The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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ayeshia claimed the league was rigged when things started not going the warriors way

skip directly did something to Nina.. skip makes a living off of hot takes on a daily basis.. the man directly gets paid off of Nina’s husband when he couldn’t even dream of being a star in high school basketball

zero clue how these things are even remotely the same

but we’ve seen how weak skip is when dude folded real quick when all jalen rose did was bring facts to skip lying on national tv about high school basketball
Is Nina also coming after these same individuals when they speak well of her husband? Your husband is a high-profile athlete he is going to receive negative criticism. If her husband has a problem with it, play better. Skip ain't paid to be a fighter he paid to give his opinion, Jalen Rose wanted to make it personal which is fine. However it had nothing to do with Skips job. Jalen going to pull up receipts on all the other talking heads on TV, because if so I am curious to see what Nick Wright did in high school.
Skip is a ***** who has no clue what’s he’s talking about. Mark Cuban stuffed him in a locker years ago and proved he knows nothing about basketball
Skip knows LeBron ain't the GOAT and he has no clutch gene. Also dude runs from the free throw line late in games. So he has gotten a few items correct. But Kendrick Perkins former player didn't say Lakers would be dangerous once they pick up Russ. Kenny just said last night Lakers would be top four in the league with AD. How are these former players hot takes turning out?
Skip sucks and I get why Russ’ wife would go at him. But basically his entire career for the last decade had been irrationally and excessively criticizing certain guys like LeBron - beyond just game performance - so I think he’s probably at peace with how much his soul is rotten.

but if you going talk shh, then don’t run when someone responds

And has she even said anything before to dude?

cause Im assuming someone probably sent her some recent dumb shh skip said AND then she found out she’s blocked and was like this dude can’t be serious
Is Nina also coming after these same individuals

this what ayeisha did after her husband started catching Ls


nina on the other hand, found out she was blocked by a notorious troll AND spoke about that troll’s actions directly to her
but if you going talk shh, then don’t run when someone responds

And has she even said anything before to dude?

cause Im assuming someone probably sent her some recent dumb shh skip said AND then she found out she’s blocked and was like this dude can’t be serious
I wonder if more famous people or spouses are preemptively blocked by Skip? Also can't you still @ someone even if they block you. If she wants to say something post on her own Twitter and @ Skip, he won't care or change his view.
Is Nina also coming after these same individuals when they speak well of her husband? Your husband is a high-profile athlete he is going to receive negative criticism. If her husband has a problem with it, play better. Skip ain't paid to be a fighter he paid to give his opinion, Jalen Rose wanted to make it personal which is fine. However it had nothing to do with Skips job. Jalen going to pull up receipts on all the other talking heads on TV, because if so I am curious to see what Nick Wright did in high school.

It sounded like she was upset with the westBRICK name calling and that type of disrespect. You can respectfully criticize performance. Skip sounding like NT posters like myself :lol:
this what ayeisha did after her husband started catching Ls


nina on the other hand, found out she was blocked by a notorious troll AND spoke about that troll’s actions directly to her
Both wives coming to their high profile husbands defense, but quiet as a mouse when people singing their praises. Take the good with the bad like I already said. Who cares if Skip blocked you, what are you going to do? He is dug in and won't go back on his comment.
It sounded like she was upset with the westBRICK name calling and that type of disrespect. You can respectfully criticize performance. Skip sounding like NT posters like myself :lol:
Skip basically is an NT poster man. Dude been calling him WestBrick for YEARS. Now she wants to get upset about it?
Skip basically is an NT poster man. Dude been calling him WestBrick for YEARS. Now she wants to get upset about it?

Im saying, thats what makes Skip entertaining. He be going off on people, I crack the **** up everytime he shows a Westbrick montage on Undisputed. Its funnier that Shay is into it now too. :lol:
Nina did more on a basketball court than skip could ever dream of and got people in 2022 defending him blocking a player‘s wife on social media

WTF cares what she did on the court, nobody worried about her accomplishments. Dude is a talking head that people tune into to hear his takes, nobody worried about her pervious career. If you don't want to hear him then turn off the show. Skip doesn't have to talk to her if he don't want to, dudes acting like it's his job to go back and forth with her.
It's crazy how athletes think they can't be criticized now. I can understand if the fans are saying vulgar or threatening isht, or if media is saying out right lies or being disrespectful to spouses, children or families. But boos and hyperbole are off limits now? CRAZY!!!
:lol: @ westbrook wife being mad cause Skip blocked her. It's not that serious :lol:
Almost as bad as dudes in here mad Skip blocked Westbrooks wife.
imagine talking shhh and then running and blocking people so they can’t see you talk shh or respond directly to you
It happens everyday and has happened everyday to every athlete. What is she going to do catch a fade if she see's Skip. Is she going to say something to change his mind, she is wasting her time even going back and forth with him or trying to go back and forth with him.
It's crazy how athletes think they can't be criticized now. I can understand if the fans are saying vulgar or threatening isht, or if media is saying out right lies or being disrespectful to spouses, children or families. But boos and hyperbole are off limits now? CRAZY!!!

at no point did she say he can’t criticize her husband

but it is soft as hell to block someone so they can’t see it or respond
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