The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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No games till thursday, I hate the all star break
So silly. Harden is not a small guard and is one of the best facilitators in the league. Did you even read my post? Or is this a failed troll attempt?

just highlighting the irony in being concerned with extending dame, but not harden. let’s see how it plays out
Ja sounded disrespected at them asking to do the dunk contest.:lol:

When did the stars start looking down in the dunk contest? Was it the Nate Robinson/Birdman days?
Way before that. I was looking at dunk contest history on Wikipedia and guys who were already well-established all-stars stopped doing the dunk contest in like 1991.

After that, the main attractions in the even generally were high profile rookies or second year guys. And non all-stars who had been around for a while, but were known for being high-risers. That stayed the formula for a while.

LeBron was the really first super-athletic, really high draft pick rookie to pass on doing the contest. After that, seems like it became more common for even high profile young guys to opt out of it.
just highlighting the irony in being concerned with extending dame, but not harden. let’s see how it plays out

I think a lot of people, including Sixers fans, are concerned with paying Harden the Super Max, though :lol: The biggest difference lies in the extenuating circumstances around the surrounding rosters.

If Philly extends Harden they are pretty much gambling a generational talent's prime (Embiid) on the decision. Portland, on the other hand, is worse off IMO because I don't think they are attracting any big-name FAs and I don't think they have enough in their war chest to fill out a contender roster around an Super Max'd Dame + Simons backcourt.
Mary got standards apparently

she aint that good of an actress, that was real life, she was black woman serious. I've seen that look many times in my life from my mama and aunties, cousins and granny and gf's....'hol -hol-hold on now *****, watchyaself'. Always the same look, no matter the situation. package didn't arrive when tracking said it was coming, that me ****** up at work....that a little too much bass in your voice when you respond...that look on god.
It’s not saying Dame don’t belong there, more it’s way too early. Who knows how his career play out . But Dwight and Manu including international play, plus lock for Hall of Fame should be before him.
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