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House of Cards:Season3 ep4-Frances made a big mistake leaving a loyalist like Doug Stamper behind.
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House of Cards:Season3ep4-Frances made a big mistake leaving a loyalist like Doug Stamper behind.
Frank or Claire gonna have to get murked to end that show. My money is Frank has Claire killed to win the election by sympathy.

Watching this Unbreakable show. Tina fey is the writer can't be all bad.
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I have an embarrassing confession to make. I'm sorry you guys. I just forced myself through the first 5 episodes of house of cards. I hate that show. I can't get into it at all. I think its the most boring show I've watched in years. I really don't understand why I don't like it. I have good taste in shows, and I trust the majority of people that have told me it's good. I just found it extremely boring. Is there anybody else that feels the same way? (please go easy on me)

I feel the same exact way man... I stopped watching after episode 2, then started watching again a few months later to give it another chance. Made it through a couple more episodes and just stopped watching completely.

I started watching this and I'm on episode four. I think my problem with it is a lot of the political stuff goes over my head and I can keep up with what each character does.
When I watched the first season of house of cards I definitely had to look up political terms like what a whip is in congress and other stuff like that. I didn't realize there was so much buttkissing and multiple agreements being made between representatives in order to get support on the bills you want.
Four episodes in, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt pleasantly surprised me :lol:

And yes, the political jargon in House of Cards can be overwhelming at times but keep watching. Frank :wow: :smh: :lol: :x
I had the same problem watching HOC but I was too lazy to look up political terms. I said screw it as long as I understand the overall plot of Frank Underwood getting his way I'll enjoy the show a lot more.
I couldn't even get past episode 1 of HoC. I got bored , I hate politics but I know it's not fair to judge when I didn't even get through an episode.

I'll try to give it a fair chance though, I really want to see what the hype is about.
House of cards is good it took me a while to get into it as well. I remember when I started watching Breaking Bad some years ago I was in the same dilemma I watched the first episode about 5 times before I finally decided to actually watch the series. Some shows just start to build up slowly and hit you hard at the end, similar to how Game of Thrones does it's seasons.
Kimmy Schmidt is pretty good. Have a soft spot for Ellie Kemper so I knew I'd like it regardless.
House of cards is good it took me a while to get into it as well. I remember when I started watching Breaking Bad some years ago I was in the same dilemma I watched the first episode about 5 times before I finally decided to actually watch the series. Some shows just start to build up slowly and hit you hard at the end, similar to how Game of Thrones does it's seasons.

Get outta here. I was hooked on the first eiposde of Breaking bad. Probably because it was easier to understand than HOC
breaking bad started off a little slow. Seemd like a lot of people started watching when it hit netflix and through word of mouth.
That Unbreakable kimmy show is good. How the hell did nbc pass that up with parks and recs done? What else do they have now?

And daredevil can't possibly be as bad as the movie.... Will watch.
NT stays repping good flicks. Just checked out dog pound. Another good one. Now I'm about to hit episode 2 season 1 of house of Cards. I wasn't into the first episode. Wish me luck bros.

So did you finish ep 2 of season 1?

House of Cards is one of my all time favorites, and I've seen a chunk.

Let me know, I'm curious to see if it grabbed you before you went dead on it.

Watched ep 2 and 3. Show just isn't for me I guess. I'm a big Kevin Spacey fan too, but I just can't get down with HOC...

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt show is pretty good. My wife put it on and I wasn't to into the first ep but I caught on after the 2nd ep.
I find myself eager to watch the next episode of HOC after I finish an episode so i guess it has kept my interest. Im on the 10th episode
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