The Official NBA Season Thread: Derrick Rose Retires 🌹 / KAT Traded to the Knicks for Randle and DiVincenzo


Standings say otherwise

Who on the warriors is better than Bane besides Steph?
That Indiana team had some bad luck. Cuz Brogdon, Oladipo & Sabonis were on the brink of becoming a solid trio in the East. They were looking like a 50 win ball club in the East, before Vic injury.

Hopefully, the Kings keep it up! Headband Huerter really seems to have leveled up. Foxamilion is just a problem. And him and Sabonis have good chemistry.

I like what Mike Brown is doing. I hope the kings keep it going. Even Malik Monk is looking like he’s in the perfect role for him.
Speaking of chemistry and headband Huerter, look at this ****

Kevin Durant is an all-time great basketball player (top 20 for sure) but he has zero leadership ability and he's made some bizarre career decisions.
I like the players they have right now, but now sure I’ll ever have faith in the Kings as an organization.
As a lifelong Kings fan, this is also my analysis at this current time. if the team is still playing like this in March i will believe
Folks in business law, are they held personally liable. I thought they are protected because it is a corp?
Out of my area of expertise, but anyone actually collecting on this from the celeb endorsers personally seems like a real long shot to me. For lots of reasons.
The Trae point was less about DJM specifically and more about I understand getting another guy who can dribble & create at an all-star level to alleviate 1 guy controlling every single thing on the perimeter. 1 guy doing everything on the perimeter is just as unsuccessful as the your turn, my turn that you described.

And if we’re talking about the playoffs, I think Sabonis will be exponentially more detrimental to the Kings chances in that environment than Haliburton.

I would’ve kept Haliburton and used some of that Huerter powder on defensively versatile big men.
im sure you didn't watch the Kings much but... Fox and Haliburton didn't work. Not a viable combo. Keeping those together and adding Huerter would not have the team playing anywhere near what they are now. the trade worked for both teams. It turned Fox into a different player.
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