The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Couldn't get into it at first but Orange is The New Black was solid. The ending didn't give me the

Gotta finish up House of Cards. On episode 3.
Started Parks and Rec like a week ago and I'm already on season 4 now. This show is unbelievably funny I can't believe I've been missing out :lol:

You guys have any other recommendations for sitcoms? My friends have been telling me Community is pretty good as well, thoughts?

I've said for the past 3 years that Big Bang Theory was the best comedy on tv..Then I caught a couple ep.'s of P and R on regular tv and thought it looked pretty good..Started binge watching on Netflix and I'm completely hooked..

Ron Swanson has got to be the best character on any comedy show on tv right now..When he gave that little girl doing the report a landmine to take home I was crying real tears..

And April is so sexy to me..When they do a close up of her and she gets that naughty look on her face, I'm done..:smokin
Just got this back and I remember why I cancelled in the first place, nothing to watch. Maybe I'm just tired of TV period.
Just got this back and I remember why I cancelled in the first place, nothing to watch. Maybe I'm just tired of TV period.
its not that bad for $8 if your only streaming. Now Hulu, thats a waste of money, commercials 
Just finished The League. Absolutely hilarious. Bunch of crazy frittatas. An I'm pretty sure I'Ve fallen in love with Jennie. Definitely the coolest wife a guy could have. An she has that girl next door cuteness going on.

Oh an Shiva :pimp: :pimp:
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I've said for the past 3 years that Big Bang Theory was the best comedy on tv..Then I caught a couple ep.'s of P and R on regular tv and thought it looked pretty good..Started binge watching on Netflix and I'm completely hooked..

Ron Swanson has got to be the best character on any comedy show on tv right now..When he gave that little girl doing the report a landmine to take home I was crying real tears..

And April is so sexy to me..When they do a close up of her and she gets that naughty look on her face, I'm done..:smokin

I love April :wow:

It's Always Sunny will always be my favorite TV comedy but this show definitely comes a close second. It's unbelievable how perfect the cast is, everything works. Definitely need to get to season 6 because this show is starting to take over my life.

Two of my favorite moments:

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Started watching "sherlock holmes" last night...pretty good but honestly i like "Elementary" on CBS a little more...
its not that bad for $8 if your only streaming. Now Hulu, thats a waste of money, commercials :x .


Man I don't have cable so Hulu and Netflix are solids for me. I def don't think Netflix is a waste of money (anymore) not by a longshot. If you don't watch/care about TV then I could understand tho.
Stuck in Love, Never Back Down, and Flawless all up and great to watch.  Flawless is honestly one of my favorites so if you haven't seen it I would check it out.  Never back down is worth the watch just to see Amber Heard in a bikini (plus it is a decent flick) 
Stuck in love was pretty good...


really weird but entertaining...


really interesting documentary about fruit and some of their origins...


decent indie comedy...


it was just ok to me...


pretty good foreign dark comedy...
Netflix def helped me "step outside my comfort zone" when it comes to TV and movies. Just on the sheer "i'm bored lemme see what's on Netflix" type steeze. Can't tell you how many GREAT movies I discovered that way.... some are misses, but enough are hits to keep me coming back. Before netflix streaming I was a strictly big block buster viewer and/or movies with predominately Black casts. Now I watch way more foreign films, TV shows from various places, documentaries, etc.

#netflixfangirl :lol:
Got snowed in the past few days and literally finished 5 seasons of dexter in a week. I heard it goes downhill from here?? Haha it's been really good so far doe.
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