Yes I will be up all night. Herb? Yes I'm one and yes I smoked some beforeplaying.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

I just came back from work, I'm about to play it for the first time. Yes I will be up all night. Herb? Yes I'm one and yes I smoked some before playing.

Screw You PAL!
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

MAN Im Pissed.

I want to get the game, but id be mad #!%%%%% lost in the story... i only played like half way through MGS2.

If you want you can watch the MGS2 retrospective on gametrailers. Tells the story in about 20 minutes.
Rumours have it that the old Snake you see now throughout the MGS4 trailers with the robotic eye and gray moustache is actually Solidus from MGS2: Sons of Liberty and Naked Snake from MGS3: Snake Eater. So, yes, Solidus Snake from MGS2 and Naked Snake from MGS3 are both the same people.

If you've finished MGS3, throughout the last cutsences, Snake gets promoted to the title Big Boss, where Solidus is referred to Big Boss in MGS2. By me saying that, realise how Solidus has a eye patch in MGS2 and the Snake you see now in the MGS4 trailers has a robotic eye patch on the same eye?

Also, in MGS3 Snake Eater, Snake salutes to Big Bosses grave stone (Snake's mentor the woman with the white suit and patriot gun), where in some trailers in MGS4, you see Snake saluting to the same gravestone.
I might be late but IGN finally posted their review for MGS4.

10s across the board.
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

Rumours have it that the old Snake you see now throughout the MGS4 trailers with the robotic eye and gray moustache is actually Solidus from MGS2: Sons of Liberty and Naked Snake from MGS3: Snake Eater. So, yes, Solidus Snake from MGS2 and Naked Snake from MGS3 are both the same people.

If you've finished MGS3, throughout the last cutsences, Snake gets promoted to the title Big Boss, where Solidus is referred to Big Boss in MGS2. By me saying that, realise how Solidus has a eye patch in MGS2 and the Snake you see now in the MGS4 trailers has a robotic eye patch on the same eye?

Also, in MGS3 Snake Eater, Snake salutes to Big Bosses grave stone (Snake's mentor the woman with the white suit and patriot gun), where in some trailers in MGS4, you see Snake saluting to the same gravestone.

way to not post spoilers but you already said this game sucked back on like page 1
but Naked and Solidus cant be the same, I thought Solidus was theclone of Naked?
Reading comprehension, one of reasons why our youth never finish high school.

SMH @ posting a spoiler, not surprise, look who posted it,
I wondering what the hell they will have in store for MGS5

i'm still only on act 1 and dying to finish this game but at the same time I dont want to b/c then all I have is reply value
So I'm sitting here playing the first boss. I won't lie. With the light off and the surround system on, I'm gettin a lil shook
smh at this game... certainly lived up to its hype
this is what we all been waiting for

snake's a perv, L1 is ur friend ;]

didn't get to go to uniqlo today...
to the dude that went, are the shirts sold out now???

right now i'm in the middle of act 3
and it's gettin harder
playing on solid normal...

haven't really gotten to toy around with the weapons
just keeping it super stealth really until i have no choice too

enjoy the game everyone!
Oh yeah, for pre-ordering at GameCrazy, I got a free MGS4 bandana. It's white and it has snake picture drawn in black brush stoke paint, %!$# is fly ashell,

This +%$%+ Mo was like "c'mon mike sell it to me", psh, dude is crazy.
ok guys, I'm high and that first scene with that lady and the chef after the first download FREAKED me the hell out of me. OMG
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