The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Bruce Bowen would've never been allowed to step onto a court per today's NBA rules
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 “I do think it’s curious how somebody who gets knocked out in the first round (of the playoffs), and who has been on vacation for seven weeks, is under the same penalty system as someone who is still playing in the Finals now,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. “I’m not sure why that’s the case. It seems like a strange rule … That may be something to bring up in the offseason. It does seem a little strange.”
VanDeWeghe discussed his reasoning with USA TODAY Sports on Sunday.

Q: Kiki, how much did Draymond’s personal history with these kinds of situations come into play?

A: “Obviously that’s something that can factor in, given the next day (of deliberating). That’s one of the advantages we have over the referees, is we can look at a lot of comparables, we can look at the history, we can look at the investigator’s reports because we have professional investigators. It’s a long process. They talk to the players. They talk to the referees in the replay center. I talk to the referees in the replay center as well.

“Again, what’s important is that this was – you look at this play on a standalone basis – other things were going on in the game, obviously – but this was viewed as a Flagrant One on its own. It wasn’t that we suspended him, it was that it triggered the suspension. And so we have our rules and our point system is in place, everybody knows it. Draymond was on notice, certainly, and certainly after the last contact to the groin with Adams, so what’s important I think is to understand that this was one point, it was viewed as a Flagrant One, and you can’t make an exception. You have to do the right thing for the play.”

Q: Was it an option for you to potentially give him an technical as opposed to a flagrant (which would not have triggered a suspension)?

A: “There’s always options, but this – really when you looked at it – was certainly unnecessary. (He) made contact to the groin in a retaliatory fashion for the stepover. So I think this met all the criteria on a Flagrant One. And although we looked at all options, this was the one, I think, that was the right one.”

Q: On the Warriors’ side, what I’ve been hearing on their side is that the idea of a prominent player missing an NBA Finals game when he was reacting to another player’s moment of frustration, someone who was the instigator with his reaction during a loss, is tough to take. How heavily did that weigh on your mind?

A: “Well obviously it weighs on your mind. We’re all aware that these are important games. But Sam, it doesn’t mean you can make an exception. That’s why the point system is in place … and unfortunately it triggered a suspension. But again, because of where we are in the (playoffs), that weighs heavily on your mind.”

Q: If he doesn’t swing a second time, are we talking about this?

A: “Really, you look at the totality of the play. But it was really the first contact with the groin that triggered the Flagrant One. That was enough right there.”
I'm a lebron hater all the way and I figured a suspension would be coming as soon as I saw the replay.

at least the Adams kicks could be passed off as flopping.

he took 2 shots at Lebron's nuts from behind.
Draymond is just a dumb *** who can't control himself.

he knew he was under the spotlight going into the finals and does something stupid like that.

Mo is nice, but he has to be careful talking about balls on the back of his head...
Does the barber cut around it or shape it up too?
yeah man that thing even grow hair? i'd gotta charge him $5 extra to give it a fade
Going against LeBron, I'm not mad at all about the Draymond suspension.

It's better he learns his lesson now against the Cavs as opposed to a team that's a real threat

I'm fully prepared for the lulz for when the Dubs win anyway and LeSnitch finally has no excuse to hide behind.
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Thunder should be pissed right now
******** man. He should have been suspended when he kicks Adams. It doesn't even matter in this series. Cavs are done. I'm still bitter thunder lost man.

had dray been suspended for the ensuing game wouldn't have made a difference. iirc, GSW lost the following game as well.

and thunder fans, lets stop thinking that the thunder lost because the league didn't suspend dray. OKC had a 3-1 advantage and pissed it away. if OKC fans should be upset, they should be upset with their squad.
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Dudes on here are going to bat for the guy who's repeatedly kicking/punching guys in the junk. That's what it's come to for some of the weirdos on this site. :lol:

i'm sure cuzz wasn't trippin when KG was doing and saying the same stuff when he played for Boston so JD617 JD617 can miss me with that pot callin the kettle black bs
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klay straight up cried about a screen and said it was dirty

The warriors go in and cry about dellavedova's foul

but when bron follows their lead its all of a sudden WW3 
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Took a nap, woke up to see the Draymond news on my phone and knew this thread was going to blowup.

LeBron was wrong for stepping over him like that, but it's hard to give Draymond the benefit of the doubt after all the foolishness he's already gotten away with in the playoffs.

OKC fans should be pissed though.

@ the idea of LeBron "snitching" Draymond got into it with him in the middle of an NBA Finals game with millions watching. The groin shot might not have been intentional but like I said earlier it's hard to give Draymond the benefit of the doubt with his recent track record.

Overall I don't think this will have a big impact on Game 5. I fully expect a Ian Clark, Barbosa, Varejao, Speights etc. to step up and take some of slack in Green's absence.
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