The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Not allowed to post in the playoff thread again yet, but this will be the right thread for the Sixers soon enough.

Trash. Classic Doc team aimless, deer-in-headlights 3rd quarter of a playoff game.
I think I dry snitched on you quoting them posts mjcry1 (1).png
But harden is a weird guy man. He literally scored 4 points against the kings this past week. In a closeout game against the Kawhi less spurs at home, he delivered a performance that's 100% on par with what Ben did vs ATL.

Harden is still the vastly superior player, and it's a worthy gamble for Philly, but both of those dudes some weird guys man. Both are legit liable to score 5 points in an elimination game. Weird ****** man

The fact that this kind of game was foreseen months in advance...
Much as I have my issues with the Heat, I will not be made if they win it all solely because Cali kid and fellow Guacho Gabe Vincent is on the roster and hooping for them.
If there weren’t high expectations for the Sixers, Glenn wouldn’t have gone there in the first place.

He thinks he can be the missing piece for teams perceived as contenders and then lives in self-delusion and excuses when his team fails.

Green and Porter Jr seemed to have better chemistry towards the end of the season. Hope they can build on that.
If there weren’t high expectations for the Sixers, Glenn wouldn’t have gone there in the first place.

He thinks he can be the missing piece for teams perceived as contenders and then lives in self-delusion and excuses when his team fails.

He likes to control narratives to make himself look good. I hate it.

Most insufferable man associated to the league :lol: :smh:

Ignoring the headline and dumb question by the reporter, what he said is true. The moment he spoke out about China he was out of there. It’s good to know where loyalties are.
What if Morey isn't back next season? :nerd:

Harden trade is looking like a pretty major failure at this point....
Luckily the Sixers will likely need Danny's contract to make a trade, so his salary should be guaranteed for next season ($10M).
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