The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

yes you can make more panhandling than certain legal jobs, that's a fact. Also you can make 100k+ untaxed on the shoe game and a lot of ppl do that. If you open your own store you could make even more paper. I know more about money making than you
that's the problem with NT these days...cats SWEAR they know EVERYTHING...dudes on here got degrees in spotting fakes, making money, best ways to hustle etc...

Homie you don't even KNOW me....lmfao...

All you know I could be making $200m a year with a good job and multiple businesses...

Or I could be a store owner eating off little dudes like you..

Or I could be a McD employee making $7. An hour...

The point that I'm making is I've been on both sides of the fence...I can tell you HANDS down...flipping kicks can't sustain a "life" unless all you desire is clothes on your back and sneakers on your feet...

My REAL job pays my mortgage...pays for my condo...pays for my cars in the driveway...pays for my family to eat and live...

My HUSTLE pays for my blew a stack at the club on dinners at Da Silvano....and my hustle or side money makes more then most people "real" job...but I would never substitute my REAL job for my hustle just makes life more comfortable...

And recreation...not a means to an end....if it is for you...You might be hustling backwards
:lol: that's good for you but I make money the best way I know how, and Thats flipping kicks. How is it hustling backwards if I can get 50k+ a year untaxed? Because I ain't makin a mil? I can stack my paper for a few years and then play the stock market and get even more money. And you are ignoring the fact that what I said about panhandling is true. Maybe not for your fancy job but they do make some decent paper if they wanted to(most just buy drugs and alcohol though)
Also I have no mortgage(I don't borrow money like that, if you were so rich you wouldnt need one, in a way you were panhandling to the bank) pay no bills and nothing so 50k would be beautiful for me, more than a lot of people make
Also I have no mortgage(I don't borrow money like that, if you were so rich you wouldnt need one, in a way you were panhandling to the bank) pay no bills and nothing so 50k would be beautiful for me, more than a lot of people make
again homie you don't know what you don't know....

The fastest way to get rich in America is use someone else's money...Rich Jewish guy told me that when I was around your age and he was 100% right...

As far as mortgage...two things....1 read statement above...why spend (save) $350m+ CASH to buy a house when I can USE that same cash in the market or reinvest it back in my 401k which is currently getting a 14% return because the market is doing great and has been doing great for years??? Taking a mortgage at 3.25 over 30 years...but getting a return on investment of an average of 8 to 10% growth (market is up over 11% on Avg for the past 20 years so it's net net your interset rate...sorry I might be going to fast for you) even with a mortgage I'm still wayyyy headed of the game with CASH..not to mention the equity in my home is building...'s called a TAX DEDUCTION homie....the reason you don't get anything back or whatever your quote was about fighting to get back 30% is cause you have ZERO deductions....I own two properties...I write off money mortgage interset as all as the expanses related to the properties (taxes, repairs , mtn, etc) and use them to offset my income which results In lower tax bracket which means OVERPAYMENT of taxes which means I get the money BACK...ALOT of money..

My business or hustle...also simply breaks even..doesn't make a dollar...doesn't lose a dollar due to expenses...which is a LEGAL way of saying TAX free....

Again...instead of being so negative why don't you let someone put you on.....flip your kicks...start a business and let it work for you..

Oh and I more is cool...but besides clothes and sneakers and the bare can't do anything with it....this ain't the movies homie...try walking into a realtors office with a duffle of cash to buy a house...see what happens...or walk into a legit car dealer ( i ain't talkin Northern Blvd or Hillside ave spots) and try and buy a car don't even wanna know how much CTR paperwork is required....(Google that)
Oh and these sneaker spots you frequent...what you think they buy there stock up front???? It's called a LINE of CREDIT homie...

Again...use someone else's money...
Around my age? You don't know how old I am son, I could be 70 for all you know. And of course an old Jewish guy told u that :lol: I don't **** with all that 401k **** and everything I'm straight cash homie. Don't need to even work if I'm keeping it 100 with u, got rent control in the city, I could live just renting my apartment out to someone(not that I would want to do that, would be worst case scenario next to homeless, but still). Forgive me if I don't make as much money as you but I'm doing what I know how, and enjoying every minute of it.
ayipapi ayipapi & alp alp - both of you guys have great points. It's honestly just a matter of preference at the end of the day.

alp is clearly saying he's doing what he feels comfortable with. nothing wrong with that.
Ayipapi, you are giving great advice. it just requires some drastic changes for a great majority in order for them to be able to fully embrace your advice.

peace treaty?
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Also it's funny how u took one simple true comment I made and used it to show off endlessly about yourself, shows a lot about your character. Thinking ur a big man cuz u got a 401k and property :lol:
ayipapi ayipapi & alp alp - both of you guys have great points. It's honestly just a matter of preference at the end of the day.

alp is clearly saying he's doing what he feels comfortable with. nothing wrong with that.
Ayipapi, you are giving great advice. it just requires some drastic changes for a great majority in order for them to be able to fully embrace your advice.

peace treaty?
yeah I'm not trying to stir anything up here I'm cool with that
ayipapi ayipapi & alp alp - both of you guys have great points. It's honestly just a matter of preference at the end of the day.

alp is clearly saying he's doing what he feels comfortable with. nothing wrong with that.
Ayipapi, you are giving great advice. it just requires some drastic changes for a great majority in order for them to be able to fully embrace your advice.

peace treaty? know me never here to cause drama...

Alp no disrespect to you homie...we actually met before at the Black Friday drop over on Canal...

I respect your hustle homie...just trying to give you another perspective... know me never here to cause drama...

Alp no disrespect to you homie...we actually met before at the Black Friday drop over on Canal...

I respect your hustle homie...just trying to give you another perspective...
word? How do you look like, I might remember u. Also I understand there's an upper echelon of living but I dont have money like that so no reason for me to think about. I dont have a 401k or anything fancy like that and don't like working under people. Also I procrastinate a lot and hate filling out paperwork. I'll be happy if I never have to file taxes or any of that crap.
Thanks guys. Much love. Both of you guys are stand up individuals in my book.

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Alright I am furious with Foot Locker, Finish Line, all of these shoe sites that have brick and mortar stores. How can you send me a pair of AM90s that clearly have been worn. My left shoe tongue is clearly yellowed versus the right shoe. And the outsole of both shows wear.

I paid retail price for these? Shameful. Don't sell a product at retail for item that clearly was used. Hey I'll take a discount of 15-20% off for worn shoes depending on the condition.

AM90s are a complete hit or miss with these sites. Some are in great condition and others don't measure up to the price paid.

Bleh. And Foot Locker won't do anything except exchange or refund. How about the inconvenience of going through this process?
^what's the point of complaining to us? Just return the shoes for a refund or exchange if you feel like you got used shoes. Easy.
Just wondering if I am being reasonable thats all. I want to exchange but if there is no guarantee on the quality then might as well keep them I guess. Just think its ****** to ship out shoes like that.

If this is another QC issue with Nike, different story. If someone has the same issue and it is a Nike problem then I really need to find a new brand like Asics for casual.
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Guys, Im new here and im looking for a pair of Nike Air Max Sneakerboot Country Pack (US).

All the website i went into, are sold out and ebay are selling at rape prices of $300.

By the way I'm from Singapore so i need to pay huge amount of shipping fee.. argh
My girlfriend and I designed the 2 "yeezy" inspired color ways for our 1 year. We thought it would be a cool thing to do since we actually met at a shoe store lol. Anyways we included "one down" on the back of them to add to the uniqueness. So my pair came in before hers so her it is. Hers is identical to mine, she just chose the grey scheme and I chose the black. Ill post picks when hers comes in later on.

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word? How do you look like, I might remember u. Also I understand there's an upper echelon of living but I dont have money like that so no reason for me to think about. I dont have a 401k or anything fancy like that and don't like working under people. Also I procrastinate a lot and hate filling out paperwork. I'll be happy if I never have to file taxes or any of that crap.
What the hell just happened? I thought I might have clicked on the wrong thread....took me a few minutes to figure it out. Anyways, has anyone else gotten their ID's in yet? Would like to see some more pics of the quality and the actual colors.
What the hell just happened? I thought I might have clicked on the wrong thread....took me a few minutes to figure it out. Anyways, has anyone else gotten their ID's in yet? Would like to see some more pics of the quality and the actual colors.
Hahah, sharing of life lessons... 

But yeah, I wanna see someone who pulled the trigger on the hyperfuse ones with any of the sole options...
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