The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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This guy Bron acting like him and Rich Paul ain’t been driving the bus since the day they got to LA… :lol:

Look At You E M O T I O N A L!
Need him to just ask for a trade this summer.

James stressed he has not thought about a return to Cleveland, but he also wouldn’t rule anything out. Maybe it’s a one-day deal to retire a Cavalier some day. Maybe it’s more.

James stressed he has not thought about a return to Cleveland, but he also wouldn’t rule anything out. Maybe it’s a one-day deal to retire a Cavalier some day. Maybe it’s more.


Oh word?

Honestly we good. Ask for a trade and let us get some of the assets back he forced us to depart with since he came. Win win for both.
Getting up in arms about him saying Cleveland has 3 all-stars (including him)when he’s from there and spent majority of his career there is silly. :lol:
Getting up in arms about him saying Cleveland has 3 all-stars (including him)when he’s from there and spent majority of his career there is silly. :lol:

It's ok Randy. We've seen this movie 3 times before this is what he does including before he depated CLE the last time to LA. Worst kept secret in the league.
Need him to just ask for a trade this summer.

You think the way these young dudes are balling in Clev, they want any part of Bron? They can see how things are going in Lakerland when you have to play to Bron’s will.
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