The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Finally, something I agree with on from Kidd @erupt

This is what I actually referenced earlier today in that it'd be nice to have Seth and Barnes on this team. Those two and like one more legit starting level non big would be cash

I hope they're done with "star bigs". Get some people who can do stuff with the damb ball pls

Before I get a disingenuous “What?” reply to my reaponse below, I would like to preface it by saying that I am making the assumption that Big Lee tagged me as a subliminal about the Philly situation and Ben trade.

I guess the question is do you think that soon-to-be 23 year old (February 28) Luka or Embiid are capable of carrying a team built like that to a championship with the current landscape? In the East the legit teams Philly would face down the stretch have two “bonafide stars” (Yanni/Khris, Stringer/Bam, KD/Kai) and in the West there’s Book/CP but GSW and Memphis have Steph and Ja, respectively, then are a bit more balanced (pretty sure we’re considering Dray and Wiggs as bonafide stars despite the All-Star selections).

Following the model Kidd suggested is essentially a combination of banking on luck asking your star to do something that happens about once every 10 years (Dirk in 2011 was incredible and Kawhi was great in 2019 but the Philly shot and KD injuries made that happen). I think there is just such a slim margin for error in that scenario that I’m not sure they could swing not this year.

I do agree that rid of Kristaps for future flexibility was the move and they need another creator/ballhandler, though. Feels like he’s been around for awhile but Luka’s young though so he has plenty of time to get some help in Dallas.
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