The Official Military Thread. Vol 1

Because it's not as black and white as you are trying to make it seem.

They step in the officr and trust they are asking questions....some of these recuiters are shady. These recuiters tell these kids that they can become officers faster by coming in enlisted and applying for OCS. Which in some cases is true. But not a majority of the time. Going into the military isn't like going for a regular job. When you apply for a regular job you are going for one job. When you walk into a recruiting station there numerous jobs you can qualify for. The recuiter has quotas to get people into certain spots so they will guide people into certain jobs just so they can meet numbers.

Calling these kids dumb isn't fair at all. And thinking they can just research this stuff (unless they know someone in the military) is asinine.

Taking tests for school and going into the military are two different ball games.

very accurate. they're trying to check a box and you fill the position. it's easy to sit back as a person in the military that knows better but some person off the street that's just trying to get in with no homies that know or some type of inside scoop is easy to prey on... be real
LoL ... Ok ... My uncle used to be the head of first Marine Corps District in LI ... Always talked about his job and of course know a bunch of recruiters .... If you aren't doing your research you are going to get bamboozle point blank .. It is a fair statement, you go in and your u get sold on MT mechanic when you have a master in science ... Yeah OK .... I'm in MEPS and I'm asking the person next to me where are you going and about their education and they telling me HS grad going in as an E3 because he had a couple of referrals or maybe a couple of college credits .. I'm throwing the BS flag ....

Point blank know what you are getting to before hand.

Going into the militar is exactly as going into a job interview ... The only thing is that you might need more persistent ...

You make sure the recruiter writes down everything promise , you go in with a guarantee job field and push back when you hear BS .

These dude ain't getting no pass ... If I'm being told hey you have a better chance going in as enlisted to be an officer .. I'm going next door to the other branch and ask ... Then I'm going home and do research ...

Only kids that get a pass are HS kids that really don't know better and even them to am extend ....

PS what you mean you need to know someone in the military to do research ... Say what???

Bruh how hard is to find your local VSO? That enough will get you all the information needed.

**** ain't TS .... Is out there ... Research ASVAB GT Etc etc .. Career field requirements ... Not hard. .
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LoL ... Ok ... My uncle used to be the head of first Marine Corps District in LI ... Always talked about his job and of course know a bunch of recruiters .... If you aren't doing your research you are going to get bamboozle point blank .. It is a fair statement, you go in and your u get sold on MT mechanic when you have a master in science ... Yeah OK .... I'm in MEPS and I'm asking the person next to me where are you going and about their education and they telling me HS grad going in as an E3 because he had a couple of referrals or maybe a couple of college credits .. I'm throwing the BS flag ....

Point blank know what you are getting to before hand.

Going into the militar is exactly as going into a job interview ... The only thing is that you might need more persistent ...

You make sure the recruiter writes down everything promise , you go in with a guarantee job field and push back when you hear BS .

These dude ain't getting no pass ... If I'm being told hey you have a better chance going in as enlisted to be an officer .. I'm going next door to the other branch and ask ... Then I'm going home and do research ...

Only kids that get a pass are HS kids that really don't know better and even them to am extend ....

PS what you mean you need to know someone in the military to do research ... Say what???

Bruh how hard is to find your local VSO? That enough will get you all the information needed.

**** ain't TS .... Is out there ... Research ASVAB GT Etc etc .. Career field requirements ... Not hard. .

you seem to think everybody has the same mind state and thought process as you... news flash homie, THEY DONT. you think a lot of these cats know anything about that ****? I understand you saying that it's out there but a lot of people know NOTHING about that. like most people don't know what a damn VSO is if they don't have knowledge of military **** in the first place. I didn't know what the hell VFW stood for until I got in and I'm in a family where 85% of the men have served. look at it from both sides dude, you just focused on what YOU would think about but YOU aren't THEM. Get it?
They can research all they want, and they can score a 99 on the ASVAB that's not gonna guarantee ish if no jobs are open. The worst is getting a person who's job locked. They listen to their family members who haven't been active duty since the 90's and take what they say for face value. The military is competitive nowadays, from the Army to the DON to the AF. My boy who's an Army recruiter would turn away kids who couldn't cut over a 50 on the AFQT. Nothing he can personally do but offer what's available or tell them to come back in a month or so to see if anything changes. The military isn't hurting for personnel. There are a lot of ppl in overmanned jobs and almost every branch is downsizing so with that recruiting has become harder in some aspects and easier in others.

And since when do recruiters write down or "guarantee" anything? Lmao!!! Only thing guaranteed is on that enlistment contract.
you seem to think everybody has the same mind state and thought process as you... news flash homie, THEY DONT. you think a lot of these cats know anything about that ****? I understand you saying that it's out there but a lot of people know NOTHING about that. like most people don't know what a damn VSO is if they don't have knowledge of military **** in the first place. I didn't know what the hell VFW stood for until I got in and I'm in a family where 85% of the men have served. look at it from both sides dude, you just focused on what YOU would think about but YOU aren't THEM. Get it?
I'm using common sense my man ... If you are a college grad (especially) with a master chances are you are 23-25 y/o that's no kid. You should know better to not ask question and take everything for face value.

I don't know where you have been living my man but VSO and VFW and MC league VA ... I know this from researching not because someone in told me about it ....

If you think your college education is only worth 20k-25k a year and a bunch of cleaning and following orders, then so beat it .... I think is pretty dumb to think that your degree get you the same as a HS diploma. If m not trying to sound like a jackass but you guys are trying to make these college grad seem like they were had because the recruiter was so great at speaking .. That's not the case they were naive they settle and they didn't do no research ....
I'm using common sense my man ... If you are a college grad (especially) with a master chances are you are 23-25 y/o that's no kid. You should know better to not ask question and take everything for face value.

I don't know where you have been living my man but VSO and VFW and MC league VA ... I know this from researching not because someone in told me about it ....

If you think your college education is only worth 20k-25k a year and a bunch of cleaning and following orders, then so beat it .... I think is pretty dumb to think that your degree get you the same as a HS diploma. If m not trying to sound like a jackass but you guys are trying to make these college grad seem like they were had because the recruiter was so great at speaking .. That's not the case they were naive they settle and they didn't do no research ....

you know what they say common sense ain't so common. I'm not trying to say ppl shouldn't research I'm saying some people don't. I'm sure many of your officer counterparts you know are book smart af but lack basic logic... that's neither here nor there though the main point is common sense ain't common. these quotas have to be filled and if they can sham you they're going to. no if ands or buts about that. research does prevent mistakes and getting ****ed, that we can all agree on.
noticed you said New Jersey? I'm stationed in NJ also. the only thing that keeps me sane is that NYC is only an hour drive and Philly is 30 mins away. there ain't nothing to do in south jersey.
NJ isn't so bad. There are a lot worse places to be, and the BAH rates are high as ****. 
They can research all they want, and they can score a 99 on the ASVAB that's not gonna guarantee ish if no jobs are open. The worst is getting a person who's job locked. They listen to their family members who haven't been active duty since the 90's and take what they say for face value. The military is competitive nowadays, from the Army to the DON to the AF. My boy who's an Army recruiter would turn away kids who couldn't cut over a 50 on the AFQT. Nothing he can personally do but offer what's available or tell them to come back in a month or so to see if anything changes. The military isn't hurting for personnel. There are a lot of ppl in overmanned jobs and almost every branch is downsizing so with that recruiting has become harder in some aspects and easier in others.

And since when do recruiters write down or "guarantee" anything? Lmao!!! Only thing guaranteed is on that enlistment contract.
I'll entertain you, just because ....

If a person score a 99 on an ASVAB, they pretty much getting what they want. I don't know what kind of recruiting experience you have or what's your sources, but thats ludacris. Can they be pushed, encourage or lied to in order to fill a different job, of course. 

To my knowledge and I could be wrong, the only jobs closed are for promotional reasons and individuals that are already in the service and are trying to do a career field move into another MOS. Typically this does not affect highly qualify new joins. However, there are always waivers and Im sure a good recruiter as last resort would submit a waiver ... no 99 ASVAB with no disqualifier are walking away ... SMH

Just because someone has been out of the military for years doesnt mean they dont know what they are talking about. Just for your heads up ... those old grumpy veterans at times know more than currently active services memeber. They know who's up for generals, sgtmajs etc .. they know all the hill is up too, the know pay raises/cuts, etc ... another statment I dont get from you. 

I agree the military is competitive now a day, but 50? That mean that 50% of the populous is more qualify ... of course I would turn them down. Unless is the last day of the last month and I havent made my quota .... 

smh .... you are another person that never got a recruiter to write down something they offered? LMAO smh ..... my dude, if they promise you anything above an E1, they write it down, if you arent going in as open contract, they'll write it down, if you are getting a bonus they'll write it down. If you are being told all this and believe it and never get it in writting, then is on you. SMH
you know what they say common sense ain't so common. I'm not trying to say ppl shouldn't research I'm saying some people don't. I'm sure many of your officer counterparts you know are book smart af but lack basic logic... that's neither here nor there though the main point is common sense ain't common. these quotas have to be filled and if they can sham you they're going to. no if ands or buts about that. research does prevent mistakes and getting ****ed, that we can all agree on.
that's what I'm trying to say. that's not the recruiters fault is the individual. so if a person with a master goes in and take the **** anyone is telling them and they have no common sense to research, that's their dumb as fault. all that education going to waste .....
I'll entertain you, just because ....

If a person score a 99 on an ASVAB, they pretty much getting what they want. I don't know what kind of recruiting experience you have or what's your sources, but thats ludacris. Can they be pushed, encourage or lied to in order to fill a different job, of course. 

To my knowledge and I could be wrong, the only jobs closed are for promotional reasons and individuals that are already in the service and are trying to do a career field move into another MOS. Typically this does not affect highly qualify new joins. However, there are always waivers and Im sure a good recruiter as last resort would submit a waiver ... no 99 ASVAB with no disqualifier are walking away ... SMH

Just because someone has been out of the military for years doesnt mean they dont know what they are talking about. Just for your heads up ... those old grumpy veterans at times know more than currently active services memeber. They know who's up for generals, sgtmajs etc .. they know all the hill is up too, the know pay raises/cuts, etc ... another statment I dont get from you. 

I agree the military is competitive now a day, but 50? That mean that 50% of the populous is more qualify ... of course I would turn them down. Unless is the last day of the last month and I havent made my quota .... 

smh .... you are another person that never got a recruiter to write down something they offered? LMAO smh ..... my dude, if they promise you anything above an E1, they write it down, if you arent going in as open contract, they'll write it down, if you are getting a bonus they'll write it down. If you are being told all this and believe it and never get it in writting, then is on you. SMH
Smh. You have no idea about what you're writing fillers on. Like I stated the worst thing a recruiter can not only do to a recruit but himself as well is make a promise or "GUARANTEE" on something they can't deliver on. You have to go to MEPS to find out which job a recruit qualified for, and also enlistment bonuses are guaranteed there (i.e. Nukes, Spec Ops, etc.). Yeah sure there are rare occasions a processor will call a station back about a recruit who may have been down there before on more than one occasion and couldn't get a job but irregardless, no recruiter guarantees anything so I don't know where you're getting that information from.

Again, no retired individual or person who got kicked out back in the 80's or 90's is going to dictate how the military operates in today's society, no happening Jack! Everyday stuff changes, hell slot has changed since I left recruiting duty back in 2012. Again, wherever you're getting this source information you are very misinformed on a few things.

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Oh and no 99 AFQT individual will walk away??? Lmfaooo, you definitely never been in the field. Happens often and it's the worst calling your Zone Sup telling him your person didn't get a job. More often than most they were job locked and didn't wanna settle, it happens. That's why you sell the military and not a job!
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I'm using common sense my man ... If you are a college grad (especially) with a master chances are you are 23-25 y/o that's no kid. You should know better to not ask question and take everything for face value.

I don't know where you have been living my man but VSO and VFW and MC league VA ... I know this from researching not because someone in told me about it ....

If you think your college education is only worth 20k-25k a year and a bunch of cleaning and following orders, then so beat it .... I think is pretty dumb to think that your degree get you the same as a HS diploma. If m not trying to sound like a jackass but you guys are trying to make these college grad seem like they were had because the recruiter was so great at speaking .. That's not the case they were naive they settle and they didn't do no research ....

Are you in? Just have to ask because I really don't seem to understand the logic or info you are giving me.

I'm a 14 year vet. I have seen the trends go up and down.

Here is the real deal. Research doesn't mean a damn thing when the military is constantly changing. Things change on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. And every service is different. So going to each branch will get you a different set of answers.

Talking to anyone who has been out is going to do nothing but give you old information. Hell talking to somebody who is in will sometimes get you old information. If that person is not in a leadership position or they aren't a naval career cousleor the information they may give could be bad info. Joining the military now is going to be a crap shoot period. No matter what reseaech you do. MEPS of course really determines everything.

So fact right now...the average time to get in as an officer is 12 to 18 months. Then you go to OCS. Catch 22 for coming in enlisted is you have to usually be on board a ship or on station at least 12 months before you can apply for OCS if you have the qualifications. The fastest I have seen someone go officer from enlisted is 3 years. Girl was on point.

Now 21k a year does sound terrible but if you are staying in barracks you are not paying rent. If married or have a dependant of course you draw BAH which in some areas is up to 2 grand tax free on top of basic pay. My basr pay at my rank of e7 is about 48k a year....but add the bah and I'm clearing close to 80k not including special pays.

Taking orders is apart of the job period. If you come in officer or enlisted you are still working for someone and hell even once my warrant officer package goes through I'm still gonna take orders from the commanding officer.

So if you want to rag on these kids and say they didn't do thier research, so be it...but you would be wrong.
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Smh. You have no idea about what you're writing fillers on. Like I stated the worst thing a recruiter can not only do to a recruit but himself as well is make a promise or "GUARANTEE" on something they can't deliver on. You have to go to MEPS to find out which job a recruit qualified for, and also enlistment bonuses are guaranteed there (i.e. Nukes, Spec Ops, etc.). Yeah sure there are rare occasions a processor will call a station back about a recruit who may have been down there before on more than one occasion and couldn't get a job but irregardless, no recruiter guarantees anything so I don't know where you're getting that information from.

Again, no retired individual or person who got kicked out back in the 80's or 90's is going to dictate how the military operates in today's society, no happening Jack! Everyday stuff changes, hell slot has changed since I left recruiting duty back in 2012. Again, wherever you're getting this source information you are very misinformed on a few things.

Again, I'm not talking about a recruiter promising duty station preference or a field that a person is not qualified. I'm talking about legit perks that an individual rate (IE. Rank, Qualify MOS, Length of Contract, Duty Status, etc). I'm not talking about hey, you want to be a pilot, yeah I think I can get you there and dude barely qualify to be a food service specialist (COOK). Come on guy .... You will be a E2/E3 after graduating bootcamp (cause the individual have college credits or referals) and they won't write it????? Or you will be INSERT JOB and they wont write it???? Man .....

SMH, I never said that retirees have any influence, I said they are well informed and know what's going on moreso than a lot of active folks. However, there are generals out there that still have pull and influence within the military .. you must be a fool not to think there are ... But, I understand that everyday stuff changes ... hell the MC went from 170K to 202K and everyone was coming in and now they are going back down to 170K and they are harder than AF at times. So you aren't saying anything new .. I'm def not mis informed ... you are just saying stuff that can be interpreted one way and when I replied you are taking it a different way.

Oh and no 99 AFQT individual will walk away??? Lmfaooo, you definitely never been in the field. Happens often and it's the worst calling your Zone Sup telling him your person didn't get a job. More often than most they were job locked and didn't wanna settle, it happens. That's why you sell the military and not a job!
Well, if a person is highly qualify and the job is not open, either DEP or try to sell them on another job or perhaps try and submit a waiver or reserve. But to what you are saying, it further proves my point about a person with a Masters settling .....
Are you in? Just have to ask because I really don't seem to understand the logic or info you are giving me.

I'm a 14 year vet. I have seen the trends go up and down.

Here is the real deal. Research doesn't mean a damn thing when the military is constantly changing. Things change on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. And every service is different. So going to each branch will get you a different set of answers.

Talking to anyone who has been out is going to do nothing but give you old information. Hell talking to somebody who is in will sometimes get you old information. If that person is not in a leadership position or they aren't a naval career cousleor the information they may give could be bad info. Joining the military now is going to be a crap shoot period. No matter what reseaech you do. MEPS of course really determines everything.

So fact right now...the average time to get in as an officer is 12 to 18 months. Then you go to OCS. Catch 22 for coming in enlisted is you have to usually be on board a ship or on station at least 12 months before you can apply for OCS if you have the qualifications. The fastest I have seen someone go officer from enlisted is 3 years. Girl was on point.

Now 21k a year does sound terrible but if you are staying in barracks you are not paying rent. If married or have a dependant of course you draw BAH which in some areas is up to 2 grand tax free on top of basic pay. My basr pay at my rank of e7 is about 48k a year....but add the bah and I'm clearing close to 80k not including special pays.

Taking orders is apart of the job period. If you come in officer or enlisted you are still working for someone and hell even once my warrant officer package goes through I'm still gonna take orders from the commanding officer.

So if you want to rag on these kids and say they didn't do thier research, so be it...but you would be wrong.
Going to different branches will get you different answer, but one answer will hold true. If you have a degree you can come in as an O and E. That's what we are talking about here ....

I can agree on the other two paragraph as the military as a whole is sizing down.

In regards to the salary, a person with a MASTERS (which is what we are talking about) coming in as an E (advancement to E3) is making $1800 staying in the barracks if single and eating at the chow hall. Or doing their research and understanding the can come in as an O1 making $2900 getting BAH and BAS and having his own commodity or working for it. Come on .... Just a quick search about rank structure ... once you apply for OCS is a crap shoot and if you are accepted you wasted 3 years which most likely mean you would of have been an O2 making 4400 ... come on ... 14 years an E-7 will get you what when you retire barely 2k????? I dont think so .... we arent living for now .. yes you making good money once you add all the extra but after 20 years you aint making **** ......

in regards to taking orders, hell the General in Charge takes orders .... what orders you rather take????

I will continue to say a college grad that has invested alll their time and money going into a local recruiter and coming in as enlisted because they didnt do their research is dumb ... If they are fully aware they can come in as an O and they decided to come in as Enlisted, that's a different story .... thats necessity not being uninformed.
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I won't retire as an e7 thats for sure...and nobody smart thinks they are living off that 2k in retirement. I'm already setting up for a GS job once I retire. Seen too many peole fail when they retire and it won't be me.

And I guess we just aren't seeing eye to eye. Research or not they will either wait the time to come in as an O or come in enlisted. But not everybody has time to wait.
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I won't retire as an e7 thats for sure...and nobody smart thinks they are living off that 2k in retirement. I'm already setting up for a GS job once I retire. Seen too many peole fail when they retire and it won't be me.

And I guess we just aren't seeing eye to eye. Research or not they will either wait the time to come in as an O or come in enlisted. But not everybody has time to wait.
but we are seeing eye to eye ... A person with w master that does research can either choose to wait or come in as enlisted if there's a wait time for Officer. That person clearly can make an informed decision. A person that goes to a recruiter and join as an enlisted because the recruiter sold them on it without knowing there are other ave. They qualify for are dumb...

GS? Man, you sure love DoD ... What field?

A super bright friend of the family took a GS13 job doing DTS ... Lmao ... Dude said he making 100+ and he doesn't put an honest day work ... Also bragged about all his federal holidays and early Fridays and leave time ... Smh ...
Again, I'm not talking about a recruiter promising duty station preference or a field that a person is not qualified. I'm talking about legit perks that an individual rate (IE. Rank, Qualify MOS, Length of Contract, Duty Status, etc). I'm not talking about hey, you want to be a pilot, yeah I think I can get you there and dude barely qualify to be a food service specialist (COOK). Come on guy .... You will be a E2/E3 after graduating bootcamp (cause the individual have college credits or referals) and they won't write it????? Or you will be INSERT JOB and they wont write it???? Man .....

SMH, I never said that retirees have any influence, I said they are well informed and know what's going on moreso than a lot of active folks. However, there are generals out there that still have pull and influence within the military .. you must be a fool not to think there are ... But, I understand that everyday stuff changes ... hell the MC went from 170K to 202K and everyone was coming in and now they are going back down to 170K and they are harder than AF at times. So you aren't saying anything new .. I'm def not mis informed ... you are just saying stuff that can be interpreted one way and when I replied you are taking it a different way.
Well, if a person is highly qualify and the job is not open, either DEP or try to sell them on another job or perhaps try and submit a waiver or reserve. But to what you are saying, it further proves my point about a person with a Masters settling .....
Going to different branches will get you different answer, but one answer will hold true. If you have a degree you can come in as an O and E. That's what we are talking about here ....

I can agree on the other two paragraph as the military as a whole is sizing down.

In regards to the salary, a person with a MASTERS (which is what we are talking about) coming in as an E (advancement to E3) is making $1800 staying in the barracks if single and eating at the chow hall. Or doing their research and understanding the can come in as an O1 making $2900 getting BAH and BAS and having his own commodity or working for it. Come on .... Just a quick search about rank structure ... once you apply for OCS is a crap shoot and if you are accepted you wasted 3 years which most likely mean you would of have been an O2 making 4400 ... come on ... 14 years an E-7 will get you what when you retire barely 2k????? I dont think so .... we arent living for now .. yes you making good money once you add all the extra but after 20 years you aint making **** ......

in regards to taking orders, hell the General in Charge takes orders .... what orders you rather take????

I will continue to say a college grad that has invested alll their time and money going into a local recruiter and coming in as enlisted because they didnt do their research is dumb ... If they are fully aware they can come in as an O and they decided to come in as Enlisted, that's a different story .... thats necessity not being uninformed.
Bro you didn't specify what exactly you were referring to. You made a vague statement and I responded accordingly. In essence yeah we are talking about the same thing but question, why would they DEP in when in actuality they're better off just waiting. It's rare they'll be able to change jobs once DEP'ed in as a Future Sailor so they'll either take the chance of being able to switch or be stuck! Again that happens a lot due to these promises that they'll be able to switch once DEP'ed in.
Bro you didn't specify what exactly you were referring to. You made a vague statement and I responded accordingly. In essence yeah we are talking about the same thing but question, why would they DEP in when in actuality they're better off just waiting. It's rare they'll be able to change jobs once DEP'ed in as a Future Sailor so they'll either take the chance of being able to switch or be stuck! Again that happens a lot due to these promises that they'll be able to switch once DEP'ed in.
yeah ... I meant wait it out ... Just wrote DEP because the name delay ... Sorry ...
Don't clown me y'all..I'm 24 n out of college..would I be a fool if I joined the marine reserves ?
If that suits your needs, no.

The Marines can't sell you anything that other branches can or even top, but pride in being one of the proud and few.

Being a Marine for a lot of folks is only status - knowing you are able to wear the most recognize uniform in the world (At least in somes opinion) ...

If you have a degree push for Officer ....

What is your current situation???
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im not even gonna ******** yall..I have a great job...I was on the verge of joining after high school but decided not.. I always wonder what it have been like if I did go
im not even gonna ******** yall..I have a great job...I was on the verge of joining after high school but decided not.. I always wonder what it have been like if I did go
I don't see what exactly you can get from the reserves .. One weekend out the month and two weeks out the year. Sometimes you will have to be at work Friday evenings and others Thursday. You might get a job that the units close to you do not have billets for and you will have to travel (you might get reimburse every weekend up to 300) but again, it might be a hassle. Just depends on what you want to do ... Also take in the risk that you might get activated, you have a service time requirment etc.
but we are seeing eye to eye ... A person with w master that does research can either choose to wait or come in as enlisted if there's a wait time for Officer. That person clearly can make an informed decision. A person that goes to a recruiter and join as an enlisted because the recruiter sold them on it without knowing there are other ave. They qualify for are dumb...

GS? Man, you sure love DoD ... What field?

A super bright friend of the family took a GS13 job doing DTS ... Lmao ... Dude said he making 100+ and he doesn't put an honest day work ... Also bragged about all his federal holidays and early Fridays and leave time ... Smh ...

Lol DOD takes care of me. It will also be transportation. I work in ordnance. But if I can get a gs 12 or the retirement...i can retire (again) at 62 and collect ss plus everything I have thrown into TSP. I just want to make sure the fam is very comfortable. If I make warrent I'll reitre a w4 at 25 plus the gs job....we would be good.

And its true....I work with a couple 12's and 13' I want that gig....
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