Originally Posted by lgraholla

Originally Posted by only MJs collected

Can i see some hands for cats with real connects where you dont have to camp out for any amount of days...even hours for any shoe including the Yeezy's and still pay retail or below due to your sneaker copping status?!

if this is you.......holla at me.....we are one in the same!

*Raises Hand*

If you guys are talking about the kinds of connects that sells you pairs while everybody that lined up gets pissed on, then yeah. I have two... doesn'tfeel too good though. If it wasn't for 1 of my connexts, I wouldn't have got my size in the black/pinks. I'm just one that never puts all my eggsin 1 basket.
Originally Posted by Manglor

And for ALL those who have asked - when you click on interact under a users name you can just hit the BLOCK button and you won't ever see another post from that user ever again.

Thank you! Greatly appreciated!
yea Krisp, I was thinkin DMPs too.
havin a test on DMp rd FTL.

Will, reax with the posts before that Ban comes.

Wooly might come back

Will,next release,cop at spots for s450 n charge s50

sad but gotta admit,if that brings NT back to what it used to be as stated earlier by NTers who been here for years. too bad it'll be last hyped yeezyrelease

GRs on the way?
^^^^I think it is better than re-sellers getting them at the same spots for $500 and sell them for $700...
metro cards are expensive. You of all people are against me>?
lemme guess,sarcasm, right?

sooner or later NikeTalk members will grow a set... one by one
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

^^^^I know you are not hating on me, you pay eBay prices when I don't. Very smart of you not 2 hate.
If you are 2 ignorant 2 understand the motions I have set place then just fall back.
This is not about re-selling, about W.Rivera being NT.
This is about NikeTalk being a community spot, not a Vaseline convention.
and yes, your statement puts you in pawn status...
i pay ebay prices for 3 reasons: i got dough, i got stuff to do so i can't camp (i make more money not taking off from work than i would saveby camping, and even then, i'm a grown ++$ man, i don't camp out for anything), and i don't have any spots nearby to camp even if i wantedto/could.

i might take offense if you were a dude with a REAL connect, but all you do is camp like everybody else with nearby stores getting these shoes, you have noinside connects like only mj's... stop frontin' like you "know bosses", you obviously don't, or you wouldn't have to camp.

and no i am not d!ck riding only mj's, i'm just pointing out that he took "i am niketalk" from you a few pages back, and you didn't evenchallenge him, because you know you can't. i am not his pawn, he hasn't hookt me up with anything yet, but real recognize real. funny thing is, if iwere to agree with you, you wouldn't be calling me a pawn anymore. but i would be your pawn, just like some of the ones you already got (with the woolpulled over their eyes somehow)...
Originally Posted by ccookielover49

its horrible how Sacramento got shafted by not getting this. i am pissed as %%$*.
damn that must suck...did u try ndc?
Originally Posted by ccookielover49

its horrible how Sacramento got shafted by not getting this. i am pissed as *#@@.

i'm pretty piss too on not getting a pair, whole LA was done in 2 days & ndc was
done in 10 mins.,just hoping next release won't be as hype as the black/pink.
you have no idea why Im calling you a pawn.
and when I say I'm cool with all the bosses, I meant in the NYC scene (shop owners, GM's, hypebeast, re-sellers)
for some reason i feel inclined not 2 further elaborate.
I hope my good old partner is reading this...
I thought I was going to cop 4sure. But, shadyness happened. Anyways I was waiting in line at the best shoe store in SF SHIEkH shoes!!! Lol ...
Originally Posted by jphonix

Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

^^^^I know you are not hating on me, you pay eBay prices when I don't. Very smart of you not 2 hate.
If you are 2 ignorant 2 understand the motions I have set place then just fall back.
This is not about re-selling, about W.Rivera being NT.
This is about NikeTalk being a community spot, not a Vaseline convention.
and yes, your statement puts you in pawn status...
i pay ebay prices for 3 reasons: i got dough, i got stuff to do so i can't camp (i make more money not taking off from work than i would save by camping, and even then, i'm a grown ++$ man, i don't camp out for anything), and i don't have any spots nearby to camp even if i wanted to/could.

i might take offense if you were a dude with a REAL connect, but all you do is camp like everybody else with nearby stores getting these shoes, you have no inside connects like only mj's... stop frontin' like you "know bosses", you obviously don't, or you wouldn't have to camp.

and no i am not d!ck riding only mj's, i'm just pointing out that he took "i am niketalk" from you a few pages back, and you didn't even challenge him, because you know you can't. i am not his pawn, he hasn't hookt me up with anything yet, but real recognize real. funny thing is, if i were to agree with you, you wouldn't be calling me a pawn anymore. but i would be your pawn, just like some of the ones you already got (with the wool pulled over their eyes somehow)...

With that said, Will log off.
^^^^pawn #2
I really do hop herb NT members do block me...
that definitely cuts me work out for me.
If anyone needs the tans, make sure 2 hit up NT re-sellers for the best possible deal.
^^^^I'm sorry if I thought it was unfair for re-sellers 2 charge $800 when "we" were only charging $550-$630
We did camp for them. lol
but since it is not in my sig, I guess you guys missed that.
2 everyone that got my back on this, thanks, but I can fight my battles.
I challenge EVERY NT member.
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

^^^^I'm sorry if I thought it was unfair for re-sellers 2 charge $800 when "we" were only charging $550-$630
We did camp for them. lol

Your stupidity is just beyond me...
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

^^^^I'm sorry if I thought it was unfair for re-sellers 2 charge $800 when "we" were only charging $550-$630
We did camp for them. lol
but since it is not in my sig, I guess you guys missed that.
2 everyone that got my back on this, thanks, but I can fight my battles.
I challenge EVERY NT member.
Quit trying to start +*++; you're going to get this thread locked.
in before the lock or the ban?

lock it up and start another

never understood why threads get locked just for new ones with same topic get made. lol
can anyone confirm jimmy jazz got them
guess FAs shipment went to them?
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