The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I know. I guess I'm more weary of how much they've been pushing KD especially for over a month now

Would hate to see him break down again. It'd be one thing if KD never went through the injury history he had... but he has had some brutal ones

When do you start pushing his minutes up? Or would you cap him at ~34 minutes throughout the postseason?
Finally caught up in the last 10 pages (still need to go through the 20+ I missed from last night).

The receipt pulling was comedy. :lol:

JD617 JD617 came through like


I see thebagman thebagman slandering Lebby defending wypipo for the reverse racism they have to endure. #NotALAMaterial

Even worse than that I saw Lebby salnder comparing him to HBW. :lol:

Bron deserves to be raked over the coals but please be respectful. :smh:
I know. I guess I'm more weary of how much they've been pushing KD especially for over a month now

Would hate to see him break down again. It'd be one thing if KD never went through the injury history he had... but he has had some brutal ones
I feel you. All season long they just haven’t had enough guys :smh:
So the Lakers' season end by them getting their **** pushed in again as per norm this season and the next day a clip drops about Bron wanting to play with Steve?

Mans really got stop his THOTTIN ways and ease up on social media.

Like an IG "model" trying to get chose. :smh:
LeSuperTeam is trying to stack the deck again.. don't let him come to GS and rode your wave Steph:smh:
Wasnt that clip asking Lebron IF he could choose one superstar to play with he’d choose Steph? Seems like it’s being taken out of context. Even Steph said nah to that.
He’s not perfect and has had some bad moments, but it’s undeniable that he’s very good at basketball.

27/10/5 for 19 playoff games in route to pushing PHX to 6 in the WCF.

For your #2 option? That's exceptional. And gave PHX a 41 piece in the closeout game on 15-20 from the field.

He's frustrating at times because his skill level is so, so high which leads to insane expectations, but he's fantastic.
The Thunder’s starting lineup should be a meme, except they’re never on ESPN to get us rolling toward that.

I feel like this team might be decent when they add Kawhi Leonard.

Where are we on this as a potentiality?
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