The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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yeah i agree
i get that you can still contract it while vaxxed but feels like if everyone were like 99% vaxxed it wouldnt be as bad. idk lol

It certainly wouldn't be this concerning, for sure.

99% vaccination rate would significantly decrease the chances of variants from evolving. Ergo, less aggressive strains, less likely people spread the virus, less likely people need to be hospitalized, more likely we get back to normalcy.
It certainly wouldn't be this concerning, for sure.

99% vaccination rate would significantly decrease the chances of variants from evolving. Ergo, less aggressive strains, less likely people spread the virus, less likely people need to be hospitalized, more likely we get back to normalcy.
ahh see that helps me make more sense out of it.

folk just selfish bro lol
I wonder if the NBA gets a discount from Disney when they call in about booking April through June.
Is the NFL or NHL having outbreaks? Curious if other leagues are facing the same challenges

it’s bad right now across the board. NFL had like 4 days straight of 10+ to 20+ positives

NHL got a big list since last month and a bunch of postponed games. They trying to go to the Olympics too so their schedule gonna be all screwed up
2 years later, and we’re still canceling games due to covid. Haven’t we gathered enough information to realize covid isn’t a threat to these athletes? Majority of these cases are either asymptomatic or very mild.
2 years later, and we’re still canceling games due to covid. Haven’t we gathered enough information to realize covid isn’t a threat to these athletes? Majority of these cases are either asymptomatic or very mild.
I’ll don’t wanna waste too much time on this bad take but i gotta state that it’s not unthreatening to ALL of the players, some def are symptomatic, we don’t know the medical histories or underlying conditions of any of these cats and these dudes have to live in society with the rest of people as well …It’s just not about them being able to run and jump on game day with COVID

No league wants to be the one known for having a career end due to the virus or worst possible somebody dies…Better to be safe than sorry with these types of things
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