The Official Nike Kobe Retro Thread

NikeTalk fam, need your opinion on this.. Looking at a pair of Gold Medal 4's, asking price is $400. Worth it or nah?
IVs are hard to come by these days, but I still think $400 is too much for a DS pair of Gold Medals. You could probably find them for $250ish or under, worn pairs for less. The size you wear makes a difference too.
Tech-wise are the fade to black 5's, 6's, 7's exactly like the OG's? Like do they have zoom insoles and carbon fiber etc?
Technically, we did get Kobe retros when he was still in the league with the Prelude and Fade to Black pack
Last thing I heard about upcoming Kobe retros was ZK1s releasing next year around ASG time, but not sure if that info is still accurate/legit.
AF1s were lame, we should've gotten an epilogue pack encompassing the 2k4-AD/NXT, hopefully they get it right for the HoF in 2021, need them to out do the prelude and fade to black series
Most importantly they need to make the shoes actually available for purchase. I personally would like a Kobe 3 retro, those were a nice oddity of a shoe. Otherwise I think the line took off from the 6 onwards aesthetically. 1-5 were all hit or miss.
Last thing I heard about upcoming Kobe retros was ZK1s releasing next year around ASG time, but not sure if that info is still accurate/legit.
you god damn right, is it gonna be ZK1 Lux , the one that suppose to be released around 2015-2016?

"Updating the shoes" is probably PR talk for them meaning "sorry we couldn't get them right, guys, next time!"
My favorite all tine ball shoe is my Kobe 4 draft days. They still in great shape but I’d like another pain
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