The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

What am I downloading for my flight tomorrow night? Anything but The Office; love it but can't keep watching it :lol: .
You don't say. Never went to Netflix to watch it.

I wonder if there was only 1 version release or if there is a theatrical and an unrated version.
Man I want whatever the writers of OA were smoking. Goddamn. Who thinks of this ****

If it gets greenlit for a third season then they must be blackmailing everyone at netflix or sucking all the dongs. I want the show to keep going though and see what random things they make up. It’s a show you know doesn’t make sense but that’s part of the reason you watch. Season 2 was not bad but then they do that BS with the finale.
Fam...last time I threw on OA I stepped out the room to make a sandwich and when I came back a chick and a dude were doing an interpretive dance over a body.

I don't know how I watched season one. All I remember is beautiful sweeping shots and good camerawork.:lol:

Side note:

Bout to cop a bottle and binge watch on my block season 2 these next 2 nights.

Thanks to Netflix for saving me some money and keeping me in
Caught the first couple episodes of OMB...

RIP Olivia :frown:
I remember hearing there was some controversy with something she said during the 1st season. I wonder if that affected the choice to kill her off. On another note, Cesar & Monte’s acting is so subpar. Especially Cesar, I just :rolleyes whenever he’s on screen.

Jasmine is hilarious, man. Everybody knew that ghetto big girl growing up who had wild confidence.
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