The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

Props. You're about that life in more ways than the most NTers can appreciate :pimp: :pimp:
I think about enlisting in the Marines and going infantry just about every day :lol: :lol: im about to graduate but im still considering just straight enlisting anyway.
Ive been fascinated with the Marine Corps since i was a youngin. Depending where im at in a year or so, i might make that commitment. We'll see.

cosign :pimp:

after waiting since early July, I finally get to swear in Monday!!

4 yrs in the Marine Corps infantry

Props. You're about that life in more ways than the most NTers can appreciate :pimp: :pimp:

I think about enlisting in the Marines and going infantry just about every day :lol: :lol: im about to graduate but im still considering just straight enlisting anyway.

Ive been fascinated with the Marine Corps since i was a youngin. Depending where im at in a year or so, i might make that commitment. We'll see.

Thanks alot guys. It really was a journey and I definitely dont see things in the civilian world the same anymore. I miss it honestly |I . All my friends are over in Afghanistan right now, they were supposed to be home months ago, but nobody knows whats happening.

The Marine Corps Birthday was November 10th, I always thought it was so stupid when I was in, but now I find myself thinking about it alot.

Good luck with swearing in, remember, boot camp is all a big game, just play along and scream loud, move fast and you'll be ok.
I really want to get a job with one of the Private Security Contractors/Private Military Contractors, but its so competitive. I would think that my background in the Marine Corps infantry would help, but its really tough.
I really want to get a job with one of the Private Security Contractors/Private Military Contractors, but its so competitive. I would think that my background in the Marine Corps infantry would help, but its really tough.

With who?
This is a dream for erry grunt that got out! I always wanted to do this if I got out. But with both wars dwindling down it must be competitive like u say. Good luck bro.
spending NYE here @ Navy OCS. :smh: :smh: :smh: . Can't drink, can't leave base and we have a 11:59 curfew. Nights like these really make me question what the heck I'm doing here. It's only temporary though is what I keep telling myself. I can't even lie though, OCS is alot tougher than I thought it was gonna be. Physically its about what I expected, its the mental grind that gets to me. It'll all be over soon and I'll get my commission but they're defintely making us work for it. Any NTers have any advice on OCS they can offer?
spending NYE here @ Navy OCS. :smh: :smh: :smh: . Can't drink, can't leave base and we have a 11:59 curfew. Nights like these really make me question what the heck I'm doing here. It's only temporary though is what I keep telling myself. I can't even lie though, OCS is alot tougher than I thought it was gonna be. Physically its about what I expected, its the mental grind that gets to me. It'll all be over soon and I'll get my commission but they're defintely making us work for it. Any NTers have any advice on OCS they can offer?
Are you prior enlisted? A friend of mine just finished OCS in July.
Starting my mandatory military service on monday here in Finland..

So excited! Anyone one here anywhere else than the US military?
Nope. Coming from years in the civilian world and the private sector to a boot camp like OCS is hell.

Atl I just graduated from ocs in may. Same background just a civilian. You went during the worst times it's freezing up there and holiday stand down which kinda prolongs your duration.

Once you get pass drill comp your di will take a big step back and your chief will be who you see more often.

I can answer any questions or concerns you have. What designator are you? Trust me it was the hardest thing I did as well but now it's all a joke and around week 7 smooth sailing just pass your inspections and tests and stay out trouble.

Btw best decision I ever made. I love my life now. The opportunities the money everything. It's worth it have faith.
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I finally dep'd in for the Air Force in November. Been over a year since i started the application process and the day finally came. Don't have a job yet, hopefully this month i get it. Probably won't ship to basic until June or so, all depends when i get my job. I'm holding out for one of four jobs i want so who knows when i'll get it. Going in as an E3.
So i officially got my job yesterday, 3d0x2, cyber systems operations. Leave for basic April 2nd, my moms birthday. Kind of sucks i'm leaving on her 60th birthday but it is what it is.
I don't see how y'all do it.... I couldn't sign no contract knowing that I'm signing my life away to a government that has its hidden agendas..
^ you will have your hidden agendas also so it works out. They get from you and you take from them. You get me?? Cause there gonna get there's....
I don't see how y'all do it.... I couldn't sign no contract knowing that I'm signing my life away to a government that has its hidden agendas..

you only feel like that when you sign up for one of those dead end jobs.

if you get a chill job its just like going to work everyday

I don't know how I feel about this just yet. Don't get me wrong, I know there are more than a few that have the mentality needed, but still.

It has nothing to do with mentality. I've served with female Marines who got attached to infantry units, and they were mentally tough enough. The question is, if I get shot, will they be able to firemans carry me and my gear out of harms way? I'm 175, plus I usually have another 75 lbs worth of gear on me. Nah I dont think so

on a much lighter note, I got my promotion warrant today. I am officially a Corporal of Marines. As much as I hated it when I was in, I miss it alot now.

I've been thinking of joining the National Guard or Army Reserves or something like that, maybe the Marine Corps Reserves....but I'm not sure which direction to go with that

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I don't see how y'all do it.... I couldn't sign no contract knowing that I'm signing my life away to a government that has its hidden agendas..

When I signed up I signed up, I signed up to be an Aviation Support Equipment Technician. Not too much hidden agendas in that. As someone else said, if you are going to give something up make sure you get what you can. I sure did.
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