The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Just watched Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and I'd definitely recommend it a movie to watch.
I watched Lars and the Real Girl today and I thought it was pretty good... Gosling is really good in this role...
idk if it was mentioned already but 'The Vicious Kind' is good, watched last night.

"A man tries to warn his brother away from the new girlfriend he brings home during Thanksgiving, but ends up becoming infatuated with her in the process."

it's way more ****** up than that tho :lol: :lol: Adam Scott DID the damn thing in this flick

People will say parks and rec, but it's no where near as funny as the office is. Check out Arrested Developement. Also, if you get a chance, find a site streaming Community.
Do not watch Craigslist Joe.
Boring as hell.
20 mins in I was like wth is this.
Someone recommended it to me.

Proceeded to continue watching Avengers cartoon.
And some Futurama.
Just watched the Chris Herron 30 for 30...goddamn

The inbetweeners was pretty funny

Craigslist joe :stoneface: that kid has the personality of a potato
I havent seen a 30 for 30 that wasnt good.
The ones Ive seen are solid.
Once Brothers
Two Escobars
Reggie Miller vs The Knicks
The Steve Bartman one
The Real Rocky
June 17, 1994 (if I recall)
The Announcement

Theres alot more. But these films are dope.
whats a show with the same caliber of comedy as The Office?

Parks and Recreation is far more consistent than the Office, once you get past the first season, it's one of the best comedies on TV

Parks is different.

It's not as outright amazing as seasons 2-4 of The Office, but better than any season outside of those.

And it doesn't really have a Michael Scott or a Dwight or a Jim...

But it has Ron ******g Swanson. :lol:

And it makes up for not having 3 superfunny main characters, by having a deep cast. Simpsons deep.
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I figured he meant "as good of a comedy" when he said caliber, not necessarily the same style.

Parks is less cynical than the Office, which is far less cynical than the UK Office.

Season 4 of the Office was where the wheels started wobble a bit, even season 3 had some big warning signs. Season 4 featured my personal jump the shark moment, with Michael driving his car into a lake 
 that was everything wrong with the "new" Office. Overly relying on comedy outside the Office, exaggerated character traits, and far more eye rolling moments than laugh out loud. Definitely still had some great moments in season 4 and here and there later on, but Office seasons 2 and 3 are up there with Simpsons 3-5, Parks 3-4, Arrested Development 1-2, and any other elite comedy peaks.

I think not having breakout characters like The Office is actually a strength of Parks, rather than a weakness. They can rely on the strength of those three for The Office and the rest of the cast suffers for it. They're all playing off the big stars and I'm far less interested in a supporting character having their own story. A Meredith or Stanley plot will rarely be as good as an April or Ben plot. Plus overly relying on Dwight and Michael lead to a lot of cringeworthy plots and moments.. and at times Ron might suffer from the jokes about him being a meat loving manly man. That's certainly hilarious, but you can run the risk of making him just a one note character.... but thankfully they haven't.

And I read it somewhere (probably The AV Club) a few years ago, but Parks is as close to a live action Simpsons as we'll ever see on TV. They can pull out so many great characters from the town and it works flawlessly. The reporter, Leslie's nemesis and the Eagleton rivalry, Tammy 2, the Native American (John Redcorn), Joan Callamezzo, any crazy person from a town hall meeting, etc. It's ridiculous what they can do with the town of Pawnee.  
They can rely on the strength of those three for The Office and the rest of the cast suffers for it. They're all playing off the big stars and I'm far less interested in a supporting character having their own story. A Meredith or Stanley plot will rarely be as good as an April or Ben plot.

That's a really good point.

The Office's supporting class is like a Greek chorus or little catchphrase/quirk machines.
That's why when they let Ed Helms take the lead, the show just died completely.
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