The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Okay so Brunson isn't really an All-Star level player worth bending over backwards for. I'd agree with that.

By that same logic, giving him $100M+ to be the second best player on a Luka Doncic-led team is also a bad move, right?

You switched from Kyrie Irving to Ant?

not really 'switch' Sir. This cat AE keeps things FUN interesting and entertaining in a way nobody other than AI ever has IMHO. Always MUCH love for Ky , BUT after the result of all the 'antics' and the wai they effected the team, specially KD, just dont sit right with me.
PLUS I got 8 dog and as soon as Ant said HIS dog is HIS best friend in the world it was a Fn wrap, Anthony Edwards JR is actually the one who makes the world go round ! Ant is the one and only for me now simply cause he brought JR. into my world. Gonna start a thread sooner than later to pay the proper respect and homage to both of them. I dont wanna bog down this thread with my infatuation :rofl:

this is so beautiful its not even funny

we gonna make some $ we a team


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Pretty sure Lou Williams is retiring, he rode the bench most of the year anyway.

Lavine or Beal should be the play in our offseason, Collins can go but I'd like a deal that allows us to keep Hunter. I like Huerter and Bogey but not as starters. Hopefully Knox and Johnson are ready for bigger roles next season.

Trae needs to toughen up. A.I. was a little guy too but he was pound for pound one of the toughest guys in the league, a steal machine and sneaky shot blocker. It's a shame that Trae only puts his energy into offense.
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Bro what. What did I miss here. elpablo21 elpablo21
You post her naked or something?

Man 2 of my guys were arguing going back and forth and I tried to play peacekeeper. :lol:
She wasn’t naked. I posted the 2nd pic on Bernice’s IG to calm everything down and got sniped. Meth did warn us though so I just took it on the chin. From now on I’m instigating :lol:
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