The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

What's the difference between Roku and Chromecast? Basically all I want out of a media player is the ability to stream Netflix to my television.

Right now Roku offers a ton more options and channels. Chromecast is still new and it's slowly getting there.. but Roku has that advantage. Roku's are also more expensive, but they have more content and comes with a remote.
What's the difference between Roku and Chromecast? Basically all I want out of a media player is the ability to stream Netflix to my television.

Roku is more of a full featured TV top box, while chromecast is pretty much just a streaming device. With that said, I love mine. It is a nice platform, with many new apps coming out. I pretty much just stream Netflix and the occasional YouTube, but there are supposedly some awesome new apps/features on the way. Basically, if you just want a barebones streaming experience that works well and is easy to understand, it is hard to go wrong with a chromecast.
Young Justice just added to netflix :pimp:

Definitely recommend it for those who are into DC comics and haven't seen it yet.
Hooked up the Chromecast last night. Now it's time to put in work on Netflix.

Watched End of Watch 

Michael Pena's wife talking to Anna Kendrick @ the wedding "be a freak! cup em and suck" 
Apple TV ftw.

You guys should check out Auschwitz: inside the nazi state. A six part documentary. Pretty good so far.
Apple TV ftw.

You guys should check out Auschwitz: inside the nazi state. A six part documentary. Pretty good so far.
Yeah I've noticed Netlfix has a pretty solid documentary section. My friend keeps recommending the Stephen Hawking ones.
Apple TV won't have cable pay channels like AMC or ESPN.. that kind of a la carte programming isn't available on any device. The best you can do is have an Apple TV/Roku/whatever and you buy episodes like you could buy it on iTunes or Amazon.

You will be able to get things like HBO Go, League Pass, etc. but it's not like you can say "I want just Comedy Central, ESPN, and AMC"
Apple TV won't have cable pay channels like AMC or ESPN.. that kind of a la carte programming isn't available on any device. The best you can do is have an Apple TV/Roku/whatever and you buy episodes like you could buy it on iTunes or Amazon.

You will be able to get things like HBO Go, League Pass, etc. but it's not like you can say "I want just Comedy Central, ESPN, and AMC"

league pass!? NBA or NFL??
NBA, but you still have to pay for the service.

Buying an Apple TV doesn't give you "free" Netflix, League Pass, HBO Go, etc. it's just a box that allows you to stream those channels you've already paid for.

They have some free channels, though

Roku has a ton of channels as well.!browse

And then there's the Chromecast, but their channels are limited right now, but they'll get there.
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Apple TV is a very good device, but I'd say look into a Roku for a cheaper price but most of the same functions. Unless there's channels that Apple TV offers that others don't.. or unless you're already heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, then a Roku might make more sense. My brother has two Macs, two iPhones, and with an Apple TV, they all work flawlessly together so that works.

Whereas my mom doesn't have anything Apple and she's perfectly fine with a Roku for a cheaper price.
Apple TV is a very good device, but I'd say look into a Roku for a cheaper price but most of the same functions. Unless there's channels that Apple TV offers that others don't.. or unless you're already heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, then a Roku might make more sense. My brother has two Macs, two iPhones, and with an Apple TV, they all work flawlessly together so that works.

Whereas my mom doesn't have anything Apple and she's perfectly fine with a Roku for a cheaper price.

Yeah I'm in the same boat with your brother all I have is apple products...
The Writer's Room is now on Netflix Instant. Jim Rash (the Dean from Community and Oscar award winning writer) talks with writers/creators of Breaking Bad, Parks, New Girl, GoT, Dexter, and American Horror Story
The Writer's Room is now on Netflix Instant. Jim Rash (the Dean from Community and Oscar award winning writer) talks with writers/creators of Breaking Bad, Parks, New Girl, GoT, Dexter, and American Horror Story
I'd always see commercials for this show on t.v., but never gotta chance to watch it. Thanks for the heads up; I will definitely check it out now.
Huge update.. nice to see some classic titles coming back.

Close Encounters
Fifth Element
Crouching Tiger
Mean Girls
Muppets Take Manattan
Rocky (and the sequels)
Barton Fink
League of their Own
Graduate (one of my personal favorites)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
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