The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

I liked Annihilation. It was decent. Didn't like seeing Natalie in the very front of the movie, it seemed to already give the answer away. I also wish the ending was a bit different.
Have a bad habit of starting shows and not finishing.

Altered Carbon - 3 episodes
Wild Wild country - 3 episodes
Jessica Jones - 3 episodes

Backlog keeps piling up :rofl:

How is Wild Wild Country? Looking to check that out next.

Started watching On The Block, but now I have to rewatch and complete with the misses, because she wants to watch it now.
Didn’t annihilation release just a few months ago? Weird that it’s already on european netflix unless it released a lot earlier there.
Didnt releasee in cinemas in the rest of the world, just US, netflix original here
How is Wild Wild Country? Looking to check that out next.

Started watching On The Block, but now I have to rewatch and complete with the misses, because she wants to watch it now.

It's pretty interesting actually, it starts a bit slow because they try to develop the characters with some background info. About the 3rd episode it starts to pick up. Kind of amazing how much reach this guy had.
I watched The Outsider - It was a little rushed and unrealistic in my opinion. I don't think it was trash but its definitely not very good. Jared Leto was too robotic and I was more interested in the rival family takeovers than the tacked on love story. Some gruesome violence though...
Finished On My Block over the weekend. Really enjoyed it. Didnt seem like your typical teenage show if theres a lot to compare to
I’m enjoying the Frankenstein Chronicles right now. An interesting period in medicine/surgery development and Sean Bean being a bit grubby. Good stuff.
I’m enjoying the Frankenstein Chronicles right now. An interesting period in medicine/surgery development and Sean Bean being a bit grubby. Good stuff.
Cool, i was on the fence if i should start it but reading this made the decision
Man some of those cops were pissing me off with their closed minded comments on Flint Town.

you should checkout the documentary "92"
its about the riots
cops talking about they feared for their lives if rodney king ever got up
judge lets off korean shop owner with probation for killing

Just finished On The Block

:pimp: :pimp:

Was surprised how much i enjoyed it, jamal's character was super funny
Hope they actually make a second season, feel like netflix keeps making so many new shows/movies instead of picking some shows and going for more seasons
On The Block was super dope. Definitely had me reliving my childhood growing up in South East San Diego, being half Filipino and half white, growing up in the hood where all my friends and family were different shades of color. Really refreshing to see that represent on netflix og content. I will rewatched the entire series with the wife. That one scene with them guessing the caliber of the gunshot had me laughing like crazy, but then made me shake my head because it was too true.
sweet, occupied season 2 is up.

been getting into british tv recently. finished collateral last week and on the last season of the fall now.
Watching On my block ep 1. Good show so far.

Santa Clara diet on Friday. Can't wait.
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Lol everybody saying on the block when the title is on my block. I thought you guys were talking about a different show
Wife hated annihilation
Man, I ******* loved that movie. Absolutely amazing. The last 30 minutes had me awestruck.

I can see how people could not like it, though. He really captured that dreamlike feel, and was more interested in the atmosphere than blatantly answering certain questions.

Alex Garland.:pimp:
If Annihilation wasn't based on a book, and was its own Alex Garland film, then I would've loved it, since it wasn't, it was just ok.
Certain things that happened in the book needed to be addressed in the film.

Visual were def on point, GORGEOUS looking film, just like ex machina is.
If Annihilation wasn't based on a book, and was its own Alex Garland film, then I would've loved it, since it wasn't, it was just ok.
Certain things that happened in the book needed to be addressed in the film.

Visual were def on point, GORGEOUS looking film, just like ex machina is.
personally prefer ex machina, more engaging story and better character performances IMO
I remember watching an interview where he explained that it wasn't a true adaptation. He said he made the movie based on the feel the book gave him.

I've never read the books, so I can't really speak on it, but I think going into it without holding it up to the book is what allowed me to enjoy it so much. It was just a standalone story to me.

I love movies that don't hold your hand and make you work, though. This is exactly that. So many small details that you don't always pick up. I recall the first hour or so being pretty slow, but once you've seen the film and know where things go, the first half of the film is full of little hints of what's to come.

I too would take Ex Machina over this, though. Ex Machina was a much tighter story, probably because of the topic the two films are tackling. I think, with an alien encounter, there's some intention in making the film confusing and almost something we are incapable of understanding. I imagine an alien encounter would be so odd, we might not comprehend what's going on. I think, with those last bits of the film he created that atmosphere. It was confusing and nonsensical, but managing to present those visuals and create that atmosphere the way he did but still keeping the viewer compelled was a feat.
I’ve watched a few episodes so far and there’s been some good parts but a lot of real cringeworthy corny stuff too

Man there's some cooooorny parts to the show but I overlooked them cause I didn't want to think too deep.
Some of the acting was flat out horrible but again, not over thinking it. With the 30 minute episodes it's an easy watch that I enjoyed.
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