The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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lawdog1 lawdog1 who #1 in the east

The Miami C U L T U R E. Wow!!
Yeah they're still leveling up, they not like that yet to have real expectations. Their defense is pretty bad

Yeah I don’t expect them to be serious contenders or anything, but the lack of effort they show sometimes is infuriating. Consistently inconsistent. Some quarters they look great and then the next they give up 42 points. I suppose that’s just how it goes with a young squad.
No Jamal Murray or MPJR all year.
Gordon for a 1/6 of the Season.
Barton 2/3rds
And 2 games worse than Phila and 3-4 worse than Mil.
Dude has Bones and Morris,

Should have been this since game 4 of the Season.
I didn’t even know this existed.
Nice to know the (or some)People have smartened up.
That’s though, wonder what ESPN and the rest of the ranks/shows have Jokic at, all I keep hearing is ABC and Embiid
And before ABC recently beat Embiid and hit that 3 to tie and win in OT, it was a Embiid.

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