The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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btw did @antidope get banned :nerd:
Wait for what tho :nerd:
The bolded is what most people do not consider. You can get your foot in the door through nepotism but it is also VERY important to look at what happens after that. Sure, Rich operates in an unorthodox manner compared to his peers but that is what makes him and Klutch thus giving them a competitive edge. He and Klutch are disruptors which does not appeal to the status quo (i.e. the white folks who got 4-year degrees, JDs and MBAs).

It is not like he has been wildly unsuccessful but keeps getting clients (also known as "failing up" in the corporate world but I guess it happens in sports too see: Brad Stevens, David Griffin). Bron put him on but Rich put in work to get where is today. He has fumbled bags/situations (Noel and Simmons come to mind) but all agents have at various points in there career. They just do not get publicized or called out by name because they are not "Bron's boy".

He has absolutely bungled the Benjamin situation but to point to how he got in the industry as the reason behind that is misleading and disingenuous. He has nearly TWO DECADES of experience yet folks are pointing to his lack of formal education and being put on by Bron as the reason for a mistake that his colleagues have made in the past? Seems a bit unfair IMO.

One of the more overlooked issues with inequality with respect to this workspace is that black people are not allowed to fail. They aren’t allowed to be good. They have to be supernova and perfect or else they’re trash and not worthy of their position
One of the more overlooked issues with inequality with respect to this workspace is that black people are not allowed to fail. They aren’t allowed to be good. They have to be supernova and perfect or else they’re trash and not worthy of their position
I see it too often, that's why the notion Rich isn't doing anything but living on connection after 2 decades is nuts. You could be performing same level as them or slightly above, to them it's not good enough because there's always someone like them they'll have more "chemistry" with. You have to really stand out.
To what extent are agents unnecessary anyways? I believe they get 15% and Joel Embiid describes his experience getting his SuperMax as he walked in the office as soon as they were allowed to, said "super max" and they were like yea we know, here's the paperwork already drawn up just sign it and now his agent gets approximately 30M of it (over 4 yrs)?

KD's ashiness is weird, as a dark skinned dude myself, if he was just sweating his legs wouldnt look like that. Only way I could make my dermis look like that is if I took a really long, hot shower or bath or spilled baby posder on them

Also Oladipo's offer with the Pacers was 4yr 112 milly (28m per x 4), declined, got injured, sign for just 2M. 110 M lost, and had already passed up a 2/45 a few yrs prior with Houston. To go be behind an All Star and a guy on his rookie deal the Heat value so much they wouldn't trade him for an all star. Aaron Turner (former agent) outta be ashamed and should pay him the 110Ms out of his own pocket in good faith. As of earlier this yr, Vic is now represented by Jeff Schwartz.
Just because you have COVID doesn’t mean you aren’t vaxxed.

We been in this pandemic since 3/2020 and I still have to tell some people that the point of the vaccine is not so that you don't get covid, but so that you don't end up unnecessarily in the ICU taking up hospital beds and nursing / hospital staff that were stretched beyond conceivable limits.
We been in this pandemic since 3/2020 and I still have to tell some people that the point of the vaccine is not so that you don't get covid, but so that you don't end up unnecessarily in the ICU taking up hospital beds and nursing / hospital staff that were stretched beyond conceivable limits.
Really isn't rocket science. Crazy how folks are still disputing this/arguing against it.
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