The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Jordan (while possibly the goat) also has some of the top memes out there. Jordan ain’t going nowhere but the aura of his greatness as an athlete will

In 20 years we’ll talk about Bron more as a movie star/mogul than goat basketball player (somewhat)

:lol: :lol: :lol: . but what about WestBrook? would his legacy be Mr. Triple-Double or.....
Jordan is old news…

People forget Steve was a bucket :emoji_triumph:

young lebron was a dragon for real, the vets he was playing against were at the lower side of the seesaw though
he was better when he was younger. so I don't buy that crap that he evolved and improved his game as he got older. point is, he got help from other players. on the otherhand, he didn't have much competition when he was at Miami. the league wasn't really stacked up with great players on multiple teams other than the Spurs which were on their last leg and the Celtics were past their best years. then with the Cavs against the Warriors with Durant.
I'm very hopeful nowadays since the league is much more competitive now than in the last 10 years. lots of teams with a bright future in their hands. Mavs, Clippers, Nets, Jazz, Grizzlies, Bucks, Suns, Nuggets, even the Bulls and the Cavs.
First you had a problem with a hustle play dive for a loose ball now you have a problem with a fan too

It's giving me old man get off my lawn vibes!!!
I have no problem with hustle plays. I know what fake hustle is too.

I just want to know what homie was doing at the game with no fans? Was he dunking between timeouts? Breakdancing at halftime?
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