The Official Nike Air Max 90 Thread

This is going to screw it up for anyone wanting them to wear.
This is sold out for good!? Forever? Why you do this to us Nike! Got no choice but to buy some on ebay, considering these are very high in demand over in China / Taiwan. Oh lordy!
Still no in progress email, but they’re on it lol

I was trying to do Couriers, but with all the lag and glitches I just pulled the trigger on a pre-made pair.
Not bad, but they’re def no Courier denims.

Hoping they come back too
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This is going to screw it up for anyone wanting them to wear.

That's over half the money for a Rolex in decent condition!

Everything is relative. But I personally can never justify paying those kind of prices for trainers/sneakers.

I'm yet to receive a start date/shipping info for my pair as of yet.
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I feel like the majority of people haven’t even been getting them back yet.
Hopefully Those ridiculous prices will come back to reality when they do.

I wonder how many they did?
That's over half the money for a Rolex in decent condition!

Everything is relative. But I personally can never justify paying those kind of prices for trainers/sneakers.

I'm yet to receive a start date/shipping info for my pair as of yet.
The only place i have seen a date was on the orders page in my profile, and its listed almost exactly a month from the order confirmation date. And no, there are not many shoes worth that much money, too me. But unfortunately, if they are not restocking, I see them settling around 300. There's some of the levis af1s going for a little more than that right now. Shoulda just made a bunch and returned the ones I didnt like, lol.
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I recieved one order confirmation email. Is that window through the snkrs app? I got rid of that trash app a while ago.
Me, too! I picked the colors and didnt even realize they were available in denim. Or at least i think i didnt choose denim, since i cant even see more than the little thumbnail anymore.
I haven’t owned a new AM90 in years! I have the Levi’s NBYs coming in, and I plan on purchasing the Viotechs tomorrow. I remember the midsole paint cracking, especially at the heel portion, on my Clerks AM90 from years back. Has Nike fixed the issue, or is this still an ongoing thing for the AM90?
Its weird because i have some from the late 2000s that are holding strong and more current ones with cracking. Seems like a crapshoot. I got rid of almost all my newer ones due to the quality and shape. Think it has something to do with the midsole compressing, from what I've noticed about where the paint is cracking. I'd gladly trade an extra stitch across the swoosh for a stiffer midsole or better quality paint. Thats why i choose a white midsole for my nbys, easier to repaint in the long run. Hope it goes well!
I'm glad I was able to get my order in, but it was so glitchy and I was in a panic, I didn't even change the eyestays or backtab from the OG material.

I was literally just thinking, there has to be a restock coming based on how glitchy it was initially. We may see pairs start to show up at outlets as well...
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