The Official Ms. Clavel Sneaker Magazine thread!!!

kingcrux31 wrote:
Ms. Clavel's launch @ Embassy Cuisine was a huge success. It was definitely the sneaker event of the year. Who would've thought 5 years ago that we'd see a magazine like this in the Philippines? What started as an idea and presented to me less than 6 months ago became a reality after Endo put together a superb team of talented individuals (clears throat) to work on the magazine. I have a feeling more and more companies will support the magazine in the near future. Nike Philippines, you there?

I arrived early after I was invited to have dinner with the Ms. Clavel family. The first guests arrived a little before 9pm. Around 9:30pm, the place was almost packed and people couldn't wait for the program to start. When the DVD played on the projector screen, the dudes went wild while most of the females looked embarrassed. There was nothing explicit in the vid. I guess the women felt funny with all the men howling at half naked chicks. Ha ha. Things got more interesting when four Ms. Clavel models showcased a number of rare sneakers on silver platters. For 2 hours, drinks overflowed. Talk about OPEN BAR. I only had a double whisky on the rocks. I totally lost track of the time as I moved from one group to another, chatting with old and new faces.

I present to you the photos and some vids.


Something I got for my man Endo

The venue

Here we go! (click to play)

Ryan's G1

Borgy, Mr. and Mrs., Sam and Chooee. Not knowing how to operate a camera FTL!

My fav model for the night

The receptionist

Team I ain't smashing

What I ate while waiting for the guests to arrive. Buffalo chicken sandwich @ Cafeteria is hella good.

My other name

Red carpet

Asian powerhouse


NT in full effect


Dandy and his crew

I don't even know what's going on here

Stop shooting!

Let's go officers!

The kicks

The scene inside

Click to play

My fav couple

Streething x Ms. Clavel x Fresh

Chicks and kicks

Dee Bee Dee Dee Bee Dee Dee Bee Dee (click to play)

Happy Taguig Day!

Click to play

The after party @ Shakey's Makati Ave.

Rolex boys ain't got +%*! on us

Chicken almost done


Shout-outs to the Ms. Clavel family especially my main Endo and his lovely wife. Congratulations on a job well done! Borgy and his crew, awesome job my dudes. What a night to remember. Cuisine is definitely what's up. Much love to those who supported the event. Chooee all the way from KL, Malaysia. Check out his site HERE. Also to Big Boi and FRESH Manila. NT'ers Carlo and his wife Ruth (nice feature man), Mark and Kheiy (peep the inside back cover of the mag for their WeLegendary ad), Arvin, Glenn, Alvin (your story made it!), Vdeezy (good to see you again man), Sinichi of Sole, Dandy and his crew (what a lively group, must be the alcohol ha ha), Jay, Flashout, Miko and his brother. What up to Mykhan and his brother, Kim C, Shikko, Jammi and his moody friend, Jano, MK, Mong and Chicosci. Forgive me if I missed anyone. Shout-outs also to all the 100 or so non-NT guests who RSVPed but never bothered to say hello (a few did). I hope you all had fun!

'Til our next gathering.

Peace out!

* NOTES: The magazine will be available at Filbar's next week followed by your favorite magazine outlets. Grab a copy before the mag sells out! If you want to be featured, email [email protected] with your stories and photos.
great kicks! great chicks! great pix! always good to to see you, king! thanks!

^ thanks miko, i knew it. Its indicated in the cover of the mag that it is for Dec 08 - Jan 09. While the upcoming model at the later part of the mag says seeyou in feb 09.

Good day NT.
Originally Posted by Swooshie5

^ thanks miko, i knew it. Its indicated in the cover of the mag that it is for Dec 08 - Jan 09. While the upcoming model at the later part of the mag says see you in feb 09.

Good day NT.
pareng toots mukhang exited ka sa new issue ng ms.clavel ha.. hehehe...
^ Pareng Carlo, well not really. I just heard that one of our fellow NTer will be featured there. I also heard that he has some sickand dope collection...Haha!
Originally Posted by archiebolz

tnx jojo for the reply, I am no expert, I'm just a reader speaking his mind and my apologies if I offended anyone in anyway. I can see your passion for this undertaking and understand your reaction. It's no easy job putting up something like this. Maybe I did have wrong expectations for your magazine. What's important is you took the initiative to take that first step to something I think is going to get better and better. The line "you can't please everyone" is key. A good reference for footwear and what's out in the market, I just wish you had more materials we can read. Congratulations on the third issue!
i copped the mag too..with the same expectation as yours above..

and i totally feel you lacks stories at all..and even the texture and pics...even an amature d40 users can make photos come to life...thatcould have conpensated the shortcomings..but then i said..ohh wow a free dvd..when i check it out..what first i thought the dvd is hanging up...only tofind out that it was so called an EDITING style...mad props...for a H.S. project...

hey i hope they turn around things quickly..they can be a promising MAG..for shoeheads...i just hope they wont break their good promises..

just my 2 cents hate...peace
^^^ Yeah, I heard about pareng Toots being featured in the next issue of Ms. Clavel hehehehe

Send me that issue for free, my friend!!! Salamat!!!

And yes, grabe yung collection ng kaibigan natin na NTer who is going to be featured. Sick and Crazy and MANY!!!!
^ Carlo and Bong not me noh. But im pretty sure Bong knows who i am talking about.

How i wish i was the guy being featured. But i have nothing compared to the others...
Originally Posted by Swooshie5

I just heard that one of our fellow NTer will be featured there.
true! met him before and told me that he'll be featured on the next issue of ms.clavel..
My bad, guys. My bad hehehehe

Yeah, talked with him kanina and asked him for a free copy of the issue. He said yes!!! Salamat pare!!!
Originally Posted by revelation218

My bad, guys. My bad hehehehe

Yeah, talked with him kanina and asked him for a free copy of the issue. He said yes!!! Salamat pare!!!
pareng bong, i heard this dude's collection is weak compared to what you have!!!! pareng toots will agree!!! hahahahaha!
^^^ I really don't think so. This is not about me pareng Miko!!! It's about that guy who got a nod from Ms. Clavel

Congrats, pare, you know who you are!!! We at NT are proud of you!!! Keep it up!!!
if they feature NTPI on one issue in a one grand eb..i think that would be fun...and it will probably sell out..hehe
If you want first dibs on the second issue, be at the Adidas House Party on Friday, The Embassy.

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